Categories > Original > Drama > Diary Of A Young Girl


by jadesohma 1 review

Category: Drama - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2011-05-27 - Updated: 2011-05-28 - 651 words

First thank you thank you thank so much Mistaken-Vampire. You truely made my day after the really shitty one I've had. You are the real meaning of beautiful.

Just to get on topic: I swear I'm invisable. I really and true think that if I don't say anything people don't see me.

Before one of the girls sat at my lunch table, she didn't know who I was or that I was even in her class. Can you imagen how I felt? Yes, a side of me loved that. But hell, deep inside, that ripped me apart. I knew everyones name by the second day of school and she didn't know I was there for three weeks. We'll call her sarah.

So now in the very same class I'm working on a project with Sarah and two other girls. I wasn't listened to today. I think that added to my shit day. I will be dumped with all the work and I'm trying to get the groups side but no ones paying attention. I felt so small when I was the tallest one...

Then, in art class, one of my favorites, I got up just for a second and when I came back, someone was in my seat. I asked 6 times for him to get up. On the seventh time he finally noticed me then made fun of my stutter..

In first period/block or whatever you call it by you, a guy called me fat.... That just hurt.

In the last block/period, it all built up. I sat on it blankly, not feeling it buble and boil within me.

Then I walk on my bus. I sat down and starred at the seat. I felt my eyes burn so I closed them and put my head on the seat in front of me.

Now, I had just changed the song to Bruised And Scarred. My friend--- E looked and thought it was the song. Her and one of my guy friends--- Twiggy (This kid is as big as one) started to talk about how I DON'T look okay.

Then my other friend--- Lani sat down in the seat before mine. My head lifted, eyes still closed, and I sat up straight.

"Whats wrong with you?" She asked, rather harshly, but since it was her, it's fine.

I open my eyes and look at her, starting to shake my head.

"Don't say nothing because you look like your about to cry!"

"I-I- Am!" And then came the water works. My friends watched in horror ask I just broke down crying and gasping. E and Lani wraped me in their arms. Twiggy and--- Idiot started to make stupid jokes, trying to make me feel better. I just cryed even harder. I'm welling up just telling you guys.

Then, I started laughing at Lani falling out of her seat and Twiggy doing stupid things. That's when I became invisable again. I had just balled my eyes out and they were talking about feety pajamas...

When I got home, I ran up to my room, blasted music and cryed. About an hour later I got a call from Annie. She asked if I wanted to got to target.

I agreed and went. Of course, all she wanted to do was try on clothes. So we did. GOD! Do you know how fat I felt?! Shes picking up smalls and size 5 pants!

Let me make this clear, I love Annie to death. She is the most amazing best friend I could have ever asked for. Shes just so damn blind!

If she didn't love food she'd be anorexic. She thinks shes fat but shes not! Ugh!

Now, just a few minutes ago, I washed my face. I scrubed so hard skin began to peel off. I just want it gone! My gross skin and all my bad luck.

Thank you and read on. ~JS~
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