Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Cross My Heart

Happy Ending?

by Motherwar_13 1 review

It had been four months, Abigail still never came home though his mother told him that she had sent a letter home saying she was okay, he also searched the city since she had mentioned going to and...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2010-12-01 - Updated: 2010-12-02 - 1412 words - Complete


Two women walked down the busy streets of LA, enjoying the warm spring afternoon. Both sipping smoothies and stopping to gaze in the windows of little shops they passed.

“wow, look at the painting, that would look great in living room over the sofa wouldn’t it?” Lucy smiled at the shorter girl and she nodded then followed her into the gallery. Beautiful art hung on both walls as the two casually looked.

“Welcome ladies, is there anything specific you would like to look at closer?”

“I was just telling Stella here, how much I liked the one in the window. You’re closing aren’t you, we can come back tomorrow if you like.” Lucy smiled when she noticed the time on the clock on the wall.

“Please, I don’t mind at all, please can I get you guys anything while I get this wrapped and written up for you?”

“Actually, you know I think I’ll take this one, it will work in my bedroom, what do you think Lucy?”

“Well aren’t you two just spoiling me. Oh I am so sorry, I’m Leigh bye the way.” the shorter girl smiled and shook both of their hands. They sat waiting patiently at her desk in the back while she readied the paintings, tucking her purple streaks behind her ear as she settled in the chair across from them. Lucy looked at her closely wondering if she had meet this girl before, she shook the thought from her head chalking it up to passing her sometime in the city or a show.

“No offense but you’re accent doesn’t exactly sound like your California grown.” Lucy smiled and she took her receipt from her. Leigh chuckled and shook her head.

“Nope, I’m from Jersey.”

“Wow long way from home, our boyfriends are from there.”

“Really, small world. I’ve only been here about a year and a half or so. I still miss home a little, though.”

“I can imagine, well thanks Leigh you do lovely work.”

“Thanks so much ladies, I can walk you all out if you like, I am pretty much closed up here anyway.”

“Sure, I would hate for you to walk alone to you car.” The three girls walked out making small talk as they headed to the small parking lot a few blocks from her shop. Leigh thanked them again for their business and gave them a card.

“Do you think we might have met her before there was something about her like I’ve seen her in something.”

“Yeah, maybe but a lot of people around here act on the side she might have been in a commercial or something.”

“Yeah maybe, its just frustrating I wish I could put my finger on it.”

Honey what is that, you said you and Stel we’re going shopping for shoes.” Frank gave his girlfriend a confused look when she walked into the apartment with a large brown package.

“We passed an art gallery and I saw this in the window and thought how great it would look over the sofa.”

“You bought art?”

“Yes, I bought art, now help me unwrap this so we can hang it.”

A few weeks later they were all in Gerard’s living room hanging out after dinner.
Lucy was making herself comfy in the chair when she saw a picture on the shlef behind it.

“Holy shit. Mikey who is in this picture with your brother.”

“Oh that’s Abigail, she’s our old neighbor we grew up together, pretty much. She’s also the one that got away, He wouldn’t ever exactly admit he loved her cause she is a little younger then him. But yeah he had it hard and bad for her.”

“Awww that’s so sweet, sad but sweet.”

“Yeah, she was like a sister, he won’t talk about her, but I think they even hooked up once, on New Years. I was a little trashed myself and had my own friend over but, I could have swore I heard something. I never asked, she was only 16 at the time and he was 20, kinky right? Anyway I think she is one thing that kinda pushed him more towards a band thing. She always said he would make it and with is comic too.” Mikey grinned like a teenager with some hot gossip. Lucy looked closer at the picture noticing the odd necklace she had.

“Stella come, here!” She pulled the girl hard by the arm into the chair handing her the picture.

“I know where I saw that Leigh chick before. Remember that odd thing hanging form her rearview mirror.” Luce gushed pointing at the necklace. Both girls looked at each other hoping Gerard was still in the kitchen and didn’t hear them.

“Hey Mikes you think he still loves her?”

“Are you kidding? It broke his heart when she ran away. You think Ray is all sappy with Stella, Gerard was worse. That thing around her neck, he made it for her when she was like seven, said it was pixie dust in there and she could fly away anytime she needed her step dad wasn‘t always nice to her so... Sappy huh.”

“No, Michael its romantic.” Lucy sighed putting the picture down and running into the kitchen grabbing a dirty pan from Gerard’s hands and yanking him hard to the front door.

“Lucy what the fuck?”

“You need to see something, come on.:”

“Lucy are you okay, honey?”

“Yes, let me and stella work okay!” She called back to Frank, a few minutes later they were breathless and jogging into Frank and her apartment. She had insisted there was no time for the elevator and dragged him down four flights of stairs.

“I wanted to show you this, you do art so tell me what you think.” She drug him in front of the sofa pointing to the new painting hanging on the wall. They all started at it.
“Is it one of those where you have to squint at?” Mikey whispered and got punched.

“Hey it has the same little thing on the corner of the one in our bedroom that Stella got.”

“Yeah it must be her signature or something.”

Gerard froze looking at the small heart with and X through it.

“Lucy where did you get this?”

“I’m right aren’t I, its her!”


“Here’s her card.”

“Leigh, is her middle name.” he whispered.

“Who is it?” Ray whispered to Stella as Gerard shoved passed him and out the door.

“What the fuck is wrong with you guys, come on!” Lucy grabbed Frank and ran out the door after Gerard. The five of them caught up with him several minutes later, standing on the sidewalk right outside her gallery. All of them panting and he didn’t even seem to be breathing. They watched as he took one deep breath and opened the door stepping in the five struggled their way in behind him. She had her back too the door and waved over her shoulder when the bell chimed.

“I’ll be with you in just one second.”

“You promise?”

Abigail stopped, dropping the vase of flowers she was arranging and it shattered on the ground at her feet. “It can’t be.” She turned around and her hand flew to her chest. Stella and Lucy grabbed hands huddled next to other three, Lucy wiped away tears. “Dude this is so much better then Sleepless in Seattle.” she whispered, Stella agreeed quickly.

“Gerard?” She gasped still not able to move when he crossed the short distance and wrapped his arms around her. She threw her arms around his neck and kissed him.

“Wow, so people really do that, I just thought movies lied. Ow!” Ray rubbed his arm where both of the other women punched him.

“I’m so fucking sorry, for that night, I didn’t know. I love you too, so much. That‘s what I wanted to say to you that night, when we…I just was scared.”

“I get it, and your forgiven.”

Both girls let out a small awwwwww and sniffled.

“You promise?”

“Cross my heart.” He smiled as he kissed her again, squeezing her even tighter, still not totally believing he finally had her back.

“This is the best day ever!” Mikey sighed happily now taking a tissue form Stella.
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