Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Colorblind

Ice Cream and Other Surprises

by Katrina_Adams 2 reviews

More than ice cream is sometimes a surprise.

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2011-02-19 - Updated: 2011-02-20 - 524 words - Complete

Ryan sat there, watching Jon and Spencer play Go Fish for a good fifteen minutes. Brendon had slid closer to Ryan, but only to lean over Ryan a bit, to peak at Spencer’s cards. Ryan held his breath every time Brendon had leaned over him. Oh God, Ryan thought. He could catch Brendon’s faint scent of vanilla. Sweet, creamy vanilla. It took all of Ryan’s energy to restrain himself from jumping onto Brendon’s lap, and rubbing himself against Brendon, just to get Brendon’s scent on him.

“If we’re not going to practice, can I just go?” Ryan asks, looking over at Spencer. Their band practiced for about two hours. And he definitely not going to just sit here, having Brendon lean over him. Before Spencer could answer, Ryan had already stood up, picking up his guitar case, which was settled on the floor.

“I guess so,” Spencer says, not looking up from his cards. Ryan sighs.

“See you next week Ry,” Jon says, looking up at Ryan.

Ryan gave Jon a quick nod, and opened the door that led to the kitchen. Brendon didn’t say anything. Why? Did he just not care if Ryan was there or not? He walked through the living room, and out the front door. It was still hot outside, and his house was fifteen minutes away. And there was no way he was going back to his house. His dad was probably drunk already, and Ryan didn’t need any more bruises.

“Ryan!” Ryan recognized that voice.

Ryan turned around to see Brendon, walking out the front door and towards him. “What?” Ryan asks, trying to sound like he didn’t care what Brendon wanted, but not wanting to sound anxious.

Brendon looks at Ryan and smiles. His dorky, yet adorable smile. “Wellllll…you know how it’s really hot?” Brendon asks, smiling, and rocking back and forth on his heels, still looking up at Ryan.

“Yes..” Ryan sighed., looking down at Brendon’s feet.

“Well…do you want to go get ice cream with me?”

Ryan looked up at Brendon, and smiles a bit. “Yeah, okay.”

Brendon smiles brightly, and jumps up and down. “Yay!” Brendon exclaims, clapping his hands.

A fifteen minute walk to Brendon’s house, and it was spent by Brendon talking to Ryan about the different flavors of ice cream that he liked. Ryan didn’t really care about ice cream, but if it would make Brendon happy, then sure.

Brendon’s parents weren’t at home. As usual. Not that Ryan would know. It’s just that Brendon’s parents both worked all day, and came back at night.

Ryan placed his guitar case against the living room wall of Brendon’s house, and Brendon was already making his way to the kitchen. Ryan sighs softly as he sat down on the couch. They were alone in Brendon’s house, and that of course, made Ryan anxious.

Brendon came back in, holding two bowls of ice cream. But not only that. He was shirtless too, and his skin was glistening with sweat. Oh crap, Ryan thought.
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