Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Alphadog and OMEGLEomaniac

Chapter 3

by SarahSTARRR 6 reviews

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Published: 2011-08-06 - Updated: 2011-08-06 - 1593 words

I'm so glad that people are reading and rating this but I'd really appreciate some text feedback too. Just so I can know what I need to improve on and what parts of the story your enjoying and all that blah blah blah

Enough of my shite.
Enjoy chapter 3


I waited a few seconds before following him. I found him backstage in a small dressing room with his head between his knees.

“What are you doing?” I asked, quietly as I shut the door behind me.

“Trying not to throw up” he snapped from between his knees.

“This is really fucked up isn’t it?”

“You bet your ass it is. I find out you’re the mother fucking bitch queen and you lied to me”

“You weren’t exactly honest with me either Vaughn” I threw back, hurt by the bitch comment. “What are we going to do?” I asked in a smaller voice. I was still in shock that the man I could have been falling for was the man who in real life rubbed me up the wrong way by just breathing.

“I don’t fucking know. This is a fucking joke. It has to be” He jumped up off the couch and started pacing. I sat down and pulled my knees up to my chest.

“I thought I was falling for you” I muttered to my knees “but in reality you’re a fucking clumsy fool who makes my skin crawl”

“Your not exactly a walk in the fucking roses hunny. You’re a bossy, controlling little bitch” my breath sucked in in a sharp gasp and I jumped up off the couch and backed him against a wall.

“Well aren’t we fucking lucky we found out who each other were before it was too late. Don’t get in my motherfucking way again Stump or I will fucking ruin your show” I poked my finger into his chest

“Believe me, it’ll be a fucking pleasure to stay away from you” He growled shoving me back. I stumbled and started to fall but his hand reached out and caught mine. His eyes were green and then his mouth was on mine and I was lying on the couch. I didn’t know how I got there or why I was kissing him back with the same fevered passion or why I couldn’t stop kissing him back. I just knew that I couldn’t be without him from this moment on. I placed my hands just below his ribcage and shoved him back with as much force as I could muster.

“What the fuck Evan?!” he gasped, clutching at the spot where I shoved him.

“You raped my face goddamnit. What was I supposed to do?”

“Not kiss be back how you did for one.”

“It was a terrible accident and should never happen again Patrick.”

“I thought we had something special Evan” He muttered, sitting back down on the couch.

“That was before I found out who you really are.”

His mouth hung open for a second as my words registered with him. He stood up and smoothed down his clothes.

“Well then, if that’s how you feel then so be it. Now, if I’m right, the boys will be outside right about… now so put on a show will you. And make it as believable as that kiss”

I glared at him for a minute before letting rip “I swear to god Stump if you don’t pull your head out of your ass and quit getting on my bad side I will decimate you. No more phones on stage. Do you hear me?” I snapped making my way back to the door before smiling at him one more time. I threw the door open and stormed out into the hall. Sure enough the remaining members of Fall Out Boy stood in the hallway, pressed against the wall. “Didn’t your mother ever teach you it’s rude to eavesdrop?” I muttered as I shoved past them and back to the main hall.


“Gimme a minute guys” I muttered to Joe and Andy before closing the door behind me and sitting next to Patrick on the couch. “Dude, what just happened”

“I don’t even wanna talk about it. Girls a class A bitch if I ever did meet one. No worries” He smiled back at me. I could always tell when he was lying and this was one of those times but you gotta know when to drop shit and I could tell he really didn’t want to talk about it.


“And he was like I don’t do light bulbs, that’s visual!” The guys let out a roar of laughter as they banged they’re pints on the table.

“That’s actually the most hilarious thing I have ever heard! I mean why would you even ask a soundie to change a goddamned light bulb in the first place” Aidan giggled, slightly tipsy.

“Is he for real?!” Quinn laughed gesturing to Aidan who was now laughing so hard he was snorting loud enough for the whole bar to be glaring in our direction.

I cleared my throat loudly as I gestured for the guys’ attention. “Alright guys, I just wanna say Thanks for being so accepting and really welcoming me into the team and doing an absolutely stellar job on the show tonight” I was buried under a sea of bodies as the guys group hugged me in the most violent of ways. Robin threw his arm around me and gave me the most unmerciful nuggie imaginable.

“Its aiite nugget! Your one of the men now” he laughed squishing me to his side.

“I hope I don’t smell like one of ye” I giggled childishly which set off a whole new round of mockery and squishing before I could excuse myself. “Well I can honestly say that I’ve had enough as I am feeling quite merry so I shall be heading off to my bed but you guys can stay and have this round on me but god help the one that comes to work with a hangover tomorrow!” I grabbed my handbag and jacket and waved goodbye.

“Don’t end it like this baby!! I swear I can change” Robert called after me and dropped to his knees, mock crying as he reached for me.

“Suck on my balls Robert, no more booze for you” I laughed poking my tongue out as I left the bar and headed back to my bus.

I pulled my collar up around my face as the cold wind swirled around me. I buried my hand deep in my pockets and set off towards my bus as fast as possible.

My bus was warm and bright when I reached there and I was sober and wide awake from the cold. I was never good dealing with silence so I grabbed the remote for the stereo and hit play just to break it. The fantastic sounds of Katy Perry’s Peacock filled the bus and I busied myself making toast. Before I knew it I was singing it at the top of my lungs and dancing like a loon around the place. Toast laying half buttered and forgotten on the counter.

“Sounds like a party in here” a voice came from behind me.

“Holy shit” I screamed spinning to face my intruder. His palms faced towards me and his ochre eyes were soft. I relaxed slightly.

“And you are?” I snapped, embarrassed at being caught dancing like I was. I already knew who he was; he’d been one of my favourite guitarists for years.

“Frank, eh… Frank Iero… Eh, please don’t hit me.”

“Do you make a habit of walking onto other peoples busses? I coulda been naked.”

“You’ll get used to me. And if you’re planning to do that then lock your door! So, who are you?!”

“I’m Evan, I’m Fall out boy’s new sound manager.”

“Whoa, girly manager, sweeeeeeeeeet” He squealed throwing himself down on the couch. I headed into my kitchenette.

“So, what brings you to my humble abode?” I asked as I busied myself making tea.

“Everyone else is out or asleep and I was bored. So this whole bus is yours?!”

“Indeed it is. I think it’s to big though. Do you want tea or coffee?”

“I’m aiite thanks”

“Well…” I muttered taking a seat on the couch “What can I do for you?!”

“I dunno, hang out, watch a movie, have sex, read me a book, play dress-up. Anything, I’m soooooo bored” Frank whined lying across the couch.

“Eh, riiiiiight well we could watch a movie? I only brought Fight Club with me from home cause it’s the only one I ever watch”

“I suppose it’ll do” he huffed crossing his arms.

“Oh hell no, I will not take that tone when talking about Fight Club. It’s the best fucking movie EVER and I demand it be shown some respect or you can get the hell off my bus”

“Ah I’m just messing, it’s a brilliant movie” he smiled as he settled himself next to me and pulled a blanket across us. I hit play and settled back into the comfy couch and Frank put his arm around me and pulled me closer. I was asleep to the sound of his heartbeat before Marla Singer showed up.
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