Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Tales of a Killjoy

I'm Not DEAD

by Anthrax_Angel 1 review

Looks like Poison has some explaining to do

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2010-12-05 - Updated: 2010-12-06 - 721 words

“No your dead she saw it” I say “I’m not fucking dead so stop pointing that thing at me” he says but he still doesn’t move “tell me something only Poison would know” I demand. “what” he says confused “you say your Party Poison so tell me something only he would know” I explain, I wait for him to answer. “Angel” the sound of his voice almost makes me drop my gun and run into his arms but I hold my ground “take another step and I pull the trigger, now tell me something only Poison would know” I say keeping my eyes fixed to the figure in front of me. “I’m the reason you left” he says slowly “not good enough” I say “I made you leave” he shouts and I lower my gun “son of a bitch it is you I should still shoot you, down stairs now” I say gesturing with my gun for emphasis he tries to argue but I push him down ahead of me.

“you made her leave” Kobra’s got Poison by his jacket and is shoving him into the wall, “look we’ll talk about that later first someone needs to explain how it is the four of you are standing here right now” I say as Jet pulls Kobra off Poison. “we faked it” Jet said like I was stupid for not realizing it “don’t test me Jet Star I’m still not sure you guys aren’t Dracs so in less some starts talking you are all gonna end up shot” I say turning on the light in the kitchen and turning to look at them for the first time in 3 years. They look more or less the same Ghoul needs a hair cut, Jet lost an eye, Poison’s dyed his hair again a bright red this time, and Kobra is blonde as ever and as hot as ever, I wonder what they see my hair now short and purple and blue, when it used to be long and black.

“well its simple really we didn’t go on the raid it was a few lesser known Killjoys that looked like us” Poison explains “how” I say dumb founded “Better Living has a pill for just about everything” Kobra says looking at me intently. “so let me get this straight, you guys fine these pills that make 4 other Killjoys look like you, then they go in rescue the Girl, while you guys wait on the side lines” I said still a little confused “we tried to create a distraction but they didn’t wait long enough so they ended up with the brunt of the attack” Jet says. I nod this is all so crazy, “do you have her is she safe” Poison asked “of course she’s up stairs second bedroom on the right” I say as he books it upstairs Kobra goes to say something but I hold up a finger and wait “SHE”S GONE” Poison yells from upstairs “did I say right I meant left” I call up smiling.

“You’re evil” Ghoul says smiling at me “I had to go through thinking you guys were dead let him sit on her being gone a minute” I say, turning to look at Kobra. He’s looking at me too his brown eyes flashing with anger and love, I knew showed the later and fear, fear that he would be taken from me, I look away first as I hear the Girl running down the stairs. The guys all go into dad mode and its all hugs and smiles I head up stairs to see if I can’t find more mattresses for the guys, “hey when did we stop following the buddy system” Kobra asks I turn “when I lost my buddy” I say. I practically run into his arms tears running down my face my arm wrapping around his neck like a vice his arms wrap around my waist and pull me painfully close to his chest but still not close enough, I start to cry and I can feel him crying to. Once we pull ourselves together he leans back to look me in the face “why did he make you leave” he asks “to see if you would follow.”
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