Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Dude, just relax

Into the door

by lalatherapist16 4 reviews

Frankie gets to see Gee in his setting; his bedroom (wink wink). Gee continues to shock and confuse Frankie. And there's a sweet ending to this chapter. hope you guys like it!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Humor,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2011-02-03 - Updated: 2011-02-03 - 1414 words

Frank's Point of view

Mikey, Gee and I walked home together. We took the same path Gee and I had taken this morning. This time I stepped around the ice splotch, making Gee laugh.

We went to their house, stopping by mine so I could drop off my heavy bag and tell my mom I'd be home later.

“Don't be out too late!” she called after me as I ran out the door.

They were waiting for me at the edge of the driveway. Gee was glaring across the road, looking at the sun. Mikey's thin fingers were pecking away, texting somebody.

Their house was just around the corner and down the street. It took about five minutes to get there. Once inside, Gee handed Mikey his bag. “Will you put this in my room? I really gotta piss.” He ran to a door and rushed in, locking it behind him with an audible click. \

Mikey groaned and looked at the bag in his hand. “Frankie, can you take this to the basement please? It's through that door and down the stairs,” he nodded to a wooden door with a simple sign on it


I giggled and nodded, taking the bag from him. He sighed and went down the hall and turned into a room. I opened the door and started down the stairs. It was very dark and I held onto the hand – rail for my life.

My foot felt for another step. When there wasn't one, I smiled. I'd cleared the stairs without falling.

I walked forward – and smacked against another door. Holding my nose, I opened the door and stepped inside. It was even darker in here than on the stairs.

My hands searched the wall for a light switch, finding none. I tried to get my eyes to adjust to the darkness.

At first, there were only shapes in the dark. I had a fleeting thought, wishing that I hadn't taken my jacket off up stairs; my phone was in the pocket.

I walked carefully, trying to make out shapes on the floor. His bed was against the far wall. I sat his bag on the floor at the foot of the bed.

My eyes were adjusted enough to make out details in the dark shapes. There was a T.V. On the wall opposite the bed, a dresser in the corner, and piles of stuff all over the floor.

I was starting to turn around to leave when the light flicked on, making me jump. Gerard was looking at me, his face shocked.

“Did Mikey make you bring my bag down here? I told him to do it.” I blushed and shrugged, looking around the room.

The walls were painted black and covered with posters and drawings. The piles on the floor were clothes, magazines and books.

There was a CD player beside his bed and a laptop sitting on his pillows. Gee giggled behind me. “Like my room? It was a bitch painting the walls. Ever try to paint brick walls? Its not very easy.” he chuckled.

I nodded, looking back at him. He was watching me. I blushed and looked down. A clod breeze hit my arm and I shivered.

“You feel that?” I looked at him. He was sitting on his bed, taking his shoes off. “What?” he asked, untying his shoe. “That wind,” I shivered again. He chuckled.

“Oh that. Yeah my rooms haunted. I probably should've told you that first.” he looked at me. My face felt cold and I knew it had gone pale – well paler than usual. “You okay, Frankie?” he asked, getting up and walking over to me.

“I just need to get outta here.” I was shivering so hard my teeth were making clicking sounds. He nodded and put his arm around my shoulders. “Lets go get some coffee.” he murmured, pulling me from the room.

Gerard's Point of view

I'm gonna kill Mikey for making him come down here. Mikey knew my room was haunted; that's why I asked him to take my stuff down here.

Frankie didn't look good. He was white as a ghost and he was shaking. I stood up and walked over to him, worried. “You okay Frankie?” I asked stupidly. Of course he wasn't okay.

“I just need to get outta here.” his teeth were chattering, I could hear it. I nodded and put my arms around his shoulder, trying to comfort him. His skin was freezing.

I pulled him from my room and up the stairs, closing the door behind us. His shaking had slowed to a shiver every few seconds. I noticed that he kept looking at me as we went slowly up the stairs. I looked at him too.

His face was still pure white and his eyes were wide. I squeezed his shoulders and he shivered again. It felt good, having my arm around him. I was shocked that he didn't shrug in off when we got to the top of the stairs.

Mikey was in the living room, sitting on the floor, watching T.V. He glanced at us as I led Frankie to the kitchen. “Ghosts?” he said cheekily. Frankie shivered again and I slapped the back of Mikey's head.

“Hey!” he yelped. “Of course it was the ghosts stupid! That's the reason I asked you to take my bag to my room!” I hissed as we passed. He looked at his hands and got up, moving towards Frankie. “I'm sorry Frankie. I wanted to see if anything would happen to you. Not like getting hurt. Like if you'd feel anything, you know?” he touched Frankie's shoulder, ignoring my glare.

“Don't worry about it Mikes.” Frankie said shakily. He took a wobbly breath and we walked on to the kitchen. “You okay?” I asked again, squeezing his shoulders again.

He shivered and nodded. I had him sit down at the table and went to work making the coffee.

Frank's Point of view

I wasn't shivering because of the cold as Gee and I walked up the stairs. The tremors rolling through my body were because Gee had his arm around me. He squeezed my shoulders lightly and I shivered again. I kept looking at him, his calm face and his worried eyes that would flash to every other second.

We went through the hall and passed the living room. Mikey looked up at us and said “Ghosts?” Gee reached out and slapped him with his free arm. Mikey yelped and Gee was hissing. I blocked out their argument until Mikey stood up and came to stand beside me.

“I'm sorry Frankie. I wanted to see if anything would happen to you. Not like getting hurt. Like if you'd feel anything, you know?” he tried to explain it to me. I tried to get myself together to answer him.

“Don't worry about it Mikes.” my voice shook. I took a deep breath, trying again to focus.

Gee looked at me, his eyes still worried. “You okay?” he asked me again, squeezing my shoulders lightly, making me shiver again. I nodded and he pulled me to the kitchen. He sat me at the table. I studied it while he made coffee.

Mikey had stayed in the living room. The chair across the table from me scooted and Gee sat down. I looked up at him. He was watching me again. His eyes were still burning with worry and anger.

Only he didn't look mad at me. He just had anger in his eyes. Probably for Mikey. His eyes caught mine and we stared at each other for the third time today.

The kettle whistled on the stove and he didn't move. I was trapped in his eyes. Mikey came running in and took the kettle off the burner, poring the water into three mugs.

The smell of coffee brewing made me look up. Mikey was sitting two full mugs in front of me and Gee on the table. I looked back at Gee, who was watching Mikey, his cheeks red.

My heart squeezed in my chest as I looked at him. A thought popped up in the back of my head. I think I love him. The thought spun around and around, knocking everything else out.

I looked down and took a sip of coffee, blushing.

(>”)> hugs to all the awesome people who stayed long enough to read this! You guys are the best! R+R please
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