Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > STEVE

2.)Steve has got to go or what if he's stays

by FrankieroIscute 1 review

What happens when they try to get rid of Steve by a vacuum and rubber gloves what can possibly go wrong.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Horror - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] [?] - Published: 2011-08-09 - Updated: 2011-08-09 - 445 words

"NO NO NOOOOO!!!"Gerard screamed hiding in a shadow of a room corner. Sorry again let me take you back to the place I left off where they talk about getting rid of Steve.

"Guys look how crazy he's gone since we told him we might fire him if he hurts bob."Gerard said looking at his wife Linz way."Well I think it's adorable maybe he can help us with bandit and tell her no one is purfect."Linz said.

"Fine since it's onley two go get bandit."Gerard said as linz went and got Bandit."Frank can you teach Bandit alot about how it's okay to be different."Linz asked frank handing him the now seven year old Bandit lee way.

"Okay Bee this is Steve my new friend can you see him cause everyone thinks im a lire."Frank asked Bandit and she looked next to him and saw a man who was covered in blood and a whole in the side of his head. Bandits mouth dropped as she screamed.

"Frank what did you do!?"Gerard asked looking at his daughter."Daddy there is a scary man right next to uncle Frankie."She said as she whispered something so low no one herd."What Bee."Gerard asked as she looked at Steve in fright."STEVE!!!"She screamed as Linz carried her up to her room.

"Frank I want you out of here unless you can get rid of Steve."Gerard said crossing his arms. The front door flung open and Frank saw the whole rest of the band standing there."What Happend Linz called us."Mikey had said looking at Gerard and Frank."Anyway Gerard I can't he's my friend."Frank said looking over at Steve who was waving his hand.

"Frank please don't kick me out that will make you and my parents."Steve told Frankie."Okay I promis I won't ever stop being there for you."Frank told Steve.

"Okay I'm sorry Frankie we've been good friends but until you can ditch Steve just stay away from us until you ditch FFUCKING STEVE!!"Gerard said poising his temper.

"Fuck you Gerard you can never be a good friend your just a fucking dick face!"Frank said yelling at Gerard making him more angry.

"WELL AT LEAST I HAVE ONE UNLIKE YOU!!"Gerard said pushing Frankie out of his house shutting the door.

"I have one too."Frank said whispering to himself.

"Come on Steve we can go to my house."Frank told Steve."Cool can I come. Not just kidding I already know I can cause you said I could."Steve told frank as they went to Frankies place.
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