Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Hot & Cold

"I Didn't Mean It"

by MCR_Vampire_321 2 reviews

Lucy and Gerard see each other again.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-01-18 - Updated: 2011-01-18 - 488 words - Complete

Lucy’s POV…
Aunt Barbara brought my clothes and stuff upstairs so I started unpacking. Then I heard a knock at the front door. Bob and Ray were already here.
“Lucy! Come downstairs!” Dad yelled and I wasn’t the kind of girl not to do what her parents told her. So I obediently walked downstairs.
“Hi Lucy!” Ray and Bob cried, greeting me with an awkward hug.
They both went off to the kitchen to talk to my Dad about some ‘guy stuff’ they said. So I went into the living room and saw Chloe just sitting on her own. I didn’t know where Hollie was.
“Are you okay Chloe?” I asked her.
“Yeah.” She replied, and then sniffed “You know, I am happy you’re back.”
I sat down next to her “Are you?”
“Yeah, but I was just so mad… Well we all were. But you know I’m like.” She smiled at me. The first smile she had given me in ages “We’re still sisters though, no matter what.”
I smiled back at her “Of course we are.”
We heard Hollie scream from upstairs. “What’s wrong?” Dad yelled up there.
“Giant spider in the bathroom!” Hollie shrieked.
“Let’s go help her…” Chloe sighed.
“Didn’t you hear her?” I asked, shocked “She just said there was giant spider in the bathroom!”
“Now we’re all doomed…”

Gerard’s POV…
We rang the doorbell and Lucy answered and blushed “Don’t enter if you’re afraid of spiders.” She said, grinning.
“Why?” Frank asked, alarmed.
“Hollie found a huge one in the bathroom.”
“Well get rid of it! I’ll wait out here!”
Hollie stood next to her “It’s gone now.”
“Thank god!” Frank sighed, walking into the house. Mikey followed but I stayed outside.
“Lucy, can we talk a second? Out here?” I asked her.
Lucy glanced back and then stepped outside next to me “Look, if it’s about what I did…”
“No, I’m past that. It’s actually about something you said.” I looked at her side-ways “You said you loved me.”
She gasped “Did I say that?”
I nodded and she was silent for a second before saying “Yeah, well, not anymore…”
“What do you mean not anymore?” I asked her “You don’t just suddenly fall out of love with someone!”
“Sure you do!” She told me “Well I did. And I think you should just accept that.”
“… You can’t just tell me that you love me and then change your mind!” I said, tears forming. I wasn’t the kind of guy to cry but I think I had the right to right now.
“I’m sorry; I shouldn’t have said it…” She sighed “But I did. And now we’re both going to just have to move on.”
I pushed past her and into the house “Fine.” I mumbled
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