Categories > Original > Horror > Survival of Zombie Land

Chapter 1: Church

by ToruCMea 0 reviews

Faith is stuck in church with a small suprise.

Category: Horror - Rating: G - Genres: Humor - Published: 2010-12-11 - Updated: 2010-12-12 - 907 words

Blood. Death. Murder.

That is the life you are forced to live in Zombie Land, the life of darkness. The life of watching zombies pass bye day after day, eating each other from the insides out. Sometimes they even eat them selves when they can't find anyone else to eat. I looked out the window of my home for the night, watching a zombie eat the insides of what looked like, a male cop. I turned away in complete discus, watching this a thousand times and still 'm not use to it. For the moment I'm living in a really small church, which was already zombie free when I got there, besides that stupid preacher that thought he could take me on. I walked away from the window and onto the stage, staring up at a statue of God, his deep blue eyes staring into my dark brown ones, as if he where staring into my soul.

I sat down before him and smiled. I grabbed my small black sketch book from my bag and flipped through all the other pages until I found a blank one, landing my sharpened pencil on its smooth white surface. Drawing was the only way I could escape this world, it was my sanctuary, my home. I use to be a true artist and would draw when ever I got the chance, but now that I'm surrounded my zombies, I rarely get that chance, and I hate it.

Once finished, I took a deep breath and stood back up, pulling a strand of hair behind my ear, walking toward the hall. I headed for the small office at the end that once belonged to the preacher.

'To bad I had to kill him…' I thought, thinking of how he was a good man during his life.

The office was my most favorite room in the whole church, even though it was the smallest, but It was still perfect. It had a small white bed, a radio, a microwave, and a small many fridge filled with soda and food, basically taco bell, not to mention the awesome bathroom that smelt like apples and cherries... And blood…. But besides that, perfect! I reached the office and smiled. I grabbed the door knob and turned it, but it wouldn't budge.

"Come on!" I whispered, pushing all my weight on to it, when suddenly I stopped. I pressed my ear to the door and heard a couple of things moving around on the inside, which scared me since it was most likely a zombie, but also peeved me off since I was hungry. I glaired at the door, mad that it was locked instead of opened. I took a step back and grabbed the gun strapped to my waist, pointing it toward the door as I got ready to kick it down. With a deep breath I stepped forward and kicked, pointing the gun toward alive teenage girl...

She quickly turned around with a gasp as she dropped an open soda, her heart racing as my eyes widened in disbelief. She was beautiful. She had mega long brown hair that was naturally strait with deep blue eyes, along with pale white skin. Slowly I put my gun down, my mind blank. I was completely speechless. Before my eye's was the first person I've seen in 2 years. I couldn't believe it, I knew I wasn't crazy because she was just as scared as I would have been if I saw someone come through. I smiled lightly, hoping for a smile in return, but all I got was a sudden pain in the back of my neck. I fell to the floor and looked up, seeing three large blurs before my eyes, a third one appearing, when finally, darkness took over…

Not so long latter I woke up in the small white bed, eight different colored eyes staring right into mine. I jumped in fear and quickly sat up, ever body jumping back in surprise. The teenage girl that I scared before smiled at me with white teeth as two other guys stood on her right and another on her left that just frowned with his arms crossed.

"Woah, she's alive…" Two of the boys spoke in unison (At once), obviously twins since they looked exactly alike.

They both had short blond hair, blue eyes, and white skin. They where a little taller than me, but not by much, so they where probably 5foot 7. The only difference I could see between them where the cloths they wore. And man, they where cute. I glared at them angrily, not liking that I was being treated as if I where some kind of monster.

"That's not nice." Said the girl, who was only 5feet 5inches tall. That made me one inch taller than her.

The boy on her left said nothing, but he was also hot. He had long brown hair, Indian skin, brown eyes, muscles, and was probably five foot eight. I put my feet on the floor and tried standing up, but immediately, I stumbled and fell, the two boys catching me before I could hit the floor. I moaned from the room spinning, my neck feeling pain again.

"Whoa, you're alright. Just try not to move, okay." I couldn't tell which one spoke since everyone kept on spinning. I closed my eyes, letting darkness take over once more as I fell into another deep sleep.
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