Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I Don't Love You Like I Did Yesterday

Confessions Of A Teenage Ninja Turtle

by ZombiexCupcake 2 reviews

just read it. FRERARD

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-02-14 - Updated: 2011-02-14 - 833 words

A/N: R&R

Frank’s P.O.V.

Bob let me down and I smiled at the guys.
“Hey there strangers.” I said. I high fived Ray and Mikey was looking at me like a creep. His mouth was wide open and his eyes were wide. I walked over to him and closed his mouth. “Keep you tonsils to yourself buddy.” I said. He smiled and hugged me. I hugged back and laughed.
“Frankie! Shit man, when you called me that night you freaked me out!” He said. I frowned and looked down hoping Gerard didn’t know about that.
“Oh, sorry about that. I was being a bit dramatic. And sorry that your girlfriend left you to take care of me.” I said. Mikey put his arm around Alicia.
“Its okay. I got her back didn’t I?” he said. Alicia giggled a bit. I smiled. At least she was happy. Mikey kissed her cheek and then turned back to me. “Besides, you needed her. I mean you almost jumped into the train track we are lucky Alicia and I got there before you actually jumped.” He said. I looked over at Gerard and saw his eyes turn from nervousness to anger and pain. I looked away and nodded a little.
“Yeah.” I said. I turned to Gerard.
“Hey Frankie.” He said. I could hear the pain in his voice. I tried to smile.
“Hi Gee.” I said in a small voice. He had hurt me so bad that night. “I better go to my bands recording. Maybe I’ll, uh, see you guys later or something.” I said making up a lie just to get away from the pain. I did have a recording session today but I still had about an hour before I had to go. I quickly escaped the pain and grabbed Pansy walking away. I frowned and sat down leaning against a wall in an empty hallway. Unfortunately, Gerard knew me better than I thought and knew I was lying. He saw me and frowned sitting next to me. We sat there in complete silence for a couple of minutes. He finally spoke realizing that I wasn’t going to say anything. But what was there to say?
“Remember that time when we went to the hospital to visit my Grandma and we sat in the hallway in complete silence for about 4 hours.” Gee said. I nodded a bit.
“Yeah, how is she?” I asked. I loved his Grandma like my own. He frowned.
“She is still alive but she is sick.” He said. I looked at him and frowned. “This reminds me of that moment a little. Minus the giant Coke bottle that we passed back and forth taking sips.” He said smiling at the memory. I smiled a little.
“And when we went to Six Flags after I got out of the hospital. We got like matching everything.” I said smiling and laughing a little. Gee laughed with me.
“You won me that giant Winnie the Pooh bear.” He said. I smiled and nodded.
“That thing was huge.” I said laughing. Gee smiled and nodded.
“Yeah. I still have it.” He said. I stared at him in shock.
“Y-you do?” I asked. He looked at me and nodded. We sat there in silence for a couple more minutes. I couldn’t believe he still had it. I mean why would he have kept it if he didn’t love me back.
“Why did you leave me Frankie? What did I do wrong?” He asked all of the sudden. He should know what he did wrong. I turned to face him and saw a tear running down his pale cheek.
“You should know what you did wrong.” I said. He frowned.
“Just tell me what I did wrong..” He said letting more tears fall. Shit. He was gonna make me cry too.
“Bert.” I mumbled. He looked confused.
“What about Bert?” He asked. Okay, now I was getting pissed at him. I looked down at the floor frowning.
“2 years ago on your birthday I came to visit you as a surprise. When I got off at the train station I called you and was going to ask you to come pick me up. Bert answered the phone. At first I was shocked but then I thought maybe you had a couple friends over for your birthday or something. But then Bert…started moaning which left me heart broken and on the train back to Belleville where I finished senior year, packed my bags and moved out to California with Alicia.” I said. I turned to face Gerard who was staring at me with pain in my eyes.
“You where the guy on the phone that night…” He said in a pained voice. I nodded slowly. “Frankie, I wasn’t at my dorm that night. Bert got kicked out of his house and I let him stay in my dorm. He was with his boyfriend Mike…”
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