Categories > Original > Fantasy > Magyck

Flaming Gay

by ArtemysStonedragon 0 reviews

*Warning!!* Gay bashing. Not my point of view dont kill me! Instantaneously the fire alarms and sprinklers went off.

Category: Fantasy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Published: 2011-05-04 - Updated: 2011-05-04 - 1362 words

So this chapter has some gay bashing. and before you all kill be this isnt my view. I have lots of gay friends and I would never think this about them! It actually almost killed me to write this chapter. once I was done I wanted to clean my brain from all the bull crap.

Also please review!! I would heart you and be inspired to write more!!


Seth couldn't believe it, there in front of the room was the boy. The rather good looking boy who causes Seth and Cassie to come crashing down in the hallway not that long ago. Seth couldn't bring his eyes away from shy boy near Mr. Clark. 'Xavriel Monteguerro' he thought, 'so the poof boy is real and has a name.' Seth looked around to see the rest of the class was staring at the new kid.

He quickly pulled out his cell phone and sent Cassie a text, 'hey the popper kid is in my class' Within seconds he got a reply, 'really? Be a spy and gather info about him!' Seth glanced around again, seeing no one was paying attention to him, he typed a message back, 'got it. Spy on freaky poof kid. Can do. Hugs and luffs and stuff. Ttyl.' Seth smiled at what his best friend sent back, 'alright. Be careful! Don't let f get you down. Same back at you.' Seth looked back at the new boy who was now talking to the assistant headmaster, thinking about how Cassie was such a worrier.

He tipped his head to the side and observed the Xavriel, mentally taking him in. Xavriel wasn’t that tall, maybe an inch or so taller than Cassie. His long, long hair pulled back into a loose ponytail. Seth wasn't sure if he has ever seen someone with pale, icy blue hair before and definitely never seen a boy with hair that long. Seth leaned over his desk to see just how long the hair was. 'wow. Waist length hair.' Seth thought, 'I wonder if its his natural color'

Xavriel's skin was the color of Seth's favorite drink, french vanilla cappuccino. The bronzed boy's face and ears were covered with jewelry. Seth counted a total of 21 different piercings. Xavriel had on a light purple cotton long-sleeved shirt on underneath a leather vest. His pants appeared to be leather. Seth's mind froze, eyes slightly bulging, mind racing with thoughts like, 'OMG hes wearing leather pants...LEATHER PANTS!' Seth's face slightly flushed and he needed to shake his head.

When he peeked up again he saw Mr. Forthwood pointing towards him. Seth glanced around him, trying to figure out why he was being pointed out. He saw Mr. Clark nod to Forthwood and Xavriel and then turned to leave. Xavriel walked back to Seth's corner and sat in the empty chair next to him. Xavriel nodded to Seth and arranged his things. He then proceeded to look towards the front of the room, appearing not to catch Seth's scan of him.

Seth noticed now that the boy had makeup on, reminding him of the ancient pharaohs. Xavriel glanced at him, catching Seth in the act of checking him out. Xavriel's eyebrow went up, giving Seth a questioning look. Seth flushed and turned to face the front again. Not before seeing that Xavriel's eyes were the most magnificent shade of violet, only a few shades darker than the boy's shirt. Seth peeked over again, just in time to see Xavriel shift in his seat. Seth's heart started to beat just a bit faster.

He tried to pay attention to Forthwood teaching, something about exponents, but his body seemed only over aware of Xavriel. The further they got into the class they got, the warmer Seth's body felt. About an hour into the class, Seth's body felt like it was aflame. He could feel his face flush. Seth couldn't help but wonder if maybe he was coming down with something or if a body can burn from the inside out. He made a mental note to look up sicknesses involving full body fevers.

Seth glanced at the clock, only 20 minutes to go. He could do this, just ignore the amazingly hot guy sitting so close to him. He swiped his hand across his forehead, wiping off the sweat. Seth looked at his hand, 'when did I start sweating so bad?' he questioned himself. Seth looked over at the heating vents under the horrendous curtains. The curtains weren't moving so the heating wasn't on.

Seth shook his head, causing his hair spikes to wobble. He heard some one chuckle to the right of him. He looked over to see Xavriel grinning at him. Seth gave the other boy a inquiring look. Xavriel pointed to his own head and gave it a little shake, making his endless ponytail to wiggle. Seth's eyes slightly glazed over as images of braiding and other things he could do to that glacial blue hair flew through his mind.

He shook his head again, somewhat blushing over the fact he was caught staring again, when he heard Forthwood loudly exclaim, “Mr. Monte...whatever your name is. Do you have a problem with Mr. Mathews? Which is quite understandable, though I would think your kind would get along with each other well enough.” Xavier looked at the math teacher, “No I don't have a problem with Mr. Mathews, actually I find Mr. Mathews quite attractive if I am being honest.” He then turned and smiled at Seth.

Forthwood faltered for a moment, “You will address me as either Sir or Mister Forthwood you ungrateful little bastard.” Forthwood took a couple menacing steps toward the boys' corner, “Its because of little diseased faggots like you good people are losing their god given rights. You people are dirtying the whole sanction of marriage and soiling our proud military. You fags can't even practice safe sex and now hundreds of people cant even get the blood they need. Not to mention your so called sex is wrong.” The whole time Forthwood was ranting, he was walking toward the two boys, his face rapidly growing more red, almost purple, “I will have respect! Even if its from you two. You two are nothing but a bunch of freaks, abominations against god, nothi...”

Just then Seth stood up, he had enough. Xavriel looked like he was going to cry any second and Seth couldn't take it. Forthwood looked at Seth, obviously shocked. Seth took a step towards his most disliked teacher, “I'm done with this. You fucking prick. I come to this school every damn day and put up with yours and everyone else's bullshit. That’s right morons I can hear you. But damn it Xavriel's new here. Does that stop you? No you tear right into him. And I am not standing for it. I don't give a fuck if you kick me out of class or expel me from this fucking school! I don't give a damn anymore! Fuck!”

Seth grabbed his bag, noticing that someone had already packed his stuff in his bag. He saw Michael give him a nod towards the door. He looked at Xavriel and gave him a questioning look, silently asking if he wanted to leave with Seth. Xavriel nodded and got prepared to leave.

While passing Forthwood, the teacher grabbed Seth's arm and opened his mouth. Seth beat him to it, “Unhand me you fucking homophobic asshole!” Forthwood's face looked like he was going to blow some veins, “Boy!” Seth jerked his arm away, “No you listen! I don't need this. I don't need all the bullshit from people in this school. So don't fucking touch me!” Forthwood took a step towards Seth bring his face within inches of Seth's, “Now its my turn to speak queer.”

Then Seth's temper snapped and Forthwood's atrocious curtains burst into flames. Burning rather quickly the reached the roof in seconds. Instantaneously the fire alarms and sprinklers went off. Seth stared at the flames, confused.

Xavriel grabbed Seth's armed and pulled him out of the room and towards the outside world.
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