Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Frankie in wonderland


by xxFrerardxx 2 reviews

Getting a bit.. curious.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2011-05-13 - Updated: 2011-05-14 - 398 words


"I was in the middle of someth-" I begun.
"Ohh sure, sleeping like usual? That's not someting, that my dear, is a complete waste of your time. You could be spending those hours doing something productive!" She explained, probably something that only made sense to her. What could be better then my Wonderland? Why on earth would anyone want to be somewhere else, when you could be there?
"Mom, for gods sake, I don't give a fuck!" I sighed, not even making an attempt to get out of bed, I needed to go back.
"EXCUSE ME YOUNG MAN! I will not have you talk to me like that!"
"I'm sorry. I'm tired."
"It's quite alright. But Frank, honestly, please get up now. I need your help in the yard Darling."

When I step outside awhile later I cringe at the brightness. It's like I've been locked up in a celler and haven't seen sunshine for ages. It's a awkward feeling actually.
"Fresh air will do you good, now I have much for you to do. Hop on it!" My mother commanded in a somewhat polite manner. I just nod on by, doing whatever she says. At least if I do what she says, means I can get back to doing whatever I want. In my case, going back to my dreams or whatever.

When I finally retreat back to my room, I lock my door, close my blinds and jump into bed quickly. I awake in my smaller version of my body on the ground. My vision is blurry and once my eyes focus I can see this Gerard fellow right above my head.
"Glad you've rejoined us, you gave me quite a fright there!" He flashed me a bright smile.
"Uh, yeah. I should have said something, um I wasn't feeling well. And I tend to faint a lot, so be aware for next time. Uh wait, I mean not next time. Who knows if theres a next time right? I just meant that uh well-" I started to stutter uncontollably, luckly Gerard stopped me before I made a complete fool of myself.
"Calm down, theres going to be a next time. You can count on it."
.......Theres going to be a next time. I can count on it. This is the moment where I think I truely realized I NEVER want to wake up. Ever.
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