Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > tears fall for a reason

chapter 2

by rockerchick4life 3 reviews

frank realises that there is something gee is not telling him something.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2011-04-19 - Updated: 2011-04-19 - 222 words

Franks p.o.v
i slowly awaken and look at my phone and to my suprise i have a text off gee, i quickly check the time, its half three in the morning so i know that something must be wrong.I get up as quietly as i can and pull on my black skinny jeans and my black veil brides hoodie, i slip out of the house and run to the grave yard where gee told me to meet him. the grave yard looms into sight in front of me, i call out his name but he doesn't answer, now i know something is wrong, i race to the top of the hill and what i see chills me to the bone.

gerards p.o.v
As i wait for frank to get here i start thinking about all the lies, all the abuse and everything that makes my life hell and then i remember why i came here.I take my phone out of my pocket and take the back cover off and take out the razor blade i have kept hidden all these years and take one last look at the world i know, then i draw the blade across the white canvas of my arm and welcome the enveloping darkness.

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