Categories > Cartoons > South Park > The Bliss of Youth 1

The Bliss of Youth 2

by ozzyosborne 0 reviews

The girls meet the guys.

Category: South Park - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Kenny,Kyle - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2010-10-13 - Updated: 2010-10-13 - 608 words

I didn't care for Wendy, Bebe, and Red. I looked around and saw a group of boys that looked pretty chill so I walked up to them, Teagen followed me.
"Hi, I'm Rosheen," I said.
"And I'm Teagen," she said.
"I'm .........uh.....Kyle," a red headed guy introduced himself. Teagen blushed at his voice even at sixteen it was adorable for her to have a crush.
“Hi, I’m Stan,” said a guy with black hair.
“I’m Eric Cartman, super awesome I know,” said a fat guy with brown hair.
“Am I missing the awesomeness or did you eat someone really cool?” I asked even though it was really mean.
“One time,” laughed the last boy in the group, a blond boy who was really cute.
“And who might you be?” Teagen asked though she didn’t appear to care much.
“Kenny,” he began then he looked at me, “blue brings out your eyes.”
“My eyes are brown.”
“Damn it.”
Teagen’s voice broke into the silence, “Are all guys in this town conceded like you and Blubber Boy or do some guys still have some class like Kyle?” Personally I wouldn’t call forgetting your own name charming but, then again I wouldn’t call a total stranger charming either.
“Wait, I suck at remembering names,” I informed them. I took out a sharpie.
“I’m Stan Marsh,” he said slowly like I rode up on the short bus. I wrote his name on my arm and drew a happy face next to it because even though it was fucked up he seemed like someone I would hang out with.
“I’m Kyle Broflovski,” Kyle reminded me, I drew a little Star of David next to his name because, I could tell by his nose he was Jewish. (I later found out I was right about him being Jewish.)
“I’m Kenny McKormick but, you can call me Sexy.”
“Um I’ll just call you Kenny,” I wrote Kenny and a heart next to it.
“Eric Cartman,” I wrote (The name I gave him) Mr.Ericman and a sad face next to it.
Kenny started rubbing Teagen’s butt. When I looked down I realized I had snow on my ass. “Um… thanks…… I guess,” she said.
“I liked it,” he replied. That was when I realized two things 1. she couldn’t understand Kenny and 2. she was quite the whore. An even cuter guy than Kenny with black hair and a cool hat walked by.
“Hey, Craig,” Stan said.
“Who the hell are they?” the person I assumed was named Craig asked.
“Rosheen and Teagen, they’re new,” Kyle informed him.
“Hi,” said Craig.
“Heeeey, I said as flirtatiously as possible which proved to be a bad idea. They say that during every awkward silence a gay baby is born, if this is true about ten gay babies were born during the few minutes that followed my attempt at romance. The bell rang.
“We should get to class,” said Kyle.
“Yeah, dose anyone know how to get to advanced calculus?” Teagen asked.
“I don’t think any of us are that smart,” said Stan as Kyle looked at her in amazement. I didn’t think anything of her classes, partially because I had advanced classes too.
“I have advanced physics next,” I said hoping someone I met shared my first class with me but, judging by the looks I got I was alone.
“Dude, what are you doing?” a brown haired guy asked Craig.
“Oh,” he staggered looking at me, “bye.” Was it possible? Did my flirtatiousness work? Did this Craig person think I was cool?
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