Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Vampire's will never hurt you........

Sniffer Dogs and the secret prison.

by Unicorns-are-real 4 reviews

Billie Joe Armstrong, Ray,Mikey and Gerard set off in seacrh of Frankie Boy.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Angst - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-02-23 - Updated: 2011-02-24 - 828 words

Sniffer Dogs

Gerard's POV.

I think I'm starting to go insane. That voice in my head only proved my theory. It felt so real, like Frank really was there. I sighed and fell back into my bed, cuddling under the covers in my own little fortress of softness.

I must have slept pretty deeply for it to have come to Mikey cannonballing onto me in a final, desperate attempt to wake me up. He crashed straight into my stomach, knocking the air completely outta my lungs. I glared at him,

"What the fuc-" But Mikey cut me short.
"Before you ask, I had every reason to do that." He pushed his slightly askew glasses straight and pushed them up his nose, upon where the glasses decided they did not want to stay there and slid straight back down to the end of his nose again. "You wouldn't get up, Gee and I even tried tickling your feet but you still didn't move!"

I sat up stiffly, now aware that I had fallen asleep in my jeans. I rubbed my bleary eyes from sleep. "You even tickled my feet, huh?" Mikes nodded and passed me a mug. I smiled. Mmmmmm, coffee. I downed it quickly, the hot liquid coarsing through my body, jolting my brain into action.

"Come on, bro." Mikey called as went downstairs, "I'd rather not keep Billie waiting and I'm sure you actually want to find Frank!"

After the worlds quikest wash and dress times, we bolted out of the front door to find Billie, waiting next to his van, "Thought you might wanna ride with me?" he asked. We smiled and got in, Mikey and Billie in front, me and (after we had picked him up) Ray in the back. We parked up at the Nightclub where Frank had been taken. I couldn't help but feel bad for Mrs. Iero, whilst she was out on a business trip her only child had become a vampire, got captured by some rogue FBI Agents and was now being held as prisoner. Great.

They all got out,
"Where's Bob?" I asked, noticing that we were on short. Mikey rolled his eyes,
"He didn't tidy his room properly." I surpressed a giggle. Billie clapped his hands together loudly.
"Okay! Let's get started!"

I took out a shirt of Frank's from my messenger bag and handed it over. He sniffed it slowly then began to sniff the air. He got back in the van and we all followed after. Billie wound down his window so as to keep track of Frank's scent and we left the night club, heading for the other side of New Jersey.

I'm coming, Frank, I'm coming.

Billie's POV.

The shirt Gerard had brought to me was very strong in Frank's scent; a strong mix of chocolate, coffee, gummy bears and cologne. Only Frank could pull off a smell as unique as that.

It was going to be easy to find him, I was sure. It was the busting him out part of the plan I was worried about. That part was going to be tricky.

Gerard's POV.

We pulled up near forest on the other side of NJ. Billie got out, "End of the line folks." he said as we stumbled after him. Billie whispered something to Mikey and I saw him nod.

Billie started to shake, his eyes became a luminous green and black fur sprouted from his forearms. I watched, fascinated, as Billie started to grow a snout and his ears came back after momentarily dissappearing. He let out a low snarl that transformed into a powerful howl that rung loudly in my ears.

Billie whined and stretched a pair of massive paws, elongated, razor sharp claws protruding out. He had long jet black fur that clashed with his luminous green eyes.
"That." breathed Ray,"Was fucking awsome! I wish I was werewolf..." Billie inhaled the air, catching Frank's scent once more and he pawed the ground before setting off. He barked and yapped when we lagged behind so I picked up pace, not wanting my heels to be snapped at like Ray's.

"Anyway. Ray, you couldn't be a werewolf." snickered Mikey.
"Why not?" Ray pouted, sticking out his bottom lip.
"Because you'd look like some sort of overgrown poodle!" Mikey burst into a fit of giggles as did I.
"Hey! Just cuz you're jealous of my epic 'fro!"

We burst into a clearing and I stopped. No. No.

I was in the medow from dream except there was a building. Wild Pansies grew under one window. I fell to the floor, crushing numerous Wildflower under me.
Frank's voice burned its way into my head again, thousands of words attacked my mind;

"Gerard. Save me. Alexia. James. Life. Death. Dark. Cold. Jack. Katie. Bob. Ray Mikey. Werewolf. Vampire. Talents. Gifts. Suicide. Bullet. Help. Pansies. Hope. Telepathy....."

The voice in my head stopped, searching,

"Gee?..." It whispered.

Frank's face appeared at the barred window.
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