Categories > Anime/Manga > Bleach > Dimensions

The Fourteenth Man

by Will2672 0 reviews

A chapter referncing to the final inhabitant of the dimension.

Category: Bleach - Rating: G - Genres:  - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2011-01-18 - Updated: 2011-01-18 - 572 words

[AUTHOR'S NOTE: Only a short chapter. This was mainly written to get me back into the swing of writing this series. Review.]

“Why did you let him get away!?” Guyot’s nasally voice scorned, angrily, as his dark green eyes formed into slits and focussed solely on Aizen. “Answer me, Sosuke!”
“Calm yourself, Mr Guyot,” Aizen sighed, glancing nonchalantly over his shoulder, in the direction of the Zoalord. “There was just no need for us to go after him. If he wants to get himself killed, then we shall allow that. Need I remind you that, if Mr Kabuto’s analogy is correct, only half of everyone in this world need to die, for us to return. With him gone, although it decreases our defences, it raises the likelihood that we will be able to escape.”
Guyot gritted his teeth. He hated the way Aizen was always so calm. Its not as if he was afraid of him, like Agito was. It was just that it was unsettling. For some inexplicable reason, Aizen seemed to remind him of someone…but he didn’t know who.
“So,” stated Aizen, resuming his conversation with Kabuto, “according to your calculations, there should be fourteen of us here in total. Correct?”
“Yes,” Kabuto replied, elongating the ‘s’ ever so slightly so that his reply seemed more like a hiss.
“Then, who do you believe the others to be?”
“Well, we know that there are at least four people from a dimension other than the ones we three are from…” Kabuto said, peering through his wire-rimmed glasses. “Based on the train that we all heard and the flames that occurred before we saw this ‘Mega-Smasher’ Guyot spoke of…”
“And from the reiatsu that I’m sensing, I can guess that there are three people besides myself that are from my dimension,” Aizen added. “That black blast a while back was Kurosaki Ichigo’s attack.”
“Correct…” Kabuto said. “And the appearance of that ‘Mega Smasher’ indicates that there are at least two more individuals from Guyot’s dimension.”
Guyot mentally grumbled to himself as he continued to sit up against his tree, his white suit bunching around his imposing frame. This was just great. Out of everyone that landed here, he had to be stuck with the two people who appeared to be on the same mental level as Hamilcar (whom he despised!)


The final member of the trapped fourteen was walking through the middle of the forest. The long tails at the base of his white coat billowed around his legs and seemed to bunch slightly against his wrists, which were currently emerging from his pockets. Poking at an odd angle from the base of his coat tails was the sheath of his zanpakuto.
As the slight breeze trickled across his ghostly pale face, the man’s dark top lip twitched slightly. Closing his large eyes, almost sorrowfully, his thick brow lowered and the lock of hair that hung down the middle of his face swayed as he sighed. The green tear lines that spread from the middle of each eye and proceeded down his cheeks almost seemed to shine in the light due to his ever so slight facial contortion.
Billowing in the wind, his jet black hair which was cut close to his head, began to partially obscure the structure that resembled a bone-like helmet fragment that was fixed to the side of his head.
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