Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > Of Dogs and Pink Hair


by SeparatedCow 0 reviews

Kiba glares at a gift that is brought to him.

Category: Naruto - Rating: R - Genres: Humor - Characters: Kiba, Sakura - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2006-05-09 - Updated: 2006-05-09 - 461 words

Was this the thanks Kiba got? Was this even thanks?

Kiba had sacrificed almost everything for Sakura, his wife, everything.

He had quit rolling in the mud, he had learned to do laundry, he had made out with her and had wild chicken sex with her...he even cut his nails!

Kiba growled at the...thing that stood in front of him, the thing blocking the way of the television.

This...this was the thanks he got?

A kitten.

A white kitten with huge blue eyes and fluffy fur sat on the coffee table, having a staring contest with Kiba. Kiba pushed the annoying...thing... to the ground and smirked as it hit the floor with a thump.

"C'mon Kiba, it's a little kitten." His wife had said, cupping the kitten in her hands and bringing it close to her chest, "It's so cute."

The kitten mewed, as if, agreeing with the subject.

Kiba growled, reclining back in the small love seat that was situated in the corner of the small living room.

"And plus, Neji and Kankuro gave him to me, little Haru-kun." Sakura cooed at the little kitten as it began to play with her hair.

"I never thought those two could hit it off as friends." Kiba mumbled, not quite catching what she said.

Sakura counted

And realization hit.

Kiba dropped the remote that was in his hands, watching as the small device hit the floor.

"That just makes it worse!" Kiba slammed his fists onto the coffee table, growling as he did so, "If a guy that wears make up and plays with dolls and a chaotic man with a Nazi symbol on his head handed me a kitten, I wouldn't take it! In fact I would kill the people!"

Sakura smiled warmly, setting the kitten on the kitchen counter, "You're so dramatic." Sakura opened the fridge to grab something to eat, "It's a kitten, and plus you like animals." Sakura chuckled to herself as Kiba nearly fell out of his couch.

"Yeah! My name is Inuzuka Kiba! Inuzuka Kiba! My name has the word DOG in it, not cat! I'm not Nekozuka Kiba for god's sake! I work with dogs! Dogs! Dogs! I thought my wife would at least know that about me!"

Sakura ignored his ranting, and let him argue with himself. He was throwing quite a fit out there, a fit over a kitten.

"And plus, they probably gave you that kitten so that I would suffer and so they could laugh behind my ass and-"

Sakura shut him up with a pair of lips.

Kiba and Sakura stood there in silence, lips connected.

They broke apart.

"You smell like cat." Kiba said, crossing his arms tightly around his chest.
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