Categories > Original > Romance > Winter star

Do I know him?

by jadesohma 3 reviews


Category: Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Romance - Published: 2010-11-05 - Updated: 2010-11-06 - 475 words

"Jordan, you look cold. Cocoa?" Mom asked with shaky hands and voice.

"Sure, thanks." I take it from her. See, I don't hate my mother too much.

"What is that, honey?" She looks at my new necklace. She holds it in her hands not believing her eyes.

"Proff that i'm not crazy." I reply coldly. I leave her standing there,shocked and confused. I move to my room.

The up stairs has two rooms and a very small hall way. I made my parents put a door there were the hallway starts. The whole up stairs is mine and I like it that way. It's my get away. Only my older brother and little sister are allowed in. My older brother believes me. He's seen winter. And my little sister has dreamed about hi. She asked me if I knew him. So yes, they're allowed in.

I go into my room room part and go on my bed. Then there was a knock.

"Come in!" I called.

"Which room are you in?!" My brothers voice called.

"Room room!"

I see my brothers smiling face. He looks just like me (as does my sister) with the brown hair and green eyes. He looks at me with a kind face.

"What's up little sis?" He asks me picking up one of the various stuff animals by the door way. He placed it back neatly and crossed his arms.

"Nothing much big bro. Moms just being, ugh, you know." I look at him and he nods.

"Understood. So how is Winter anyway?" He thinks winters cool. Hes always asking about him.

"He's fine." I say quietly.

"Good. Why hasn't he come in? You should bring him in so ma doesn't think your nuts." e says. He himself had made jokes about be being crazy over the years but he was kidding.

"Because Mom wont take it well. You know how much she clings to realtiy. 'Oh here mom! A boy that comes from the sky!' she wont have a mental breakdown at all." I say with a load of sarcasm.

He shrugs. "It might give her a wake up call. Ya never know." He hummed a song in his head which I recognized as Boy by Bayside. "Plus Lily wants to meet him." Right, forgot she wanted to....

"Shut up, Brad. I don't need you telling me what to do." I snap.

"Whoa! Where the hell did that come from?!" He was taken back and now I feel bad...

"Sorry. I'm just not in the mood, ya know? Just a bit pissy." I feel like shit but who cares?

"Whatever. Is that what he got you?!" His eyes shot to the music note. "That looks like it'll be alot! Is this dude a prince or something?!" Good question. Now I feel like I really don't know him....
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