Categories > Anime/Manga > Pokemon > Rocket Trainer

Chapter 6; Enraged Pokemon.

by Moonlight_Angel 0 reviews

Akari is attacked.

Category: Pokemon - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Sci-fi - Characters: The Narrator - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2011-01-07 - Updated: 2011-01-07 - 217 words

The Pokemon would not let go of me. "Get off of me..." I pleaded, I felt a strange energy come from my hands... "I said get of me!" The beam of energy tossed the Pokemon to a tree.
What did I just do:? I was scared out of my mind, I didn't know what I just did.
It was my Beedrill! I insisted, I knew I was wrong.

"Akari! What the hell? Your Beedrill is stining me!" I took out its Pokeball and sent it back to its ball.

"Sorry about that." I wasn't sorry. Not in the least.

"Akari, you wouldn't like me when I'm mad." She warned me, that was not a threat at all to me.

"If you warn me, I'm not going to listen," I pried. Ikumi gave me a look. I gave her a look back.
"Hey, I'm warning you, I-I blow up when I'm mad!" I payed no attention to her. "I don't really care Ikumi." I finally announced.

"That aside, I want to go to the store again, so let's go, shall we."

"Okay!" I smiled, Ikumi pretended to smile and pulle me by my clothes again!

To be continued. (Note this chapter is only short due to not enough time to write it, the next one will be longer!)
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