Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Red blood.

Just another dirty look in the hallway.

by evangeline-eagles 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2011-05-04 - Updated: 2011-05-04 - 440 words

"Gerard, why have you been acting so fucking weird around me lately? Like, I know you hate Frankie, but you don't have to act like such a little dick! I'm meant to be your best friend, why the fuck do you hate him so much!" Red literally jolted my chin up so I had to look her in the eyes. Because, Red, he has you, and he doesn't deserve you, and I'm a jealous cunt...
"Because, Alice, he's a cunt"
"That's not a reason, that's just a word". Red, I'm deeply in love with you, I would marry you in a heartbeat, and we'd have a fucking awesome family. Together, you and me, leave him.
"He just is a dick, and I dislike him. He treats you like shit"
"He... he... no he doesn't" she looked down to her feet. Yes, he does and you deserve way better, I know I'm a bit of a fugly bitch, but I love you, I'd protect you.
"Yes, Alice, look you know he is"
"Since when did you care?"
"ALL THE FUCKING TIME, RED. I FUCKING LOVE YOU! I HAVE FOR THE PAST THREE YEARS! I WANT YOU! I NEED YOU! I CRAVE YOU!" Shit. Shit bollocks wank fuck cunt. I said that all out loud. Our friendship is over.
"You... love me?" She looked shocked, really? Thought she'd cottoned on at least bit by now.
"Yes, Alice. I love you, you wanted me to be honest, so... yeah"
"I don't... I don't know what to say, Gee"
"I do, go be with Frank. He's a dick and you deserve way better, but if that's your choice, then go with it. I know I'll regret this, but just... let's leave us alone. Be separate for a while, it's better off this way"
"Alone? For how long?" Forever because my outburst just fucked things up between us, and you clearly would rather be with Fuckface that me.
"I don't know, Alice. I hate the thought of losing you, but I don't want to fuck you up, please don't make this harder than it needs to be. I'm gonna' go... I'll cal... I'll... never mind"
Grab my arm, tell me not to go, hold my waist and beg me to stay, beg me to be yours. Do something.
I didn't turn back, she didn't want me. I didn't want to mess her up.
It's better off this way, just to be another stranger I pass in the halls, another stranger to throw shit at me, bump into me and leave my workbooks in a heap on the floor. Red, you'll just be another dirty look.
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