Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The glory days are gone

Im not okay

by Confusedlots 5 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-07-09 - Updated: 2011-07-09 - 875 words - Complete

Gerards P.O.V

Shit. My head hurt. What was that in my ear? It sounded like some one sniffing my face. Hang on, there was hot breath on my cheek. Some one or something was smelling me. Weird. Another thing that was weird was the dark, i swear it had been mid morning? Then i realised my eyes were shut. Why was i on the floor? Oh yeah, some dick head had let its fucking dog of its and it had come crashing into me. God that pillock was gunna get it. I kept my eyes shut as i spoke to who ever was near by
"what the fuck did you let that fucking out of control pshyco dog off its lead for, you cunt?" I heard sobbing. I raised my hand to the back of my head and discovered i was bleeding. Great, thats just great.
"Your paying for the fucking ambulance you dickhead. Sam you okay baby?" I heard the unfamiliar sobs get heavier.
"Yeah Gee, im fine. You got the dog to the knees and pulled me down." A new voice entered the babble. A high-pitched understanding voice, Ray.
"Hey Gerard, get up man and stop making such a fucking drama."
"My head is bleeding. I could die." The crying figure let out a short whine. Ray sounded angry now.
"Shut up with that shit. Frank didnt mean to."
"Sure he didn- Wait who?" I flicked my eye lids open quick enough to see Frank disapear through the park gate with a English Bulldog waddleing at his heels. Shit. Fuck. Fucking shit. Im such a bastard. Ray looked down at me, a little miffed. he ripped his t-shirt along the bottom, making me a compress. I took it from him looking down. Poor Frankie. Sam spoke kindly from my side. I hadnt noticed him until now.
"Heyy Gee, i gotta go meet up with some friends. See you later. Call me if you need anything, medical or not." his mum was a nurse. He got up , winked and walked away towards the gates too. Ray was still looking at me.
"Frank almost had his arm ripped out,you know. Could havebroken his wrist. I put it up in a sling using your scarf, sorry. Hes only just got that dog, sweet little thing. Not trained yet obvsiously. Frank wants to take him back already. You didnt need to snap at him like that. He said he is really sorry. Well there were a couple more reallys in front but i- "
"Shut up. He probally hates me" And he knows im gay. Was that good or bad? I got to my knees. The cut in the back of my head was throbbing. Ray helped me to my feet. As soon as i stood up i wanted to sit back down again. I must have looked pale because Ray got me under the arm and said he would walk me home. And the fuzzy, dizzy feeling in my head made me happy of the 6 ft leaning post.
I put the hand that wasnt clinging onto the shoulder of Ray tee in my pocket and pulled out my phone. It had surrived the fall, which was good. I must have pressed a button because my contacts suddenly flashed up. There werent many numbers.

Whos was the number at the bottom? I stared at it for a bit, racking my brain for who it might be. Then i remembered. Frankie. The pain in my head really didnt compare to the one in my heart when i remembered the sobs that had been coming from next tome. I planned to ring him as soon as i got home. Ray shifted my weight on his shoulder slightly. He was thinking i could tell.
"Gerard, who was the blonde guy. His name is Sam right, but why did you call him baby?" SHIIITTTTT!! Shoot me now. What could i say? Then an idea crossed my mind.
"Hes my cousin, the whole baby thing is just an inside joke. He is over at my grandmas for a little while. "
"Oh, thats a shame."
"I know this is weird, seeing as though you are cousin, but i think you really suited each other. Not as much as-"
"Ray, im not gay."
"Really? Oh, i thought you were. Just the way you act around Frank. I think he likes you."
How did Ray just guess things like that, man that guy must be pshycic!
"He only likes me as a mate" Because i had made it that way. Maybe there was some thing behind what Ray had said about Frank. I mean he had been able to work out i was gay, why not Frank? Stop thinking like that! Thankfully home came round the corner of another house and i deicied i could walk myself back from here. i said good bye to Ray and stumbled home, looking as if i were drunk. I noticed Mikey and Mum werent back, neither was dad. Something was going on. Some thing was telling me that i should read that note that was still lieing on the work top. Some thing told me it wasnt good...
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