Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > For the Last Night I Lie, Could I Lie with You?

The REAL Preview!

by IloveMCRmy 2 reviews

Okay so the other one never went up so NOW you guys get to read it haha. So sorry!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-06-19 - Updated: 2011-06-19 - 638 words

Okay so I just saw that the preview didn't show up. So I am so sorry about that. But as I said before the title of the sequel will be We'll Love Again, We'll Laugh Again, We'll Cry Again, We'll Dance Again, and its Better Off This Way I might shorten the title but the first chapter won't be finished and up for a little, so read my other story (: I love you guys, you are the best! Thanks andreajp for ponting out my mistake!

Chapter 1: And in Saying You Loved Me Made Things Harder at Best

"Gerard please don't go!" I yelled as I could see the ivory angel moving further and further away. Tears were running down my face and the further away Gerard got the fuzzier everything became.

"No!" I woke up in a cold sweat; I could feel the sweat dripping of my body onto my bed sheets.

I had this dream every night since Gerard died. It always started with Gerard and me walking down the road, holding hands. Just overall enjoying each other's presence. It was a cool summer evening, like the day he died. The sunlight shined on his hazel eyes causing them to sparkle, and make him look even more perfect than he already was. Everything about the dream felt so real, the heat from the sun on my face, the way the breeze blew my hair back, and the warmth of Gerard. Each time the dream would start out beautiful like this, but then the sky turned dark, and the wind started to blow furiously. My stomach dropped because I knew something bad was going to happen, I always knew, but each time it felt like the first time. I saw the monster of Rebecca appear from down the road; she tore him away from and struck me to the ground. I wanted to get up and save him, but I never could, I was glued to the sidewalk. Each night I watched as she killed the only boy the first person I had ever loved and my best friend all at once. I wish I would wake up at that part, but no, my unconscious put me through the pain of seeing him rise away from his corpse, and he would come to me and try to hold me but he couldn't. He wanted to stay but he couldn't, the afterlife pulled him away even though he struggled to go back to his lifeless body. The tears streamed down my face as I watched him finally accept the fact he would never be able to hold me again and that's when I would scream for him, beg for him to come back. After I had felt the most pain I could feel, that's when I would wake up, and each time I would be drenched in my own sweat and tears. The sad thing is that I looked forward to having that dream each night because it was the only way I could see him again, and feel him again. But when I would wake up I would sob because I would remember how he died. I would remember it vividly, each time I thought about it I thought of how unlikely it was for someone to die the way he did. It was like a really cheesy ending to a "love story" I didn't like to think that the love Gerard and I had was some kind of plot line to a teenage romance movie, but the more I thought about it that's what it seemed like. It felt so unreal that it actually happened the way it did. I convinced myself it was all one big dream I was just taking forever to wake up from. But what happened that night let me know it wasn't.
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