Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Original Sin


by devilsgyrl 0 reviews

Cissy gets ready for her first big day at school...

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Narcissa - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2010-10-24 - Updated: 2010-10-24 - 1543 words

Would someone come rescue me? It didn't seem like it at this point. Nobody was in sight. For the first time in my life, I decided to pray for someone to come save me. I wasn't at all religious, but hey, a prayer can't hurt anything, right? After I shot up a quick prayer to heaven, the whole world started to spin around me. It blurred together and Natasha's evil grin started to dissolve before my eyes like salt dissolving into water.

What was happening to me? I was I dying? It certainly felt like it. My lugs were tight and screaming for air. My hands were starting to shake and I heard my heart pumping loudly in my ears. Natasha's face seemed to blur even more and the only thing I could make out was her outline. I slumped against the wall, feeling like I was going to keel over at any moment.

"Cissy, where are-" suddenly the sound of the dormitory being opened followed by someone calling my name split the deadly silence of the hallway. The words being uttered were instantly cut off when the person discovered me pinned against the wall with Natasha's bony fingers clenched around my neck in a suffocation attempt.

"What the hell are you doing?" the person who had stepped out of the dorm shrieked. "Get your hands off my sister right this fucking instant. You don't have any right at all to touch her like that." It didn't take me long to realize that the voice belonged to my sister, Bellatrix. Thank god for Bellatrix. She probably just saved my life.

Suddenly, the claw-like grip around my throat loosened and fresh hair whooshed back into my lungs. I took a big gulp of it and tried to steady myself against the wall instead of toppling to the ground and rolling down the stairs. Rolling down the stairs would be embarrassing and painful. I thought I had been through enough painful and embarrassing situations for one night.

As I was able to fill my lungs with air once again, my vision cleared and everything came back into focus. Bellatrix was standing in the doorway of the dorm with her crazy hair all disheveled and with her hands on her hip. She was giving Natasha a very vicious look and was obviously waiting for some explanation on why she had attacked me.

Natasha gave me a condescending look and then shrugged at Bellatrix, "Your sister is just a little fuck. She came all the way downstairs to the common rooms to spy on Lucius and me. She heard about the Dark Lord while she was eavesdropping. She knows way too much now. You're gonna have to tell her everything and find a way to keep her quite about it. I don't have time to worry about that now. She's your sister and she's your problem."

With a toss of that gorgeous blonde hair over her shoulder, Natasha stuck her nose up in the air and tramped past Bellatrix and back into the dormitory where she slammed the door much more loudly than necessary behind her. As soon as she was gone, I let out a sigh of relief and ran into Bellatrix's arms, seeking comfort.

Yes, that's one of my problems; I'm very needy. If something goes wrong in my life, I seek other people's help instead of dealing with the situation myself. It's probably not the smartest thing to do, but it's what I've always done. Luckily, in this case, Bella wrapped her arms around me in a sisterly hug and was silent for a few minutes.

But not for long. Two minutes later, Bella pushed me gently away from her and took a good look at me from head to toe. I squirmed under her scrutinization and wondered what she was looking at or what she was looking for. Finally, Bella shook her head at me and said, "Why in the world did you feel like you had to creep out of bed and go to the common rooms in the middle of the damn night? Most people stay in bed until dawn, you know."

I blushed and kept my eyes on the ground why I mumbled an explanation to Bella's question, "It was really cold in the dorm. I couldn't sleep even with the extra blanket. So I decided to go downstairs to the common room and sit by the fire to get warm. Is that really all that big of a crime? It wasn't my fault that Lucius and Natasha were there."

Bellatrix sighed and shook her head dismally. She apparently wasn't interested in listening to me defend myself. Putting a hand on my shoulder, she said slowly as if she was talking to a little, dumb kid, "Look, Cissy, I know Hogwarts is new for you and stuff, but there are some things we just don't do. The first thing is sneaking out of the bed in the middle of the night. From now on, I want you staying in the dorm all night long. Okay?"

For some reason, I was in a really argumentative mood and so I decided to retort, "But why? Why can't we go into the common room at night? I mean, Lucius and Natasha were there. Besides, what if I get cold again? You don't want me to freeze and find an ice cube in my bed instead of me in the morning."

"Just be reasonable with me right now, okay?" Bellatrix sighed loudly. "First of all, I'll get you some more blankets so you won't be cold anymore. In fact, you can even have mine. Secondly, Lucius and Natasha aren't exactly normal Slytherins. There's so much you have to learn and so little time." Bellatrix gave another sigh and glanced at the clock at the end of the hall.

Suddenly, I found I felt very tired and wanted to go back to bed. Covering a yawn with one hand, I shrugged, "Okay, whatever. I just wanna go back to sleep now." That comment earned me a frown from Bella. She narrowed her eyes at me and I could literally could see the wheels spinning in her head. She was obviously contemplating something or the other.

"Okay, fine, go ahead and go to bed," Bella shrugged with a shake of her tousled head. "Just as a heads up though, you're going to have to get up in like an hour though so don't sleep too long." Only an hour of sleep? That was awful. I had barely gotten a wink of sleep and now I was going to have to go to all my Hogwarts classes half asleep.

Not wanting to waste any sleeping time, I hurried past Bella into the dorm and to my bed at the far end of the room. I crawled right in and tugged the comforter up to my chin to stay warm. This time, I fell asleep right way. My body was fatigued and my mind was spinning from exhaustion. There was so much to think and be confused about.

Before I knew it, a hand was shaking my shoulder rather violently and a voice was screeching in my ear, "Wake the hell up, Cissy! You should've been up an hour ago. Don't you remember what I told you earlier about being up at the crack of dawn?" Bellatrix's alarmed face swam into view above me as I was jerked out of a deep sleep. All I could do was stare at her sleepily.

Bellatrix shook her head at me in disapproval and said loudly, "Apparently not. Anyways, you need to get up right now. Your first class starts in thirty minutes. I'm going to go down to the Great Hall for breakfast. I'm sure you can find your way there. You're not that stupid. See you in a little while." With that, Bella ripped the comforter off my body and let a wave of cold air engulf me.

Looking over at Bella in shock, I started shivering and immediately jumped out of bed. I felt rather indignant as I rifled through my suitcase for a clean robe and dress to wear. It wasn't really my fault I hadn't gotten up on time. Bella should've just woken me up when she got up. If she had done that, we won't have this problem!

After glancing around to make sure nobody was looking at me, I stripped down quickly and changed into the dress and robe. Luckily, the robe was warm and instantly warmed me up. Once I was changed, I ran a brush quickly through my long blonde hair and started towards the doorway to the dormitory. I would've stayed and applied makeup, but I didn't have enough time. The last thing I wanted to do was be late for my first class. That would be embarrassing.

I pushed the door to the dormitories open and stepped into the common room. Suddenly, it hit me that I had no idea how to get to the Great Hall. I stopped and stood awkwardly, wondering what to do. Before I could decide what my next move would be, a guy stepped out of the shadows, "Hello Narcissa. I've been waiting for you."
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