Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > This Is Where It Starts

The Call

by kenzoid 2 reviews

Babette goes through another living hell.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Drama - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2010-11-30 - Updated: 2010-11-30 - 536 words - Complete



Something was ringing, disturbing my sleep. Something loud. I opened my tired eyes. It was my phone. Gerard was calling me. Worry struck through my heart like lightening and I shot up and grabbed my phone.

“Hello?” I asked frantically once I picked up.

“Uh, hey.” Gerard said, slurring his words so badly I could barely understand him.

“Gerard baby, why don’t you call Brian or something?” I asked, figuring this was just another drunk-dial.

“I already did, but he’s not answering.” Gerard explained with a hiccup. I rolled my eyes and slung my feet over the side of the bed.

“I, I have a problem.” Gerard said drunkenly. I listened patiently.

“Do you need me to come get you or something?” I asked getting out of bed.

“No, no. Not like that. Like, I have a serious problem.” Gerard slurred. I grabbed my jacket but paused as I put it on. “I took I bunch of Xanax…and I’m really, really wasted.” He said. A chill ran through me.

“Uh huh?” I asked, waiting for him to continue as I grabbed my car keys. The band’s tour bus was parked outside their last gig because they couldn’t afford a room in a hotel. I went to the gig so I knew where they were, thank god.

“And Bert…he got us a lot of cocaine a couple of weeks ago.” Gerard said guiltily. My stomach did a flip inside of me.

“WHAT?” I asked loudly as I stepped out the door. I practically ran to my car. “Have you been taking it?”

“Yeah…I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, you’d be mad. But, I can’t live like this anymore. I have to go. I don’t wanna live right now. I can’t do this anymore.” Gerard said in a pathetic slur of words. But I understood what he was saying, and it brought tears to my eyes as I was speeding down the road.

“Gerard, no. You can’t do this to me. Don’t do anything stupid.” I said sternly, trying not to cry.

“Babette…I love you. Bye, I have to go…” Gerard said glumly.

“No! No, don’t hang up the phone! Gerard!” I yelled. But it was too late. He had hung up, and who knew what he was going to do next.

First, I called Brian. I told him what Gerard said and he told me he’d meet me at the bus. The entire time I was thinking, “please be okay, please be okay” and fighting brushing away the tears that kept threatening to explode from my eyes.

Brian and I met outside the bus and ran inside to find that Gerard was nearly passed out on the floor. He looked like he had been trying to over dose and Brian was muttering something about calling 911. All the boys were still out partying, leaving us alone to help him.

“I think we need to call the hospital.” Brian said. I nodded, tears flowing from my eyes. Brian called 911 and I hugged Gerard close while we waited for the ambulance to get to us…
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