Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > To The End Of The World

Prologue: Truth or Dare?

by alligatorpie 5 reviews

A game of truth or dare in the middle of the night leads where no one thought it would. The story of MCR. Frikey, Frerard, FrankXQuinn. Bullets - Black Parade

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2011-01-25 - Updated: 2011-01-29 - 1361 words

Prologue - Truth or Dare?

Damn, this van is fucking small. I rearranged my position yet again, so that I was now leaning against the window with my feet on the lap of a sleeping Ray. Matt and Gerard were asleep in the front seats, and Mikey was on the floor of the van. We had the back bench in the car, with empty floor space where there was supposed to be additional seats. Yay for leg room. Not that I need it, but it shut Ray up.

We were in the parking lot of a Motel 6. We’d decided that it wouldn’t kill us to sleep in the van one night, but I couldn’t fall asleep. I was bound to wake someone up soon, too, since I was moving around so much.

I heard a sigh, and saw Mikey sit up.

“Mikes?” I whispered.

He jumped.

“Shit, Frank. I thought everyone was asleep.” He gasped.

“Nope. Can’t fucking get comfortable.” I said.

“Wanna trade places?” Mikey joked.

I rolled my eyes.

“What time is it?” I asked.

He checked his watch.

“4:30 am.”


“Wanna play Truth or Dare?” Mikey asked.

“Are you in the 6th grade?” I asked.

“Just asking.” He mumbled.

“No, I wanna play.” I said. I gently moved my feet off Toro, and I slid onto the floor next to Mikey.

“Truth or Dare?” Mikey asked.

“Truth.” I decided.

“Pussy.” Ray mumbled. We both glanced at him, and he was smirking at us. I slapped his knee and he raised his hands in surrender.

“Play with us or shut up, fuck tard.” I said.

“No thanks, ladies. I have a date with sleep.” Within seconds, he was snoring again.

“Have you ever kissed a guy?” Mikey asked.

“Sure.” I said, shrugging.


“Yeah, really. Is that shocking?” I asked, raising my eyebrows.

“I don’t know. I didn’t even really think about it, it just slipped out.”

“Huh.” I said, wondering what subconscious thing had caused that Freudian slip.

“I never have.” Mikey said, looking away from me.

“Really?” I asked.

“No… I just… I don’t know…”

“Dude, you’re practically a virgin!” I laughed quietly.

“At least I’m old enough to drink.” Mikey shot back.

“Hey now! The illegality of something has never stopped me, you vicious smart-ass.”

Mikey grinned.

“Truth or dare?” I demanded.

“Dare.” He said.

“Kiss me.” I said without thinking.

“What?” He asked.

“Kiss me. Let me have your man-kissing virginity.”

“For real?” Mikey asked.

“Unless your chicken…” I bwak-ed softly.

Mikey moved closer. He brushed a strand of hair off my face, let his cold hand rest against my neck, closed his eyes, and leaned in slowly. His warm, soft lips touched mine, and my heart sped up. I put my hand on his shoulder, and kissed him back. After a second, he pulled away. His eyes were still closed, he was breathing heavily, and he leaned his forehead against mine.

“Truth or dare.” He whispered.

“Truth.” I whispered.

“Would you slap me if I kissed you again?”


I pushed my lips back onto his, and his fingers slid up into my hair. I wrapped my other arm around his waist, pulling him closer against me. His other hand was resting lightly on my shoulder, and I had just run my tongue along the his bottom lip, begging for entrance that he had granted, when the battery powered alarm clock, duct-taped to the dashboard went off, signaling 5 am.

We jumped apart as Gerard cursed, and kicked the alarm clock, which was still going off.

I crawled forward, and turned off the alarm.

“Gerard, Matt.” I said.

They both opened one eye and glared at me.

“Get in the back. I’ll drive, Mikey’ll ride shotgun. You guys can go back to sleep.”

We switched our positions, and I started the vehicle. All morning, Mikey never said a word to me. He sat hunched in the passenger seat with his knees hugged to his chest, staring at the window.

At around 9:30, me and Mikey left our still-sleeping band mates in the van, and went into a McDonald’s for breakfast.

“Hey, Frank?” Mikey said as we walked toward a booth with our trays.

“What’s up?” I asked, sitting down. He sat in the seat across from me, and picked at his English muffin.

“About this morning… um…”

“We were just goofing around.”

“Really? That‘s how you kiss people when you‘re “just goofing around”?” He asked, looking at me through the glasses that hugely magnified his eyes.


He looked at the floor.

I glanced out the window, and saw Gerard and Matt standing outside the bus, smoking. Gerard was laughing at something Matt was animatedly telling him. Gerard had never smiled at me, or laughed at a joke I told… it was always Mikey. I was closest to Mikey. If I was honest with myself, I liked Mikey the most. But as what? There was a charm to Gerard that I just couldn’t get over. He had the most gorgeous eye’s I’d ever seen, and when you looked into them, and he was looking back, you could see his tortured soul, reaching out and begging for help.

Gerard had only looked in my eyes like that once. Gerard had been drunk, and he’d fallen and whacked his head on one of the side-view mirror’s of the van. I’d been the only one around, and I’d instructed Gerard to look into my eyes, so I could see if his pupils were the same size, so I could try to figure out if he’d had a concussion. Gerard had looked so scared. I had never forgotten.

I looked back at Mikey, who looked like he might cry.

“Mikes.” I said again, placing my hand on his arm.

He pulled away from me and stood up, walking quickly towards the bathroom. I abandoned my pancakes and ran after him. I found him sitting underneath the automatic hand dryer.

“Mikey.” I crouched in front of him, but he looked away. It reminded me of babysitting my little cousins. It was like if they weren’t looking, you didn’t exist.

I found Mikey’s hands, and even though he tried to pull away, I refused to let go. I grasped both his hands in one of mine, and put my other hand on the side of his face.

“Mikey,” I breathed. “We’re in a band together. You’re my best friend. I don’t want to sacrifice that.”

Mikey squeezed his eyes shut.

“Frankie.” He whispered, and I felt his fists clenching and unclenching. “I’ve never felt as complete as I did this morning. And now that I’ve had it, I want more.”

He bent his head down over his knee’s, and his shoulders started shaking. I put my fingers under his chin and forced him to look up at me. I pressed my lips to his. I released his hands, and wrapped my arms around him. His hands shook as he knotted one of his bony hands into my hair, and wrapped the other around his neck.

A toilet flushed and an old man came out of one of the stalls, and me and Mikey broke apart.

“Fuckin’ homo’s.” He muttered as he washed his hands. He left the room, and I looked back at Mikey.

“I’m too selfish, Mikey.” I whispered. “I want to have you forever, and that’s why I’m so scared. I don’t want to lose you.”

“You won’t.” Mikey whispered. “I promise.”

We stood up and left the bathroom hand-in-hand. When we were walking out the door after we ate, Mikey let go of my hand.

“I don’t want Gerar-- them… to know yet.” Mikey said.

I nodded and looked ahead, to where Gerard was still standing, laughing with Matt.

I didn’t want Gerard to know yet either.
A/N: So, here's my new story. Please rate, review, all that good stuff. I want to know what you think!

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