Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Tales of a Killjoy


by Anthrax_Angel 1 review

Time to bust Pony out of Battery City

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2010-12-14 - Updated: 2010-12-15 - 1383 words

They’re all silent taking in how screwed we were, “I don’t get it” the Girl says coming to sit next to me, I think for a minute then decide to tell her the truth. “Well you know the pills I told you about before” she nods “while my dad is the one responsible for giving them to people” I say disgust colouring my tone. “Why would he do that” she asks “because he’s greedy, he wanted money and power, so he sold the pills that put all society under his control.” “That’s mean” she says looking up at me “yes it’s mean and cruel, and now he wants control over Scarecrow to so he can fund them meaning life in the Zones is just going to get harder.” She thinks for a minute “why is Kobra mad at you for what your father has done” she asks looking a Kobra who has turned away from the window “he’s frustrated I didn’t tell him, because it’s dangerous to run with me because of who my father is and its only going to get worse if we don’t stop this wedding.”

They all nod and we start planning strategy “looks like Keys really wants to help” I say pulling 4 personnel files out. “one for each of us minus who ever stays behind” I say pulling the female file out Rosaline Ferry is my new name I’m a Pony’s house keeper I come every two weeks. “Looks like we got one shot at this” I say tossing the file in the middle they nod and we get to work figure out how it will go down.

We’re about to split Kobra doesn’t like that I’m going in alone but we both know I have to, I look up into his green eyes and smile “I’ll be back soon.” He doesn’t smile back “be careful, please I can not lose you” he says “I’ll be careful, if you’re careful, if you get ghosted I’m done” I say running my fingers through his freshly dyed hair. His blonde hair is gone, replaced with blue and green, all the guys look different if I didn’t know any better I would never think they were the Danger Gang. Poison had dyed his hair black with the most vibrant pink highlights, Ghoul had gotten a hair cut and had adopted the red look for him self. We had the most trouble disguising Jet with the whole one eye thing we found him a helmet that hid his face and hair, it was the best we could do. “Two days” I say “two days” Kobra says kissing me one last time.

I drive up to the checkpoint my ID ready they wave me through, they don’t even ask what I was doing they never suspect a woman to cause trouble. I look in the mirror checking my wig a long straight mousy brown, perfect for fading into to the background. I park at Pony’s apartment complex and take a deep breath reminding myself that he won’t be in there, not this time. I head up and swipe into his apartment working fast and making sure I leave no finger prints, I move silently to the bathroom and find his pills I dump them in my pocket and put fakes in their place. I then breathe on the mirror and write ‘wait for me’ in the mist that quickly fades, it was how we used to leave messages for each other when we were little, I leave hoping no-one would ever know I was there.

Rosaline isn’t scheduled to work till the next day so I go to her apartment, she had just turned Killjoy but no one knew that yet so I would assume her identity. I ditch the brown wig for a short blonde one and put on more make-up before leaving the car and entering the building. It goes perfectly the place is empty and I sit down to wait, I turn on the TV and see that the guys have done their job a Killjoy attack on the west entrance, no Killjoys detained no idea who they were. I sighed when I thought of Kobra getting away now blue and green hair, “I can’t wait for it to grow back” I think as I get ready for bed. I follow Rosaline’s schedule exactly, except I don’t sleep. I have to clean 5 other houses before Pony’s the next day, I hate cleaning but I do the best job I can not wanting to raise any flags.

At five o’clock I’m heading up to Pony’s apartment, I knock then open the door, “Mr. Dylan” the door slams shut and Pony’s got me against the wall. Our eyes meet and we hug I have to try so hard no to cry, “I clean, I leave five minutes, you follow we leave” I whisper in his ear he nods. I know some of the drugs are still in his system I just pray he can do this, he doesn’t call me in so I assume we’re good, he hugs me again before I leave “sis I’m scared” he whispers “don’t be I’ll protect you” I say he nods and I leave praying I didn’t just lie to him. I get in my car and drive off stopping for a food run so he can catch up, when I start back toward the exit see him in my rear-view. I plaster a fake happy smile on my face when I reach the checkpoint again they check my ID and let me pass with out a word.

I hold my breath as I drive away praying they let him through they do as expected, single women followed by single man, headed out into the Zones it happens often enough. Once we’re out of view we pull over and he ditches his car and climbs in with me. “Not out of the woods yet” I say passing him his gun “I remember this, the first time” he says to me, I nod as I pull out at top speed. “You said things would be better that I could be myself, that I wouldn’t have to hide anymore, I missed you” he says staring at me. “I missed you to, but I was right wasn’t I” I say to him looking for any signs of trouble, “I think so, my time in the Zones is still blurry” he says rubbing his head. “It’s cool take a minute for the pills to leave your system you’ll be good as new in a couple days” I say grabbing his hand.

I hear the motorcycle before I see it, it doesn’t freak me out cause I know its my bike but Pony flips, “hey chill it’s Kobra” I say, pulling him back in the window. “How do you know” he asks “I’d know the sound of my own bike any where” I say as Kobra pulls up beside the car we flash each other a thumbs up and head for the Diner. “We won’t be able to stay here we’re just regrouping” I say when we pull into the diner Pony nods looking tired. “Come on” I say waiting for him he comes up to me a wraps his arms around me I hold him tight as he shakes. “I was scared, I knew they were taking me to dad, I fought but they made me take them” he cries, I rub his back “its okay your safe now” I fight back tears of my own. I wanted to drive back into the city and kill my father, no one makes my little brother cry, “they wanted me to marry the girl Orvis” he says “I know but you don’t have to” I say comforting him, he nods and we head in side. “I will destroy BL/ind for what they did to Pony if it’s the last thing I do” I think to my self as I sit down.
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