Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Save yourself, I'll hold them back

Save yourself, I'll hold them back

by Ajay21 2 reviews

Frerard. When Gerard has pretty much given up all hope, can new bad boy Frank help him?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2011-07-13 - Updated: 2012-04-24 - 1100 words

A/N Okay, this is my first ever fic, so please tell me if it's terrible and i'll stop! :P I do hope you like it anyway! Please R+R :D Aj xo

Gerard Way
-Lives with his brother Mikey
-Only has one other friend - Ray
-Tries to get through life with as little attention as possible

It was just like another normal day for poor Gerard. He gets woken up at the crack of dawn by his best friend - who also happened to be his brother - Mikey, who seems to already be on a complete high, probably from the amount of coffee he has already consumed. Gerard groans at the thought of another day at the hell hole he calls his school. Belville High, even the name is enough to put Gerard in a bad mood. Despite his hatred towards the school he reluctanly pulls himself out of his black and red kingsize bed which is located in the basement of his and his brothers home and drags himself half-heartedly into his bathroom. "Urghhh!!" is all he can come out with when looking at his relfection in the mirror. His short black hair which he is unable to tame is greasy and his eyeliner is smudged under his eyes.

"GEE!!" Gerard jumps slightly as he hears his younger brother calling him.
"What?!" He replies, still not really awake enough to have a full conversation.
"I MADE COFFEE!" Mikey shouts. After hearing those three small words Gerard is up and in the kitchen in a flash.

After dricking about four cups of delicious coffee, finally managing to make his hair look somewhat decent and reaplying his eyeline, Gerard is ready and on his way to school with his brother. He pulls his I-Pod out of his Black Flag hoodie and hands one of the earbuds to Mikey, which he took gratefully. Misfits is blasting out, to which the brothers walk to school not really caring about the fact that they're already 10 minutes late to class. It's not like either of them paid much attention to what was being said while they were there anyway.

They arrive at school, say their goodbyes and both go their seperate ways. Gerard slowly trudges to math. Great, Monday morning and I have double math, with no-one to talk to. What could be worse?! he thinks as he approaches the miserable looking classroom.

"You're late!" His teacher - Mrs Shaw - bellows at his the second he steps in the room.
"Yep" Is all he can be bothered to reply with so he just makes his way to his desk not really listening to her response, just catching the odd words such as "respect", "detention" and "written apology". Fuck it! Gerard thought as his mind wandered, wishing the day to pass as quickly as possible.

After what seemed like an eternity and Gerard being asked every question going, math was over and he was making his way down the corridor to chemistry. He didn't feel too bad about this lesson, one, because his teacher was actually pretty cool and they got along, and two, because at least he had Ray to talk to. He kept his head low to try and avoid any possible confrontations that may be coming his way, and although pretending to invisible to the world may have seemed like a good idea, in reality it actually made him more of a target.

"Out the fucking way faggot!" One jock - Matt - said to Gerard whilst pushing him into the row of lockers.
"Fuck off, dickhead!" Gerard replied, not really knowing where his sudden confidence came from, and automatically knowing it probably wasn't a good idea to call one of the toughest guys in school a dickhead. But he also knew that he couldn't just back down now.
"What was that?!" Matt was slowly approaching Gerard and he literally towered over the other lad.
Gerard held his stance not wanting to look like a complete pussy by backing down.
"You heard me. I said: Fuck. Off. Dickhead."
"You're gonna regret that, Gerard Gay!"
"Dude, you've used the 'Gerard Gay' line way too many times, get a new one!" Gerard shocked himself with his sudden comebacks, admittedly, not the best comebacks in the world, but this was certainly something. A few people had started crowding round now wanting to get in on the action and a couple of gasps could be heard from the bystanders at Gerards reply. Probably becuase they knew as much as he did that it really wasn't a very good idea.
There was an pretty awkward silence for a minute or two as the two boys just stood and galred at each other. Gerard had noticed a few of Matt's friends were behind him so he knew this wasn't going to end well for him, but he had also noticed a mass of big brown curly hair standing to his right hand side. Ray. So at least he wasn't completely alone.

All hell suddenly seemed to break loose as fist were being thrown all over the place, there was the sound of shoes connecting with flesh to be heard too, although not much else could be heard due to the other teenagers excitement and the constant chant of "Fight, fight, fight, fight!" Amongst the pile of people there was Matt, Ben and Adam on one 'team' and Gerard and Ray on the other. Mikey had arrived at the scene but knew all too well that he would have been absolutely no help whatsoever.

Eventually, some teachers had heard all the comotion and came to split the boys up. They all looked pertty battered so to Gerards surprise he'd actually done quite well in the fight. Although there was blood coming from his mouth and his left eye had already begun turning a dark purpley colour, he still felt proud of himself. As the five boys were sat outside the head teachers office to give their 'statement' if you will, there was a low muttering coming from Ben and Matt. Gerard knew they were talking about him but honestly? He didn't care.

So, another day in the life of Gerard. He thought to himeslf. I wonder what tomorrow will bring.

A/N So there was the first chapter.. please, please let me know what you think! I wont update if no-one's really that bothered, so just let me know :) I'll give you cookies? :D And I'm sorry if it's quite short, they'll get longer if people want me to carry on :) AJ xo
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