Categories > Original > Romance > iJobuscus

The PArty

by Jazomaniac 0 reviews

Toby and Justine, along with her sisters, go to a party!

Category: Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Crossover,Humor,Romance - Published: 2011-03-02 - Updated: 2011-03-02 - 2012 words

Justine sat on her bed with her sisters They had just came in and woke her up. She rubbed her eyes groggily and yawned while she stretched. She plopped back down on her bed. Jenna and Breanne laid next to her.

"So, Jus, what's going on between you and Toby?" Jenna asked, leaning up on her elbow. She looked at Justine with raised brows.

Justine looked at Jenna then at Breanne. She sighed softly, she knew what they were trying to do, when ever she was tired she pretty much fessed up to everything.

"Nothing," Justine said softly, she brought her hands up and looked at them as she fiddled with her fingers. She sighed softly, like she was sad. Which she was, she really liked Toby.

"Well, how do you feel about him?" Breanne piped in, she was still tired, but all this girl talk still excited her.

"I like him a lot, like a lot a lot," Justine blurted out. "But all he seems to do is send mixed messages." She sighed heavily and blushed a little. Jenna and Breanne 'awed' at her then she covered her face. "Shut up guys!"

"Well, maybe you should tell him how you feel, Jus." Jenna suggested. Justine just shrugged and got up.

"What if he doesn't feel the same way?" Justine asked, usually she doesn't worry about these things, because she usually doesn't like someone so much.

"Jus, he came to your house last night when he thought something was wrong, he rushed over here and walked straight into your apartment. He's either a legit creeper, or he's in lvoe with you." Breanne pointed out.

Justine knew Bre was right, and she smiled as she walked over to her closet. She picked up a pair of her black jeggings, a loose tank top, a black fitted tank top, a bra and underwear. She shrugged softly and turned back around.

"We'll just have to see." Justine said softly. She smiled and walked to the bathroom and started the shower.

Toby sighed softly as he walked out of the shower. He pulled on his boxers and grabbed a pair of jeans and a simple t-shirt. He got dressed and walked into his kitchen and grabbed his phone off the charger. He checked his messages. He sighed softly and slid on his heelys.

Toby walked down the stairs in his apartment building and out the door. He rolled down the street randomly. Thinking. Justine had been on his mind all night last night, he dreamed of her.

Toby sighed softly and pulled out his phone. Toby vlogged for a while, about nothing and not even really getting into it. His dream had ben driving him crazy, and he even slipped up and mentioned it a few times, thankfully he hadn't mentioned it was about Justine, just that it was about a girl he liked.

Toby made his way around the block a few times then walked back into his apartment. He sighed and uploaded the video onto youtube then went an annotated it.

Toby went and took another shower, of course he didn't realize it was his second shower. He got out and shook his head. He got dressed and went and sat on his couch.

Justine sat on the stool in her kitchen as her sisters did her hair and make-up.

"Guys, this is ridiculous." Justine said for the four-hundredth time.
"Jus, shut up! This is fun, even if you think this is ridiculous." Jenna said, Justine knew that Jenna loved doing this. Justine sighed softly.
"What time is it?" Justine asked, they were supposed to be at Brittani's at four.
"Three fifteen" Breanne said as she wrapped some of Justine's hair around the curling iron.
"Are you almost done?"
"Yes, Jus, chill." Jenna snapped, she was fed up with Justine constantly whining about this.

Breanne and Jenna finished her hair and make up and they all got dressed. Justine studied herself in the mirror and smiled softly, she actually liked what they did, like always.

"Alright guys! Let's go." Justine smiled and grabbed her purse as they walked out the door. Justine smiled to herself, she was nervous. What would Toby think? Would he think there was too much? Would he be totally turned off? She bit her lip then expolded in randomness. Jenna and Breanne knew this is what she did when she was nervous. They just shook their heads and laughed.

Toby pulled up to Brittani's place and ran a hand through his hair. He got out and walked up to her apartment slowly. He kept looking around for Justine, but she was no where to be found. He knocked on Brittani's door and waited. She answered and welcomed him in. He walked in and greeted everyone. The guys pulled him over to the video games and gave him a controller. He sat down and drowned out his thought in the game.

Justine walked up to Brittani's apartment and smiled. She had seen his car out in the parking lot. Brittani opened the door and hugged them all. They all walked in and somehow they all started vlogging, except for Breanne.

During their vlogs they tried to convince Bre to start vlogging but she just shook her head and resisted. They all laghed though.

Toby got up to take a break and saw Justine and all the other girls laughing. He smiled, hers was always the loudest to him. Her amazing, beautiful laugh.

Justine looked up and smiled at him. She waved and he waved back. She got up and walked over to him. She stood right next to his tall self and smiled up at him.

"Hi." Justine said softly. Toby couldn't help but grin.

"Hey there short stuff." He smirked softly. She pouted but smiled.

"What have been doing?" Justine asked softly. Toby couldn't hear her that well.

"You wanna go get some air?" He asked. She nodded and started walking to the door.

Toby followed behind her and walked out the door with her. "So, what did you ask earlier?"

"Oh, uh, what were you doing in there?" Justine smiled up at him.

"Oh, me and the guys were playing Call of Duty." Toby smiled,

"What? Why didn't anyone tell me?" Justine asked, going into her geeky mode. Toby just smiled, she was just so cute.

"I guess they just didn't realize you were there. If I woulda known I would have pulled you right in there." Toby smiled as they walked out the door.

"I know, otherwise I would have killed you." Justine smirked and hit him playfully. "So, my phone broke." Justine pouted a little and wiped away a fake tear.

"Awe, that's sad, is that when you threw it across the room?" Toby smirked softly, but it grew into a smile quickly.

"Yes, my sisters scared the crap outta me!" Justine laughed, thinking back. "Then you came in, that was funny too." She grinned up at him as they walked down the street.

"Okay, what if that had been a robber, Justine? I would have been there for a reason."

"Oh yeah, and what would that reason be, Toby?" She smiled softly and looked ahead of her.

"To protect you, of course." Toby said cheerfully. He loved the sound of it. He wished it could be his full time job.

"Awe, how sweet, let me go puke now." Justine said sarcastically, even though she loved the sound of that.

"So, uhm, about all of yesterday.." Toby bit his lip, how was he going to tell her.

"Oh yeah, pretty crazy day, huh?" She said softly. She didn't really want to talk about it right now, it didn't seem like the right timing for her to express her feelings.

"Yeah, very crazy." Toby chuckled softly, without humor, nodding slowly. He ran a hand through his hair. "So you looked ver girly tonight."

Justine nodded, realizing how he changed the subject. She nodded and smiled. "Yeah, my sisters insisted on doing my hair an make up, they thought it would impress..." Justine trailed off, not wanting to say anymore, she bit down on her lip.

"Impress who?" Toby raised a brow, hoping it was him, scared it was someone else.

"No one, never mind." Justine said quietly.

They walked around in silence for awhile, awkward silence. Justine wanted to tell him, she wanted to tell him that she had strong feelings for him, as Toby wanted to tell her. But they just weren't feeling it tonight.

"It's probably about time we get back." Toby noted awkwardly.

Justine nodded in agreement and turned around. Toby turned around with her and their hands brushed softly. They both bit their lip and blushed. Justine looked up at him and noticed he was blushing too. She ignored it and sighed.

"What's wrong?" Toby asked quietly.

"Nothing." Justine shook her head and bit her lip. She brushed her hand against his and looked up at him.

Toby looked down at her, he could tell it was intentional. He bit his lip and wrapped his hand around hers. He smiled softly and looked back ahead of them.

To Toby and Justine both, it felt perfect, like two puzzle pieces fitting together. Justine smiled and looked down at their hands then ahead of them.

They walked back to the apartment and let each others hands go when they reached Brittani's apartment.

They walked in and she looked around for her sisters.

"Hey, Brit, where's Jen and Bre?" Justine asked.

"They left, taking your car. They figured that Toby could take you home on his way home." Brittani told her and shrugged.

Justine looked up at Toby. "Is that alright?" she asked.

Toby nodded. "Of course, it's not a problem at all."

Toby and Justine played video games with everyone, and people started leaving. Eventually they were the last ones there, besides Shane of course. He was always there last. Justine and Toby got up and looked at them, they smiled and said there good byes. Justine grabbed her purse and they walked out. Justine looked up at Toby briefly then back at the walls. She hummed softly as they walked down to his car. He walked around and opened the door for her. She giggled and got in.

"Thank you kind sir." She said with a smile.

"Oh, you're welcome madam." He grinned and closed the door after she was in and walked around and got in himself. They buckled their seat belts and Toby pulled out of the parking lot.

Justine looked over at him when he pulled up to her apartment. "Would you, walk me up?" She smiled sweetly.

"Of course." Toby said sweetly.

Justine and Toby got out of the car and walked up to her apartment. Justine leaned against the wall next to the door.

"So I guess I'll see you later, then." Justine smiled up at him. He nodded.

"Yeah, of course. We have video games to play together." He smiled back.

"Hey, we're going to the Apple store tomorrow, you should come with us, we can do an Apple store dance." Justine was acting all excited. Toby couldn't help to smile.

"I'd love to! Dancing with three girls, sounds like a dream come true!" Toby grinned and chuckled.

Justine giggled. "I'll see you tomorrow then, huh?"

Toby nodded. Justine smiled and slid through the tiny space between them and put her hand on the knob. She smiled up at him.

"Bye, Toby." Justine said cutely, hers eyes lingering on his.

Toby thought to himself, this was a great opportunity to make his move. He sighed softly then leaned down and kissed her cheek. She blushed so fast he could feel the warmth on her cheek from his lips. His lips lingered for a moment and then he pulled away.

"Goodbye, Justine." He smiled and walked down the hall.

Justine watched him then walked inside her house and threw her purse across the room.

"What the heck? A kiss on the cheek?" Justine groaned and stomped off to her room.
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