Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Vampire Money

Oh, sugar.

by CaptainKilljoy 3 reviews

It all gets a bit weird for Gerard, not to mention he's hearing voices.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Horror,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2011-03-11 - Updated: 2011-03-11 - 626 words

A/N: Sorry if this is bad, I was extremely distracted when typing it up from rough. Le boyf was sitting next to me muttering Pokemon related nonsense and how much he disliked My Chem, and I was developing a nasty cold that's come to me full throttle right now :( Rate and review, it always cheers me up! :')

Oh, sugar.

"Wake up sleepyhead." I heard him drag me into consciousness...

I woke, drenched in a layer of cold sweat, I was shaking profoundly.
Frank looked worriedly into my eyes, placing a soft, warm hand to my forehead.
"Gee, you don't look so good. Want me to get Mikey, or your mom?" he asked whilst biting him lip nervously.
"I'm fine" I croaked. I suddenly felt the need to throw up or faint. Vomiting seemed much more preferable to passing out. I lurched up, staggering to my bathroom and knelt in front of the toilet.
I wrinkled my nose at the feeling of the contents of my stomach rising up and let the retching begin. I'm so glad it's a Saturday.
It's Friday.

After I'd finished I grumbled, dragging myself into the shower. I let the hot water run over me as I processed my terrifying nightmare. I was certain I had kill-
Well, I was a monster, anyway.
I yawned and turned the water off, wrapping a towel around myself I wandered back into my room, earning a blush from Frankie.
I smirked and got dressed as Frank did the same.
Soon after we were on our way to hell- oh, sorry. I meant school. We walked in and got ourselves in trouble as soon as we got to our lockers, luckily Mikey had gone with Alicia somewhere so he missed out on a beating.
I stood at my locker, reading the recent abuse scrawled across it, as Frank did the same with his.
"Hey faggots, wanna play?" I heard the familiar voice of J.J hissing in my ear.
Without turning I replied “No thanks, I’ve had enough of you and your barbie dolls. I prefer playing Dungeons and Dragons.”

I expected the punch.
I didn’t expect that creepy woman to appear in my head. Adrenaline rushed and surged along with a faint burning in my veins.
“Punch him back, you’re stronger now” she tempted me.
And I just couldn’t resist.
I drew my arm back and BAM. BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! I punched, again and again until he was crying like a girl on the floor at my feet.
“Oh sugar, I’m so proud” she pretended to weep dramatically. I snorted.
When the day was done and Mikey and I were at home he rounded on me.
“You beat up J.J.”
“So?” I didn’t get the point he was trying to make.
“So?! Gee you’ve never been that strong. C’mere” he dragged me into his room, pulling out a dusty book entitled “Vampire Facts” I scoffed. “Mikes not this crap again.” although an uncomfortable feeling stirred in my stomach, something wasn’t quite right.
He thrust a page at my face. ‘Traits of An Early Vampire’ I read through; some traits included the cold sweats, visions, increased strength/ agility and mild blood-lust. I shuddered at the last one: connection with sire*.

I gulped, I could feel the dizziness setting in, lights spotted in front my eyes before blackness took over and I crashed into the oblivion.
“You’re getting closer. So much closer. Don’t fuck it all up now!”
I began to sob.
She smiled, half sadistically and half sympathetically.
“Oh, sugar.”

A/N: *- all complete shite made up by yours truly.. Some of it might be true, who knows.
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