Categories > Anime/Manga > Fruits Basket > Once upon a White Day...

Yuki's advice

by shakespeare_lozza 2 reviews

Kyo is in dire straits. The love of his life is in love with some one else... or so he thinks... will Yuki straighten him out?

Category: Fruits Basket - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Romance - Characters: Kyo, Tohru, Yuki - Published: 2006-05-19 - Updated: 2006-05-20 - 783 words

Kyo was in a foul mood that afternoon; he slumped against the wall in his room and secretly nursed his wounded heart. There was no way in hell that I am giving her up without a fight. Now I have got to produce a plan to eliminate Yuki from Tohru's affections!

Kyo pondered his strategy of attack, when all of a sudden a certain figure standing in his doorway began to laugh.

"You know what? You are not a damn cat... You're an ass."
Kyo turned to see Yuki reclining on the doorframe, looking calm and collected. His face has lost all its mirth, and was now glaring a hot path towards Kyo. Kyo ran his hands through his hair.


"You're an idiot."


"It is so obvious how you feel about her, yet you sit here doing nothing" Yuki coughed slightly and shoved his hands in his pockets.

"Hey! You shut up for a second an- Wait, what do you mean, 'it's obvious how you feel about her?" Kyo felt a blush creep over his face. Damn... why does this keep happening? I hate having red hair!

"Tohru is what I am talking about! You look at her like she's paradise, and you are eternally residing in prison."

He has no idea how right he is... "What are you on about?"

"Why don't you go and show her how you feel!" Yuki snorted "I can't stand to see you both in such misery."

Kyo suddenly remembered the journal entry, and his hackles rose "Ya don't know NOTHING ya damn rat!" He looked away sadly "She doesn't ...feel... for me that way..."

Yuki smiled "Are you kidding? If anything, she's worse than you. You both have a terrible time at hiding what's in here." He tapped his chest over his heart. "Emotion is like a beacon on your faces."

Kyo felt his heart tear, shredded into tiny pieces. "You are wrong you know. I already know she loves someone else."

Yuki let out a loud laugh "That's a joke right? Probably just one of your weirdo imaginings..."

It was then that Kyo just exploded, he had had enough.
My life is crap enough what with my bleak future and it is just too much to my emotions trodden on by that GOD DAMN RAT!

He jumped up off the ground and through a mixture of his injured heart and jealousy of 'Prince Yuki' he screamed "YOU KNOW WHAT, RAT? YOU ARE THE LAST PERSON I WANT TO TALK TO RIGHT NOW... IF IT WERE'NT FOR YOU, THEN MAYBE MY LIFE WOULD BE GOOD! MAYBE I WOULDN'T BE DAMNED TO AN ETERNAL FREEDOM-LESS STATE, AND MAYBE TOHRU WOULD LOVE ME! BUT UNFORTUNATLEY SHE OBVIOUSLY CAN'T SEE ANYTHING BEYOND HER WONDERFUL 'PRINCE'! " Kyo sat down once again, broken... He was close to tears, but he would be damned before he let Yuki see him cry.

Throughout the duration of this speech, Yuki stood with his mouth hanging wide open. "WHAT? Are you trying to say... are you... You say she loves me?" Yuki's face then crumpled as he laughed in Kyo's face.


"You fat idiot!"


"Where in the world did you get that from?"

"Her... her..."

"Come on now, spit it out furball."

"Her.." Kyo blushed profusely "Her journal... it was lying open and everything!"

Yuki frowned, and he looked like he was about to berate Kyo for 'breaking and entering' but quietly retracted his comment instead saying "Ahh... saw something you didn't want to see, huh? What exactly did it say?"

Kyo looked away as a wave of sadness enveloped him "It mentioned something about loving a 'prince', and since you are regarded the royalty of the school, I thought-"

"You jumped to conclusions. That's what." Yuki exhaled slowly, as he examined the situation.

Kyo retorted defensively "Yeh, but so what?"
"So WHAT? What do you mean so WHAT?"

"I mean, how are you so sure she doesn't love you?"

Yuki shook his head "You are still insecure about her."

Kyo glanced up, and muttered with profound sincerity "Of course I'm not insecure, I love her don't I?" With this, Kyo realised what he'd admitted a beat too late, slapping his hand over his own mouth. In front of that rat too...

Yuki stifled another laugh "You know, she told me who she loves. And although I do doubt her choice in men, I will still help the girl who has done so much for me."

Kyo brightened at this statement. "How should I tell her how I feel?"

Yuki pulled a white ribbon from his pocket and gently draped it over Kyo's hand. "Well, tomorrow is St Whites day..."
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