Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Please, Don't Leave Me

Please, Don't Leave Me

by kiraluvsu 0 reviews

he's never done anything wrong, he's been the best boyfriend anyone could ask for which is why it was so hard to tell him why I was leaving.

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Published: 2011-07-29 - Updated: 2011-07-29 - 983 words - Complete

Sarah's POV

I took one last look at the sleeping silhouette that was only partly visible from the moonlight, and carefully lay my note on the flattened pillow that used to be mine.

I'd rewritten this note thousands of times but it was never quite the way it was supposed to be. So I'd finally perfected it enough over the weeks to make it make a little sense.

I've tried to leave multiple times, but managed to talk myself out of it. But this time I was forcing myself to leave and hopefully he'd understand. I mean he's never done anything wrong, he's been the best boyfriend anyone could ask for which is why it was so hard to tell him why I was leaving.

Brendon's POV

I woke up with a smile, until I felt the coldness of the spot next to me. I turned over to see my girlfriend missing and a note taking her place. It's probably another poem, I thought. She loved to leave poems for me whenever she had to leave early in the morning because she knew I'd miss her.

I quickly unfolded the crumpled paper and looked at the first line. My heart instantly sunk.

"if your reading this I'm probably long gone by now. I'm sorry but I just couldn't, well I don't exactly know how to say it. I just couldn't stay with you. This may sound cliched but I'm serious it's not you, it's me. You've been perfect in every way, but I couldn't stay. I've rewritten this a thousand times and it still doesn't sound right I wish I could tell you how happy you've made me, how faithful and caring you've been, and I wish I could tell you why I'm not sleeping next to you right now, in person, I really do but I think it's easier If I just write it out....before I met you I couldn't trust anyone,I believe it all started when my parents divorced, it scarred me. I was just 9 years old and I was cutting. In fact I didn't stop doing that until you came around and I didn't feel the need to anymore. But what I'm trying to say is, I'm scared that I'm falling too fast for you and just like my parents, I'm gonna have my heart broken. I'm sorry Bren I love you and I hope you find someone that deserves your love because i clearly don't."

I reread the note until I understood everything. She'd left me, all because of her stupid parent's mistakes. I dropped the note on the bed and sunk into the sheets. I wasn't gonna cry, guys don't cry over stuff like this. Guys would just deal.

But I couldn't help the tears that slowly escaped without my permission. This was the first time I'd cried in so long, I just couldn't believe it, our relationship was going great, no, better than great, we were completely in love. Since the moment we first met each other at the Christmas party that our friends were hosting.

I reached for my phone knowing she wouldn't pick up but at least she'd know I was worried about her.

She didn't answer so I left her a voicemail.

"baby please come home we can talk about this please i won't break your heart I'll be the best boyfriend I can be. Just please be careful and call me." I sighed and hung up.

I was considering laying around all day and completely wasting away when I remembered that Pete was a friend that we both shared. She might've told him where she went.

I quickly dialed his number and waited for him to pick up.

Sarah's POV

I found myself in the middle of nowhere with only a duffel bag and cell phone for company. I'd been trying to hitch a ride from anyone but I guess no one felt like driving to Vegas today. The weather was actually pretty mild for Vegas and I had only enough water to last me the rest of the day.

I was taking in the fresh morning breeze when I felt my phone buzz. I swooped it out of my back pocket and noticed it was Pete, I didn't know if I should answer it but something told me I should so he would know I was okay and not send out a search party around the whole state. He was fully capable of doing that.

"hello?" i answered carefully.

"where the fuck are you?" he sounded as if i just killed his dog.

"does it matter? Why are you so mad?" I questioned.

"'cause I just got a frantic call from Brendon asking if I had any f-ing clue where his girlfriend ran off to!" I felt my pulse speed up at the mention of my boyfriend's name.

"wait is he ok? He's not doing anything reckless is he?" I stopped walking and took a seat on a bench. I was outside a gas station now.

Pete sighed into the speaker. "I honestly don't know he hung up before I could ask, but I guarantee he'll feel a hell of a lot better if you give him a call." his voice had calmed down.

"you know I can't do that. Look tell him.....," I took a moment to think of the right thing to say,"tell him to not worry about me, I'm fine."

Before he could say anything I hung up and shoved the phone into my duffel bag so i wouldn't be tempted to answer it again.

I looked at my surroundings. Rocks, lots and lots of rocks. But when I leaned back and closed my eyes soaking up the sun, all the desert landscape, rocks, even the gas station, was gone. I was left with the numbness of yet another heart break that I just might've caused.
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