Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Necromancer

Grins and Vamps

by dying_halo9 1 review

U read the title

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Crossover,Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-06-24 - Updated: 2011-06-24 - 465 words

New chapter, tryin to update before I leave for Europe. Enjoy it! and FUCKIN REVIEW!!!!

Mikey's POV
Bob and I slowly went upstairs to the others, we both took a deep breath and faced them. We were expecting gasps and 'OMGs' but what greeted us was a rugby tackle. It knocked both of us down and when I opened my eyes I was greeted by the grinning faces of the girls. "Aaawwwiiieeee!!!!!!! Bob and Mikey are sooo~~~~~ in love!!!" sand Natalie. I got up and brushed the invisible dust off me before glancing at the guys. Same Cheshire Cat grin.... kinda creeped out by Gerard's show of teeth since he has slightly pointy canines.... But then again so did I. "Bro I'm happy for you, I knew you liked the boys muscular and big," Gerard smirked. Putting emphasis on 'big' whilst I blushed slightly. "And you liked them cuddly, cute and fuckable." I replied. Sitting on Bob's lap when he was on the bench. Gerard and Frank blushed a violent red while we laughed.

Gerard's POV
Fuck you Mikey!!!! wait wouldn't that be incest? or in our case Waycest? Eewwwww bad Gerard!!! I shook my head to get rid of those evil thoughts, and glanced at Frank. His cheeks were a rosy colour and he was looking at me shyly. His cherry blossom pink lips twisted in a delicate and shy smile, God how I want to kiss those lips. His cinnamon brown eyes were so beautiful, I could get lost in them. "Ahem, you guys wanna come over for a movie and game night? We all live near each other. Ma folks are outta the house for the weekend, stupid meeting in Washington. I don't wanna be alone tonight. Otherwise my boyfriend will come down and suck my blood." Aya said. I nodded and then revised her words, "Uhh did you just say suck my blood?" Mikey asked. I forgot about Billie, Tré and Mike. They weren't here when we talked about our abilities. "Aya! Why the fuck did you say that?!" Bille hissed. "Chill you hothead, Gerard and Mikey know about us, they're like us as well. Both are Necromancers." Aya explained coolly. The vampire gave a silent sigh of relief and his tense shoulders sagged. "Vampire huh? I met a vampire once, in the Realm of Magic." I said, remembering my visit there. I met a nice boy, his name was.... Adam.. Adam Lambert. Nice guy, gay and sweet but he wasn't my type. "Really? That's cool dude. Tré and Mike are also vampires. I sorta turned them into vamps." Billie said. Smiling with all teeth and I can see his bottom and upper canines were sharper and longer than normal.

Ok!! Finished this chapter!! Now gonna be brainstorming some new ideas
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