Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Gold Digger

Pant for gold

by XxlovefrankieroxX 7 reviews

The chapter title is my attempt at a pun. I dont think it worked.. XD

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Erotica,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2011-07-03 - Updated: 2011-07-03 - 7244 words - Complete

“Frank... Frank... Wake up!”

Frank gasped and coughed, snapping awake to Gerard’s hand shaking his shoulder. His eyelids fluttered heavily and he groaned, closing them again once he decided it was too much effort to keep them open and he batted a hand lazily at Gerard.

“Mm... M’up, m’up...” He slurred, sighing and rubbing at his eyes with the heels of his palms as Gerard’s hand on his shoulder disappeared and he heard him walking back across the cabin. He was humming quietly to himself and Frank relaxed to the soft noise, deciding he liked it quite a lot in his semi-conscious state and he sighed, groaning loudly as he stretched. “What time is it?” He whispered, trying again to open his eyes.

“Hm?” Gerard glanced over his shoulder at the sleepy man in the bed and he shrugged, pulling back the curtains on all the windows and peering out at the pale blue sky. “Judging by the height of the sun I’d say six ‘o’ clock. This is the time everyone gets up, you’ll learn to do it yourself when your body clock matches to it.” He answered brightly, Frank groaning again in distress at the thought of having to get up at six ‘o’ clock every morning.

“Six? Oh God...” He whined, Gerard chuckling softly and when Frank eventually opened his eyes and looked at him he was shocked to find he was already dressed and boiling a kettle of water over the fire. He looked over at Frank when he felt him watching him and he smirked a little.

“It gets easier. You’re just tired from all the travelling still.” He said kindly, poking at the coals in the fire with a poker and Frank sighed, nodding silently just because he was finding it difficult to create a coherent sentence in his current sleep deprived state. “Would you like some breakfast Frank?” Gerard asked kindly, looking over at him again and Frank nodded slowly, unable to stop the shy smile that tugged at his lips.

“Please...” He whispered, forcing himself to sit up and slowly slide out of bed, pulling on a pair of breeches as he went. He looked about for a shirt but then gave up when Gerard handed him a mug of black coffee, clearly not bothered by Frank’s half nakedness so the younger man just sat back down on his bed with a soft smile. “Thanks...” He sighed, looking down into his cup and breathing in the delicious scent. “Mm... I haven’t had coffee in a while...” He whispered, Gerard grinning at him.

“It’s probably some of the more expensive stuff you can buy round here, but I earn enough so I figure, why not? I’m afraid I don’t splash out as much on the food though.” He said softly, handing Frank a metal plate with nothing more than a hunk of bread and a tiny amount of cheese on. But to the starving man it was the most delicious thing he had ever seen.

“You don’t have to apologise to me, I promise I’ll pay you back as soon as I start earning.” He said softly, Gerard chuckling lightly and shaking his head as he picked up his own mug and plate and sat down beside Frank.

“Nonsense, we live together now, we share and share alike.” He smiled, Frank blushing and tripping over his thanks. He knew such kindness shouldn’t be taken lightly and he wanted to show his gratitude, but Gerard just shrugged it away once more. “Once we have to buy some more food then of course you can put towards it, as is only fair. But for now, don’t worry.” Gerard shrugged, Frank nodding.

“Of course... Thank you Gerard.” He smiled, the older man laughing and ruffling his hair fondly, making Frank blush even more and nearly choke on his bread. He looked up at the male man who only grinned back at him and Frank couldn’t help but beam back.


“-And so that’s how you pan for gold, you think you can do that?” Gerard asked with a soft smile, Frank biting his lip as he stared at the pan in his hand, thinking about it a moment before he grinned and nodded.

“I think so.” He beamed, his cheeks tingeing pink again, as they so often did around Gerard, as the older man clapped a hand onto his shoulder with a pleased smile.

“Good!” He grinned, chuckling a little at Frank’s blush. The two men were crouched down beside the river, a mile or so upstream to where Frank had bathed the night before. A few other men were a few yards down from them but most had congregated to a spot further up stream. Gerard had explained to Frank that that was, supposedly, the best spot for the gold and as such it was getting pretty heated up there as men argued and shoved to get to what they believed to be the richest spot. But Gerard had only laughed and told Frank that from his experience he was in the richest spot, and that the only reason the other men weren’t joining them was because Gerard wasn’t stupid enough to shout about the gold he earned. Plus the fact he saved most of it, he always seemed to be one of the poorer men, refusing to ‘splash the cash’ and as such where ever he went others very rarely followed.

“So, panning is always the best way to start, and it’s mostly what I stick to. You can try other methods, but this to me is the most effective. It’s all self choice really.” Gerard shrugged, smiling as he got up and stretched, groaning as his back clicked. “I’ll go find us a couple o’ crates to sit on, makes the bending down easier. I’ll be back in a minute.” He patted Frank’s shoulder gently and smiled at him before walking away from the river, back towards the town of cabins.

Frank watched Gerard go for a moment before he faced forward again and began shovelling gravel from the river bank into his pan with a little trowel. Gerard had explained the process of panning slowly and delicately to him, not at all bothered when Frank had to ask him to repeat himself or go through certain parts again; he just seemed to be pleased to have the company or something and that made Frank extra happy. The other men seemed quite intimidating and... loud, and Frank didn’t really like them. But he tried not to be judgemental, he hadn’t really talked to any of them after all and he knew he shouldn’t make assumptions from first impressions.

Frank tried to ignore all the shouting and arguing from up the river as he filled his pan halfway and then began to work his hands through it, breaking up clogs of dirt and roots before he submerged it under the river water in a place that Gerard had pointed out for him, where the current was at its weakest and the water only a few inches deep. Frank had been told that once he had got used to panning he’d be able to add more and more to the pan until eventually he’d be able to fill it right up, but whilst he was only a beginner he had to start with it only half full so as to lose as little gold as possible.

Frank poked his tongue out a little as he concentrated hard on moving the pan in the circular motion Gerard had showed him, his hands growing cold under the water as he kept the pan as balanced as possible, the motion smooth and fluid, gently shaking out the lighter grains of rock, silt and dirt. He then raised the pan and worked his fingers through it again, breaking up more clumps before repeating the shaking process under the water, his brow furrowing with concentration. Gerard had told him not to worry about losing gold, he had said the lighter rocks would be swept away by the current and that the heavy gold would sink to the bottom, but Frank couldn’t help but watch in worry just in case.

Frank was concentrating so hard he didn’t hear the person approaching him until they were right behind him, making him jump with a gasp. He raised his pan out of the water and glanced over his shoulder with a smile, expecting to find Gerard but instead coming face to face with a middle aged man with a short brown beard and standing with his legs wide apart, fists clenched and resting on his hips.

“Ah, Gerard you startled m – Oh! I – I’m sorry, I thought you were –”

“Well howdy little man... I ain’t seen you round here before.” The man grinned, a gold tooth glinting in the sun as Frank gazed up at him with big eyes. “You must’ve arrived last night with the others eh?” He smirked, crouching down so he was level with Frank, the younger man biting his lip.

“Oh I err... yeah, I did erm...”

“Ya’ know it’s awful rude not to come into the tavern and introduce ya ‘self when you first arrive.” The man purred, leaning closer to Frank so that his head blocked out the sun. He was a very broad man, though an average height. His arms were bulging with muscles Frank noticed, his shirt sleeves rolled right up his biceps and his overalls were grubby with dirt. On top of his brown hair he wore a floppy brimmed hat, and his eyes were a little blood shot. Frank was sure he was a lovely man, but at that moment he wanted nothing more than for him to get out of his breathing space.

“Oh erm... Well... Well Gerard never –”

“Of course, you could introduce ya’ self now and I’ll inform the others of ya’ name and we can save you a seat in the tavern tonight. ‘Ow bout it?” The man smirked, interrupting Frank once again and making the younger man’s skin crawl just a little more. “Hm? What’s your name kid?” He laughed when Frank didn’t seem to be answering and the short man stuttered a little.

“Oh well... I... My name is Frank...” He offered softly, the man beaming and thrusting his hand in his face.

“Swell! S’good to meet ya’ Frank, my name’s Samuel.” He grinned widely, that gold tooth distracting Frank slightly as he slowly allowed Samuel to take his hand and shake it vigorously. His grip was tight and a little painful and Frank tugged his hand away, biting his lip as he looked at Sam with frightened eyes.

“Well I should get back to work...” He mumbled softly, just wanting this man to leave him alone. He wasn’t exactly a social butterfly, and though he tried not to be a shy person it was something he had never been able to easily overcome and this man was making him feel increasingly more uncomfortable.

Samuel chuckled and grabbed at Frank’s pan, his eyes glinting and a slow smirk split his features at Frank’s distraught squeak and feeble attempt to snatch it back. “Hey, hey, well now... you don’t have to be getting all a flustered Frankie, I’m only takin’ a look.” Samuel laughed, gazing into the pan a second before shoving it back into Frank’s hands. “Don’t you know it’s better up there for gold? There’s a nice big space right next to me too.” He chuckled, gazing intently at Frank’s face as the younger man blushed deeply.

Frank peeked upstream at the groups of men still fighting and arguing and bit his lip, glancing back at Sam who was still smirking at him. “Erm... thank you but I... I better wait for Gerard so...”

“Ah, course. I didn’t realise you needed a nurse maid.” Sam laughed, making Frank’s cheeks burn red and he looked down at his lap, feeling embarrassed and he flinched when a rough hand suddenly cupped his cheek. He supposed the touch was supposed to be tender but it made his stomach churn sickeningly and his head snapped back up to look at Sam.

“Wh –”

“If you change your mind... I’m only right up there.” Sam purred softly, Frank gulping as he brushed his thumb slowly across his cheek bone. His skin crawled at the touch and he tried to lean back, Sam’s arm extending to follow the movement and Frank went to smack his hand away before someone did it for him.

“Not distracting Frank from his work, are you Sam?”

Gerard’s voice was low and soft, but laced with poison and Frank’s stomach gave a strange tingle at the sound. Sam scowled and slowly moved his hand away from Frank’s face, turning to look at the pale man.

“So what if I am?” He snarled, standing up straight and puffing out his chest as he folded his arms across it. Gerard placed his own hands on his hips, his face a mask of calm but his eyes swirled dangerously and Frank felt nothing short of helpless as he looked up at the two men.

“I was only tellin’ him where the better gold spot was. But he probably couldn’t handle it up there anyway if he needs you to hold his hand all the time.” Sam scoffed, Frank lowering his head with shame but Gerard only continued to glare at Sam, taking a deep breath as if to calm himself before he spoke next.

“This is Frank’s first day. He’s just learning how to get down the technique – and he’ll learn much better without you standing over him.” He said calmly, but his tone was like acid and Frank couldn’t help but look up at him again, his stomach giving that strange tingling. It was like a thousand needles prickling against his insides, the touch so light and soft it didn’t hurt but merely stung a little, warming him up and making him want to wrap his arms around himself and squeeze tight.

“Pfft, there are plenty men up there on their first day.” Sam snapped in response to Gerard’s words, his mouth open to keep talking but then he glanced at Frank and seemed to think again. “Ya’ know what, I don’t care. You have it your way – I’ll see you in the tavern tonight Frank... where the real men are.” He purred, laughing to himself as he turned and strode back up the river bank.

Frank sighed and bit his lip, looking back at Gerard with worried eyes. He hoped he hadn’t made him angry, it wasn’t like he had invited Sam down. In fact, he would have been much happier if he had stayed where he was, but Gerard didn’t seem angry, he seemed to understand, and he smiled gently as he placed down the two small, wooden crates he had collected.

“Don’t worry about him Frank, he’s just...” Gerard stopped, seeming lost for words and he sighed, shrugging and sitting down on one of the crates. “He’s just the lowest of the low. You don’t wanna get caught up with guys like him.” He sighed, pushing the other crate to Frank with his foot, smiling again. “Sit.” He chuckled and Frank scrambled up onto the crate with a soft smile in return.

“I... I don’t plan to get caught up with him... I... Thanks for helping me there. I didn’t know how to get rid of him.” He giggled nervously, Gerard smiling with a soft laugh though it seemed forced. Frank looked at him questioningly, biting his lip and wondering whether he should ask Gerard if he was okay but the older man spoke before he had chance.

“Just...” Gerard hesitated, sighing as he looked up at Frank. Their eyes locked and for a moment Frank felt as if Gerard was searching his gaze, before he chuckled softly and shook his head with a smile. “Just don’t worry ‘bout it. Sam’s a jerk is all; you just need to keep away from him.”

With that warning in mind Frank was left to get on with his work, Gerard already scooping gravel into his own pan until it was full and he leant forward to shake it beneath the water with such practised skill that Frank felt stupid for his own clumsy attempts at panning. He could hardly concentrate now anyway with Gerard’s words hanging like something solid in the air, hanging like the bodies of the men that were the town’s namesake. It was making Frank’s heart trip over in its rhythm and he couldn’t help but glance up at the stream to look at the men again, blushing deeply when he saw that Samuel was gazing downstream at him, a smirk playing about his lips.


“So you err... you said you come in here most nights?”

“Yeaah, it’s good to just relax with a drink after a hard day’s work ya’ know? It’s not exactly luxury but... it’s all we got.”

“Uh huh...” Frank stared up at the tavern as it loomed over him, his eyes wide and lips parted. From inside the crooked wooden building the sounds of glass breaking and the fast music from a bow fiddle could be heard weaving in and out of all the screaming and shouting and laughter. There were a few men stood outside, talking and smoking pipes but they had all turned to stare when Gerard and Frank had arrived. Frank felt incredibly intimidated just from the outside of the building so the last thing he wanted to do was go inside it, but he didn’t want to offend Gerard by leaving... Though he wasn’t sure whether it was such a good thing that he had come with him, after all, so far all he had done was stick to the older man like glue and he was worried that Gerard was getting sick of him but was just too polite to tell him to leave him alone.

“We won’t stay long if you don’t want to.” Gerard softly, Frank jumping when he realised he was looking at him and he grinned sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck.

“No, no it’s fine. I was just erm... Nothing. Let’s go inside.” He said quickly, striding forward before Gerard could say anything else and the taller man watched him with curious eyes, smiling a little as he rolled them and followed Frank inside.

The inside of the tavern was just as bad as the outside, well, worse even. The noise was louder and there seemed to be little bar fights all over the place from men accusing other men of something or other. Many were drunk already, though the evening was hardly late. All Frank and Gerard had done was get washed, changed and have some dinner before coming here themselves so Frank was stunned by the amount of drunken debauchery. Out of all of the men here there were only two women, and as they weaved in between tables, giggling loudly and rubbing up against the men it became clear to Frank what they were. It seemed these women wanted gold just as much as every other person in the place but they didn’t have to pan for it.

Gerard followed Frank’s gaze and grimaced at the prostitutes, sighing as he grabbed Frank’s shoulder and moved him to the bar, dodging flying fists and bottles as he went. Anyone not fighting or too drunk to hold cards was gambling, some even putting down their whole days earning in the hope of doubling it or more. Gerard had never gambled in all his time here, his gold too precious to throw away like that. And he hadn’t had sex with the prostitutes either, though that was for an entirely different reason.

“Two please.” He sighed to the bartender, sitting down on one of the stools with Frank and watching him as the younger man stared about in awe, drinking it all in silently. His eyes kept moving back to the two girls, one of whom was currently straddling a man’s lap and laughing in his ear. Her breasts were packed so tightly into her corset they looked as if they were about to bounce out at any minute, and her skirt went right up to her knee. Gerard sighed and slid one of the tankards of ale over to him when they arrived but Frank didn’t even notice.

“Like what you see?”

Frank jumped when Gerard’s voice suddenly filtered into his mind and he turned to look at him with a guilty expression, blushing deeply at being caught and he shook his head quickly, taking the tankard of ale that looked far too big for him as he rested it in his lap.

“W –What? I... I wasn’t looking at anything.” He squeaked, biting his lip as he looked down at his drink and taped his fingers along the edge of the cup. Gerard chuckled softly and shook his head, clapping a hand onto his shoulder.

“Hey, it’s okay. You can look at the girls ya’ know, it’s what they’re here for. The other guys do a lot more than just stare so there’s nothin’ to be embarrassed about.” He smirked, Frank peeking up at him with flaming cheeks. Gerard could say that all he wanted, it didn’t change how embarrassed Frank felt. He hadn’t meant to make it look like he was staring at the girls... even though he had been... he certainly hadn’t been staring at them for that reason.

“Oh no I – I wasn’t! I mean... I didn’t mean to... I mean... I just...”

“Frank it’s okay!” Gerard quickly cut across him, laughing and shoving him gently. “Seriously, it’s fine. No doubt you haven’t had chance to feel the love of a woman at all during your journey, it’s understandable if you’re feeling... deprived.” He shrugged, Frank almost choking on his ale.

Yes, he supposed four months without sex would make any man desperate for the touch of a woman. And of course Frank was deprived, what man wouldn’t be? He hadn’t even been able to feel the touch of his own hand for the past four months let alone anything else. But though he had slept with women before, as any man his age had, he had never really been that interested in it. He had never really felt that great satisfaction he thought you were supposed to. And though of course he had never felt the touch of a man before... he fantasised about it a lot.

Gerard leant back in his seat and sighed, forcing a warm smile as Frank continued to look mortified. Gerard felt a little worried by how embarrassed he had become, knowing that the other men in the place wouldn’t get like that. Well... clearly. One of them had already secured the highest bid and was being led upstairs by one of the girls, and he wasn’t doing it discretely either.

Gerard watched with a small frown as he jeered and cheered, laughing and making vulgar movements with his hips all the way up the stairs. Gerard couldn’t help but feel a little sorry for the prostitute, but it was short lived as he reminded himself that she would gladly take anything he gave her for even just a tiny percentage of the amount of gold he was going to give her. It was sickening really, the way the two girls lay down for all of the men whenever a hefty amount of the yellow dust was shown. They were rich, no doubt about it, but how could they sell themselves like that? And in turn, Gerard couldn’t understand how the men were so happy to have sex with a woman who spread her legs for any man. Both girls were no doubt riddled with disease, and of course they couldn’t wash between every customer.

Gerard felt sick just thinking about it.

Sighing, he turned back to Frank and took a sip of his ale, trying to forget about the prostitutes and focus on the young man opposite him instead. As he began talking about their days work and what Frank could expect to earn in the whole week the two men began to relax, Frank clearly relieved by the change in subject. He smiled shyly and sipped at his ale, holding the tankard with both hands as if he were a child and Gerard sighed softly. He found Frank adorable, it was true, but adorable was dangerous in a place like this.

After a while of talking Gerard put down his third tankard of ale and announced that he was going to the outhouse. Frank nodded and bit his lip, watching Gerard walk across the busy bar and out of the back door before he looked back down at his ale and sighed. He hadn’t even finished his first tankard yet, but though he felt tense sat by himself he was having a good time just talking with Gerard. He really liked him, especially now he was getting to know more about him and he hoped the feeling was mutual.

As he waited for Gerard to return he swung his legs happily and looked about the bar, his gaze slowly travelling round, taking in all the people before they landed on Samuel, standing a grand total of three inches away from him.

“Whoa!” Frank jumped so violently he almost slopped the rest of his ale all down himself and he blushed, biting his lip and leaning back as far as he could go as Samuel grinned at him, that gold tooth once again stealing Frank’s attention. It really was an ugly thing...

“Howdy Frankie...” Sam purred, leaning closer and resting his hands down on Frank’s thighs, making him jump and recoil in horror. “I saw you come in earlier, been waitin’ for you to come join us in a game o’ poker but you ain’t moved yet.” He chuckled, Frank trying to gently push his hands off his legs. Not only were they in a far too intimate place for his liking, Sam was also laying all his weight onto them and it hurt.

“Oh well... I’m not much of a gambler...” He mumbled, Sam laughing loudly in his face.

“Oh I guessed you ain’t. Boy’s like you ain’t much of any good to anybody are ya’? At least... not outside certain situations...” He smirked, Frank’s eyes wide with fear and he shoved harder at Sam’s hands, trying not to show how frightened he was as he clenched his teeth.

“I don’t know what situations you’re referring to.” He said indignantly, squeaking softly as Sam lunged forward and whispered quietly into his ear.

“Situations that involve getting right down on your knees boy...”

“Oh God...”

“Hey! Get away from him!” Frank gasped as Sam fell back so suddenly it was clear someone had pulled him, and not gently either. He was further stunned when that someone turned out to be Gerard and he covered his mouth with his hands as the handsome man threw Sam down onto a nearby table and straddled his hips, saying nothing as he began to lay into him with his fists.

“O – Oh God... Oh God, Gerard DON’T!” Frank shouted, springing to his feet and rushing forward in horror but he had barely taken two steps before the other men had let out an almighty cheer and were joining in with the scuffle. Frank fell back and stared with wide eyes, horrified as a full scale bar fight broke out. It didn’t seem to matter whether it was justified or not, and no one seemed to be on either side, they all just wanted to fight and Frank began to cry as he watched.
“Gerard!” He shouted, terrified that his new friend was going to get hurt. Frank couldn’t understand why he had acted so violently to seeing Sam just talking to him. True, Frank had been feeling extremely uncomfortable and nervous but that didn’t mean Gerard had to cause a fight like this. He was going to end up getting hurt and then he’d be angry and Frank wouldn’t know what to do.

“GE –”

“Come on, we’re leaving.” Frank nearly had a heart attack when Gerard was suddenly beside him, grabbing hold of his arm tight and dragging him out of the tavern. The other men were still shouting and fighting, they didn’t even seem to have noticed that Gerard had disappeared from the brawl and Frank tripped obediently after him as quickly as he could; the two men leaving the tavern silently and stepping into the cool night air.

Gerard walked at a brisk pace, striding towards his cabin so fast that Frank had to jog to keep up. There were still tears on his cheeks and he whimpered softly as he ran, reaching out to grab at Gerard’s arm.

“G – Gerard, are you angry at m –”

“ARE YOU AN IDIOT FRANK!?” Frank skidded to a halt, the volume of Gerard’s voice taking him by surprise even more so than the question. Gerard had spun round to face him and his eyes were burning with rage, his lip bleeding a little and Frank felt a surge of guilt even though he knew this wasn’t his fault.

“I – I.... N – No, no I... What are you talking –”

“You can’t act like this anymore Frank! You can’t keep acting like the cute naive boy because if you do it’s only going to get you hurt!” Gerard snapped, seemingly calm enough now not to shout but he still looked angry and Frank bit his lip, tears stinging at his eyes again but he refused to cry.

“I’m not acting like anything, I –”

“Well that’s the problem isn’t it!?” Gerard once again interrupted him, his hands waving about. “You’re not acting, you really are this sweet guy and by God Frank it’s putting you in so much danger! Don’t you know what the men in there are like!?” He cried, his gaze finally locking with Frank’s and his hands shook as he pointed back at the tavern, his breath coming in short, sharp pants.

Frank was stunned into silence, tears spilling down his cheeks. He couldn’t deny he was a little confused, he knew vaguely that the men in the tavern weren’t all nice, and he knew he was terrible at defending himself because it had always been that way but he didn’t think that put him into any real danger. He just had to avoid conflict was all.

“Frank... Those men... They’re all rough, angry, violent men who know what they want and will do anything to get it.” Gerard sighed, forcing himself to calm down and he slowly ran a hand through his hair, Frank watching him with big eyes. “Listen... They... Oh God.” Gerard groaned and turned away for a moment, walking a few feet up the path before turning round and walking back, his fingers gripping at his hair. He wasn’t sure he really wanted to say this to Frank, but one more look at his innocent eyes and he knew he had no choice.

“Frankie... Those guys have been away from their wives and girlfriends for... years some of them. Sure, we have the prostitutes, but that’s only two girls in a sea of all those men...” He trailed off, waiting to see if Frank caught on but he just looked blank so Gerard continued. “In a place like this... normal rules and conventions go straight out the window. These men – all these men are sex deprived and desperate and unkind. They’ll lay with anyone who is even remotely like a woman and I hate to say it Frankie but you are exactly the kinda person they’re after. Someone sweet, and naive, and weak. If they can’t have a female they won’t think twice before they go after you.” Gerard took a deep breath and stopped, sighing and lowering his head when Frank just stared at him with horror in his eyes.

“Look, I’m sorry Frank. But that’s just the way it is...”

“But – But I – I don’t want to be – I don’t want them to – I ... I won’t let them do that to me!” Frank eventually managed to choke out, his heart racing inside his chest and his stomach churned sickeningly. He raised his hand and clutched at his shirt over his heart beat, leaning forward a little as he stared at Gerard. “I wouldn’t let them!”

“I know Frank but they’ll do it anyway!” Gerard snapped, growing angry again in his frustration before he once more had to force himself to calm down and he sighed, resting his hands on Frank’s shoulders. “Frank... Those men – Sam especially – will rape. You, I can’t say it anymore plainly than that.” He whispered, searching Frank’s gaze before gently touching his cheek. “I can’t be there to protect you all the time...”

“What?” Frank breathed, taking a step back so that Gerard’s hands fell away from him and he shook his head in a daze. “I don’t want you to protect me Gerard. I’m already enough of a burden as it is without you feeling like you have to be some sort of guardian over me.” He breathed, Gerard’s face growing sad and he sighed, shaking his head in a way that made Frank feel like Gerard believed he just didn’t understand.

“I know that Frank. I just don’t want you getting hurt is all. You’re the only guy in this place that I don’t hate. It’s been a long time since I had any real company, let alone someone I could call a friend, and I don’t wanna lose that.” He sighed, Frank nodding slowly and opening his mouth to speak but Gerard cut across him. “Look, let’s just... forget it. We should be going back now anyway.” He said softly, turning round and walking back up the path as Frank stared after him with a small grimace.

He was grateful that Gerard wanted to protect him, and of course he was now terrified that he was going to end up getting snatched up by one of the men and forced to have sex with them but... but it was still strange to him that Gerard would care so much. Especially enough to fight Sam over it. But then Frank thought back to all the men fighting in the tavern all through the evening for apparently no reasons at all and he figured he was probably just being naive again. He obviously had a lot to learn.


Gerard hadn’t said much to Frank once they had returned to the Cabin. Frank had got washed and undressed slowly, lost in his thoughts as he climbed into bed, but though he supposed he should be mulling over everything Gerard had said all he could really think about was the way Gerard had touched his cheek. How safe he had felt in that second. And how also, as much as he didn’t like to admit it, he felt a little... touched, that Gerard had fought for him. It felt... nice.

Frank had stayed silent as he watched Gerard cleaning up his cut lip, wiping the blood away from his chin and mouth, his muscles flexing in the candle light. He had taken off his shirt and was stood infront of the mirror, and Frank had got a wonderful view of his body. Gerard wasn’t extremely muscley, but all the work gold digging and panning meant he was fairly toned beneath the softness of his skin and Frank couldn’t help but admire him. He told himself it was nothing more than just the knowledge that Gerard was handsome. After all, you could find someone good looking without being attracted to them. And besides, Frank had only known Gerard for two days so it was hardly like he was falling for the guy. That’d be sick anyway, men shouldn’t like other men....

That’s what Frank told himself anyway. But it did nothing to explain why his cock was in his hand and it was Gerard’s face he was picturing as he jerked off as quietly as he could beneath the covers.

Once Gerard had finished cleaning himself up he had blown out the candles and crawled into bed with a gruff, emotionless ‘night’. Frank wasn’t sure how long he had been sleeping before he woke up from dreaming about the man in the bed opposite his, and he wasn’t really sure what the dream had entailed exactly; but he could make a pretty good guess from how hard his dick was. He had been mortified at first, trying to ignore it and go back to sleep but of course he couldn’t, and he couldn’t even remember the last time he had touched himself.

After he had checked as best he could in the dark that Gerard was still sleeping he had rolled over so his back faced him and slowly wrapped his hand around his throbbing erection, and so he now came to find himself pumping his fist frantically up and down his length as he panted quietly into his pillow. He was trying to be quiet, and he focused hard on keeping his movements smooth enough that he didn’t shake the covers or the bed too much. If he woke Gerard he wouldn’t know what he would do, probably just die from embarrassment. But it had been so long since he had last done this, and the feeling was so much better than he remembered that he couldn’t control himself.

He panted softly into his pillow and kept his eyes squeezed shut, curled up on his side as one hand rolled his balls in his palm and the other tugged at his length. He was oozing pre cum already and his veins seemed to be singing with the pleasure. He barely even realised he was thinking about the way Gerard’s body had looked earlier, how sinfully sexy the man had looked as he tipped his head from side to side, examining his cut lip. Hell, in Frank’s state he was even finding the blood sexy and he thought about being able to crawl up the older man’s body... to lick the bead of blood away before stealing a heated kiss. It was so bad of him, he knew it was but he just couldn’t stop, and his lips even pouted as if he could feel Gerard’s mouth on his.

“U –Ung...” Frank buried his face into the pillow to stifle his noises as his hips bucked forward, pumping his hand faster and faster as his mind grew heavy and hazy from the pleasure. He knew he wasn’t going to last much longer but he didn’t have time to worry about it, and as his body desperately sought climax he forgot all about needing to be quiet and moved his hand even faster, the covers slipping right down his body until they were resting down his thighs and his hand was free to move over his now exposed cock. The veins were straining and pulsing as his orgasm began to build, his balls tightening and he clenched his teeth to stop himself from groaning out as his hips slammed forward into his fist and the first jets of cum spurted from the tip.

Frank gasped and hissed in pleasure, whining into his pillow as he stilled his hand and moved his hips instead, fucking into his fist as he rode through his orgasm and spilt rope after rope of his seed over his fingers and the sheets of the bed.

It lasted only a minute at most but by the time the final waves of his orgasm had died away Frank felt incredibly spent and he slumped down in the bed with a soft sigh. His hand was shaking a little as he wiped it clean on the sheets, his body trembling and he bit his lip, feeling guilt start to creep up into him. It wasn’t so much what he had just done that was the problem, but what he had thought about, and he tried to block it out of mind as he pulled the sheets back up over his body.

In the bed opposite Gerard was watching him with a stunned expression, his teeth clamped over his lip as Frank pulled the covers back up over his body. Gerard had woken up for no particular reason, just wanting to turn over and go right on back to sleep when he had seen the length of Frank’s back and the soft curve of his ass on show. The moonlight filtering in through the windows had provided Gerard with the perfect silvery glow to see by and he had watched, transfixed, as Frank’s hips had shoved back and forth and his arm had moved as he clearly masturbated. When he had tensed and then convulsed gently Gerard’s stomach had flipped and he had tried to picture the way the younger man would be cumming all over his fingers...

Gerard sighed softly and turned over so his back was to Frank, squeezing his eyes shut and praying to God for the strength to ignore what he had just witnessed, ignore the aching throb between his own legs, and get back to sleep for both their sakes.

So my lovelies, some thanks are in order ;D
The fact this story has gone green literally made my week and I’m so excited for it xD All the feedback I’ve been getting from you guys has got me really hyped up and I’m really glad you’re taking to it so well :D I wasn’t sure whether to include the sexeh time at the end here or not, not wanting it to seem too soon but FlyingSmoke did ask for smut and I think some handy work is mostly innocent really ;) Plus, I just couldn’t help myself, all this talk of cowboy boots and southern accents in the reviews made me desperate to get some kinda action in here XD
Ah, we have fun times ahead people. Fun times indeed ;D
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