Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Dude, just relax

Beautiful in black

by lalatherapist16 3 reviews

Things in Jersey couldn't get any better for Gee and Frankie. R+R please!!!!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2011-02-05 - Updated: 2011-02-05 - 1145 words

Gerard's Point of view

Mikey had been clued in last night by the joy in my face when I opened the door. “You two make such a cute couple!” was how he greeted us, scaring Frankie. Well, I thought. This might be easier than I thought.

I squeezed Frankie's hand and looked at him, grinning. We both turned to Mikey, who looked scared. “We have a surprise.” I announced.

He rolled his eyes and snorted. “I KNOW that you two are together you Gee-tard.” Frankie giggled at Mikey's nickname for me and I glared.

“Not that, smart ass.” I looked to Frankie. “Maybe we shouldn't give him any.....” I exaggerated. Frankie's eyes flashed and he put a sad face on for Mikey.

“No I think we should. We brought enough.” he was shaking with silent laughter when we turned to face each other. “Well I don't think he should get any if he's gonna be rude.”

Frankie and I fake argued while Mikey's eyes flashed and he laughed, asking what we had brought. We ignored him, pretending to get mad. Mikey broke us apart saying, “Look at you two! Your fighting like you're already married!”

Frankie and I broke into laughter, confusing Mikey. “What?” he asked, getting annoyed. My sides were hurting and Frankie was bending over, clutching his chest.

It was a while before either of us could breath. When we relaxed, we were both on the floor. I pushed myself into a sitting position and looked at Mikey.

“Do you really wanna know?” I asked darkly. He nodded and I glanced an Frankie. He was trying to sit up next to me.

I snagged his sleeve and pulled him up. He caught my hand, holding it in his warm one. Mikey smiled idly before he asked “Well?” I stood up, bringing Frankie with me.

We went to where we had sat the green wrapped plates. Moving like it was a time-bomb under the wrapping, I held it in front of Mikey. “Open it,” I urged the curious Mikey.

He lifted up the edge of the wrapper and peeked under it. Then he took the whole thing off, exposing the scary cake on the plate.

“Oh God!” he gasped, clapping his hand over his mouth. “What is THAT?” Frankie laughed and looked at the cake with distaste.

“My mom's dreaded carrot cake. Think it looks bad? Try eating it for fifteen years.” he shuttered and grinned.

Mikey put the wrapping back on it and took the other plate, pitching them in the trash. “That must suck.” he said to Frankie. “I think I'm gonna make a better cake for your birthday.” he glanced at the trash and shuttered.

“God that was the scariest thing I've ever seen. And I've seen Gee without his coffee in the morning.” he muttered to Frankie, who giggled.

“You guys wanna help make the cake?” he called as he walked to the kitchen. I glanced at Frankie and he shrugged. “Sure.” I called after him. “Just let us put Frankie's things somewhere safe.”

We set Frankie's bags in the living room by the couch. When we went to the kitchen, Mikey had everything set up. “Wash your hands. Gee you know I'm a germaphobe.”

I winked at Frankie. “Sure do.” I murmured, coming up to stand behind Mikey. He turned and glared at me. “What-” I cut him off, licking his cheek.

He tried to slap me away, but I just stepped to the side and watched him freak out.

“EWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” he yelled. He whipped at his face and ran to the sink, turning the hot water on high. Frankie was laughing, holding onto the counter to keep from falling over.

Mikey scrubbed at his face, pouring dish soap into his hands. “Oh relax! We have the same DNA!” I teased Mikey as he dried his face on a hand towel.

“Just wash your hands!” he threw the towel at me.

Frank's Point of view

We made the cake and played games while we waited for it to cool so we could frost it. Impatient as he was, Gee asked Mikey every few minutes if it was cool yet. We sat on the couch and Mikey was laying on his back on the floor.

After getting up every time Gee asked to check, he just said “Give it thirty minutes” and set the timer on his phone. Fifteen minutes had gone by when Gee took my hand. “Wanna wrestle?” he looked at our hands. I nodded and he did the count down.

Shockingly, I won every game. Even though my thumb was shorter, it was stronger than Gee's.

After loosing about ten rounds, he sighed and played with my fingers. “How are your hands so strong?” he asked quietly. “I play guitar.” I shrugged.

“Really? That's cool. I tried when I was about ten but I didn't have the attention span for it.” he said, looking at my hand.

“Or the talent.” Mikey added from the floor. Gee threw a pillow from the couch on his face. “Shut up.” he muttered.

Mikey's phone went off and we all jumped. Then we went to the kitchen to finish the cake. A thought hit me hard. “Where's your mom?” I blurted.

“She's at our aunts' for the week. Our aunt had a baby and she wants to help her out.” Gee shrugged. I thought I saw him and Mikey exchange a look.

After smoothing the cake out and frosting it, we all had a piece. It was like eating heaven. We washed our plates and all the dishes we used to bake.

Mikey gave a long winded speech about Gee and I sleeping in the same room alone and we all agreed to sleep in the living room. Gee and I were on the floor with Mikey up on the couch.

I fell asleep holding Gee's hand. Mikey was snoring quietly five minutes after he'd lay down. Gee and I talked. About random things. Art, music, food, classes, teachers, what colleges we wanted to go to. Somewhere in the middle of that, he had kissed my cheek and pulled me closer.

Mikey didn't move and Gee held me against his chest. After a few minutes of not wanting to move, my back muscles started to twitch. I'd rolled onto my back and kept hold of Gee's hand.

When I was nearly asleep, I felt his lips on my forehead. “Night Frankie.” he murmured before he kissed me on the lips lightly. I sighed and smiled, half asleep. “Night Gee, love you.” I muttered, knowing it sounded like mush.

But he chuckled and I swear I heard him say “I love you to.” but I was already out.

Hope you guys like this! I'm working on a sugar high so it might be kinda lengthy in some places. SRY!!!!!!!!!!!! comment please :D
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