Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > This is her life

This is her life

by GDMCRfan 6 reviews

Kellie lives with her father and her best friend is Mikey Way and Frank Iero. Things change a lot when she runs away...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-01-26 - Updated: 2011-02-01 - 1453 words

She sat quietly at the kitchen table, reading. People were rarely home and silence claimed the air. Her music was never very loud. Kellie had to listen for those footsteps heavy with alcohol and legs stumbling with rage. They had scared her too many times because she was foolish. It was so beautiful when everything was quiet. Nothing was impossible. Her imagination slowly took flight as she decided to go take a bath. It was too early for her father to be home anyway. She didn’t have school that day and it was only 2. The bath water began to fill the tub as she stripped off her clothing looking at her body in the mirror. Kellie wished for those scars on her legs to disappear, long and purple that almost looked like veins but she knew otherwise. The bath water burned her body as she slipped down into the tub slowly adjusting to the heat and becoming more comfortable. Her brain contained not a single thought for once, just kept moving her hands through the water as is began to grow colder. The water was only slightly bearable by the time she decided to get out. It was almost 4 when Kellie returned to her room cold from the bath and the air conditioning that barely worked in her house. Her stomach turned over she realized she hadn’t been listening. The steps were already inside, grumbling, slamming against walls and the mouth the belonged cursing her mother that left him.


Kellie was fighting every urge to cry, to scream, to do anything to help her. Kellie trembled as she slipped on some shorts and a tank top due to the summer heat that would surely roast her if she ended up outside like last time. Her head disobeyed her heart as she silently walked down the stairs.


“We didn’t have school off today…I-I-I stayed home…” her voice quaked as she tried to claim her courage


“What are you talking about? What do I need to do?” Every time he talked this way she wanted to slap him, tell him how little he was worth.

“So pretty like that whore mother of yours….I wonder if you can fuck as good as her too” the vile words dripped from his mouth as alcohol became a pungent odor in the air

“Fuck no you rat filth, I can’t blame her for leaving you”

Everything finally burst. He was her father. She began to turn around as he grabbed her hair pulling it back sucking her neck.

“Mhmmm your skin is as smooth as hers. Wonder if your skin is this nice everywhere..” He grabbed around her waist and slipped his other hand up her shirt.

“I am not yours to have you sick mother fucker!”

She tried to pull away and the little slack in his arms tightened. He was much taller than her leaving her hand at the perfect level to set her free. One quick flick and she punch him right in the scrotum. He retracted back holding his crotch and releasing her. No longer would she deal with this. The day had come for her to run. A flimsy red backpack sat on the table as always. Inside held clothing and underwear for at least 3 days, a house key, and $100 cash. When Kellie ran she wasn’t sure what her father would cut her off from. Adrenaline made her heart race as she just kept going, swiping the backpack of the table. Running. Running away from everything that had tortured from her for so long. Her feet carried her to the same place as always, the Way’s house. She knew she probably looked like a wreck and couldn’t care less. Her face was wet and red and her clothing disheveled when she rang the doorbell. Gerard answered as always quietly making a hand gesture to lead her in as she ran up to Mikey’s room as always.

“Is your brother ever going to talk? I swear to God I don’t bite.” she said as soon as she saw Mikey sitting partially outside his window. He flipped back knowing exactly who it was just by the sound of the footsteps. They had been friends since 8th grade and were probably closer than most married couples

“Well first yes you do bite, second what happened?” Mikey knew she only came over this unexpectedly is something amazing happened or something terrible.

“Can we not talk about it for now? I just…I just can’t. But to put in easy terms I’m out of the house now.”

“And you expect to stay here?”

“Pretty pleaseee?” She smiled sweetly as she lied down on his unmade bed

“What do you think my mom will say?”

“She loves me and would do anything for me, it’s just a sleepover…for a very long time…I don’t know…I’ll probably have to explain what happened to her…”

“Fuck you still need to explain what happened to me”

“Later Mikey later…” She began scavenged his room looking for a shoebox. Since they became friends they kept an old converse shoe box full of their secrets. It was full of scraggly love notes to people they liked but never bothered talking to, hidden report cards, and in the last couple years some lighters, pot, and cigarettes. Without even looking at her he stated

“It’s underneath the desk on the side with the drawers. What exactly are you planning on

“Just a little smoke please? You know I need this.” Kellie pulled out a colorful blown glass pipe, slipped a lighter out of her pocked on the window sill and began packing the bowling full. Mikey sighed knowing she was right and how he wanted to join.

“Let me call Gerard, he started me on this anyway”

“You know he won’t join. He doesn’t like to be around me for some reason”

“Maybe is because you do bite” Mikey snickered as she stuck her tongue out too busy trying to sit out the window to bother actually biting him.


“Kellie no matter how you phrase that you either sound retarded or like a total stoner. Today you went for completely retarded. This is probably why he is afraid of you.” Suddenly Gerard appeared in Mikey’s doorway with his head down and black hair covering his eyes. He wasn’t wearing the same t-shirt he was when Kellie opened the door but she was too busy taking the first hit to notice.

“Welfmp im not tooth scarwy cause lookkch wthho came to smoaake” Kellie attempted to say with the pipe half in her mouth.

“Okay no idea what you just said but sure Kellie. Sure. Now don’t forget to share with Gerard” Kellie climbed back into the room as Mikey climbed out the window. Only 2 people could fit at once and she felt the need to try to meet Gerard today. Sometimes the worst of moods brought the high out in her.

“Hey there Gerard! I’m glad you finally came and joined us today” She embraced him in a full hug and he stood there barely touching his hands onto her back. Once Kellie stopped hugging him he shifted over to Mikey speaking quietly to him.

“Just talk Gerard…for God’s sake she’s just being nice” Mikey said none to quietly back

“Why were you crying earlier? You seemed more hysterical than normal.” The first words ever truly spoken to her by Gerard Way were saying she seemed like a looney toon.

“Can we like not talk about this right now? I still have 5 more hours until your mom comes home from work for me to enjoy myself.” Immediately Gerard looked down again feeling ashamed. Mikey passed Gerard the bowl as Gerard continues to keep his head down and crawled out the window.

“I’m sorry Gerard I just…I didn’t want to think of it right now.” As Kellie talked Gerard raised his head nodding a bit.


dun dun dun even I don't know what happens next!
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