Categories > Cartoons > X-Men: Evolution > X-Men Evolution: Sisters

Chap. 12: Time to get Seriouse!

by ToruCMea 0 reviews


Category: X-Men: Evolution - Rating: G - Genres: Fantasy - Characters: Boom Boom - Published: 2010-10-25 - Updated: 2010-10-25 - 965 words

As Toru looked down at Tabitha and Amara, she watched closely as they wondered toward the tower, her plan working as they slowly disappeared, Toru standing back up and turning around as she walked into the darkness, not a sound to be made.

As the darkness surrounded her, she finally came to a light and walked toward it, the wind calming down as she came to the edge, her hair slowly whipping around her face as the wind began to cool. Toru looked around and saw the changes in the area, it was different. There where more boulders, walls, and much more land than before, which was perfect. She turned around and slowly walked back into the shadows and ran back out, quickly jumping down as she did a flip in the air and landed swiftly on a dead tree branch, Mayumi walking out from behind a large bolder and smiling, Torus eyes turning a dark blue, her green eyes disappearing.

"Toru!" She said as she smiled happily, Toru jumping down and looking at her coldly, Mayumi running up to her and hugging her tightly.

"I've been looking every where for you!" She stated as she let go and took a step back, her hands behind her back and her eyes sparkling.

"Yeah, I know. To bad your not my sister, now who are you?" She asked with dark, penetrating eyes.

"What are you talking about? Toru, don't you recognize me?" She asked as Toru clenched her hands into fists.

"You are not my sister, now I'm going to ask you one more time, who are you?" She demanded, Mayumi frowning as she turned around and walked toward the bolder, slowly changing form with blue skin, red hair, and skimpy black cloths, the form turning around and crossing her arms.

"My names Mystique, and as far as your sister goes, she's safe. But she's not my priority right now, you are. But remember this, if you don't preoccupy with me, then I can and WILL destroy your precious little sister. So which will it be, fight? Or Listen?"

Toru let her eyes turn back to her original color, green, but kept her guard and stayed cautious, her anger filling her body, heart, and mind.

"Okay, you've got my attention, and if you don't want to fight, then what is it that you exactly want." She asked as she pretended to pull a strand of hair behind her ear when she was actually pressing the button on her head phones so the others could hear her.

"That's not going to work. You see, I knocked out every body in the institute with knock out gas, which some how got in here, which I didn't plan, and knocked out your senses. But it all worked out all the same."

Toru didn't want anything more than to kill this witch, but didn't want her sister to be hurt or harmed in any way.

"Fine. But now that you're confessing, where's the real Rouge, and don't you dare lie to me." She demanded as she ripped off the head phones and threw them on the floor, breaking it as sparks flew from the gashes she made in the electronical places, her anger growing larger.

"She's with Mayumi and Magneto, they'll be fine, IF you preoccupy." Toru let out a sigh and straitened up, crossing her arms and restraining her erge to fight.

"Who's Magneto, and why does he want my sister and Rogue?" Mystique smiled. "He doesn't, he wants you, their just the bate." Toru smiled and let out a laugh.

"Yeah right, on the plane, when you where with my sister and picking up the others, she was giving you information, that's why you went with her, wasn't it?" She asked cleverly, Mystique smiling.

"No wonder why Magneto wants you on his team, your a clever one, aren't you?" She asked, which wasn't really a question.

"I'm not done yet, as for Mayumi, you knocked her out on your own and hid her, she's not with this man you claim to exist, but Rogue is, Magneto was going to pick her up later, wasn't he?"

She asked as Mystiques smile grew a little larger. "Great, your doing a fantastic job, so what do you say, if you join Magneto, then we'll let Rogue go and leave your sister alone." Toru's smile disappeared.

"I don't think so, my senses are back and I know where you hid my sister, and as for Rouge, I could care less." Mystique walked up to her and looked down into her eyes, still smiling and the two of them staring.

"You know, it's sort of funny that you think you have a choice." She said as Toru's eyes widened and Mystique attacking her with an Ax Kick, Toru dodge rolling to the left.

"If you fight back, I'll destroy your friend." Toru stood back up and got in fighting position, her fighting style, Ninjutsu.

"I thought I already told you that I don't care!" She said as she jumped in the air and went for a kick toward her face, the blue women grabbing her ankle and throwing her into a wall.

"You know, your pretty smart, to bad you're a pathetic fighter." She said as Toru's bangs fell over her eyes, a shadow forming under them.

"Why does he want me?" She asked her head hanging down low, holding the fight as Mystique smiled.

"He wants your power, your smarts, and I know your stronger than this, he wants you strength. And think of your sister, she's happier here, but are you? Come with me and I can promise you ultimate happiness."

Toru looked up to see Mystique offering her a hand and a warming smile, the screen now fading into black.
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