Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Cross My Heart

Trick or Treat

by Motherwar_13 3 reviews

“Abi, I”ll give you all my Butterfingers if you give me your Crunch bars.” “You got yourself a deal, Mikes.” she and Mikey made the switch and Gerard picked out all his Peanut M&M’s ...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor - Characters: Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2010-10-25 - Updated: 2010-10-25 - 884 words - Complete

Chapter 3

Dorothy, Batman, and the Stay Puff marshmallow man were spread out on the rug in the Way’s living room. The contents of their trick or treat bags dumped out in front of them and sorting through them.

“Abi, I”ll give you all my Butterfingers if you give me your Crunch bars.”

“You got yourself a deal, Mikes.” she and Mikey made the switch and Gerard picked out all his Peanut M&M’s and dropping them in her pile.

“What do you want in return, Gerard?”

“Nothing I know they’re your favorite. I am going to pop some popcorn before the movie starts. That is if you still want to watch it, Abi.”

“I am ten Gerard not a baby, besides do you not remember us watching Nightmare on Elm Street together when I was like seven.”

“Gerard you made that little girl watch that awful movie!” His mother lectured as she stood in the hall way fluffing her wig.

“Thanks for outing me.”

“Oh its okay Mrs. Way. It didn’t scare me. I mean I have seemed to come away unscathed.”

“I guess that is some comfort, thanks Abigail.” She chuckled as she turned around facing the others. “Well how do I look?”

“Beautiful.” The chanted at once as she turned on the spot in her 14th century inspired gown. Abigail’s mother dressed as a Witch came down the stairs.

“Look’s like you three made off pretty well.” She nodded towards the pile of goodies. George followed dressed as a construction worker.

“We’ll be late, Donna said you can just stay here, and you three don’t go back out tonight okay.” Maria informed her daughter as she knelt down and kissed the girls forehead.

“Yeah mom. You guys have fun.” They filed out of the front door after Mr. Way dressed as a knight finally came down the stairs.

“Popcorn's' ready lets start the movie.” Gerard smiled as fell down onto the couch, the other so followed suite, Mikey snacking on a crunch bar and Abi popped a green M&M into her mouth. She picked up the move case looking it over.

“Wow, this movie is old as I am. I wonder if it’ll be better then the first.”

“Doubt it, nothing can compare to the way Kevin Bacon bit it in that one.” Mikey smiled evilly as he settled comfortable on the end of the couch.

“I think the way the mom bit it, you know losing her head was better then that.” Abi smiled as she finished the candy and took a handful of popcorn.

“See that’s why you’re my best friend. No other girl would think that is cool.” Gerard chuckled tugging at one of her braids.

“Good to know that’s a quality you look for when choosing friends.” Mikey rolled his eyes as he pressed play for the movie

“Eww I really don’t want to see this!” Abi whined covering her eyes as the girl on the screen shed her close for a late night dip, making the two boys chuckle.

“That makes since, you cover you eyes when ever people kiss but think its totally awesome when people get slashed.” Mikey yawned after the movie.

“Yeah, cause its gross.” She defended punching him in the leg as he walked by.

“You two can watch the rest of the movies, I’m going to bed.” Mikey bid the other two good night Abi stood up stretching.

“I’m sleepy too you ready to call it a night?”
“Sure, you can have my bed I’ll take the couch. Here I’ll get you something to sleep in.”

“Ger not that the movie freaked me out, or I’m a baby but can you stay in here till I fall asleep.” She whispered a few minutes later after tucked her in bed.

“Of course, and I don’t think you’re a baby.” He smiled going to the closet to get his sleeping bag and made his place on the floor next to the bed.

“Is it the kissing you think is gross or guys?”

“Both, but I don’t think your gross.”

“Thanks.” He laid their listening to the sounds of the night when she spoke again a few minutes later.

“Do you kiss girls at your school Gerard?”

“I’ve kissed one.”

“Is she nice?”

“Yeah I guess.”

“She better be nice to you. Gerard. You’re my best friend, and I love you. I don’t want you to get hurt.” She yawned again and he heard her roll over in bed. She was asleep a little while later, and he laid there listing to her breathing. A usual sound for him, she had snuck over to his house many times since he made that promise to her in the park. He had still seen bruises on her randomly through the years, but always made him swore he wouldn’t tell. He may have a short temper but he makes her mother happy. He wondered how messed up it was that his best friend was four years younger then him. He couldn’t explain what it was but since the day he say her he had to make sure she was happy.
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