Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > STEVE

1.) Almost fired

by FrankieroIscute 2 reviews

How frank almost gets fired and meets Steve

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Horror - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2011-08-08 - Updated: 2011-08-09 - 522 words

"Do it DO IT DO IT!FRANK YOU HAVE TO WE HAD A DEAL!"The man shouted at Frank. Well your probably wondering what's going on so I'm going to take you all the way back to the beginning and how it all started at the date January 14,2011.

Frank was a normal 29 year old man he had a wife and twin girls. He loved his life until...

"Frank if you keep hurting Bob were going to have to fire you."Mikey said as he walked over to Bob and lifted up his shirt so Frankie could see the giant scar from when Frank had kicked him in the stomach on stage."I'll quit I swear."Frank said looking into Gerards eyes and then Mikey's,Bob's,and Ray's."God damit can't you see he wont quit he's lying to you all."Bob said as he wanted to see Frank go."Umm Frank well umm if you can umm behave yourself on stage umm then I guess we'll keep you."Ray said a bit nervous."Okay Frank can you come back here in a hour or something."Gerard said as he pushed Frankie out the door.

"Wow I guess none of them like me anymore."Frank said as he was walking down the street talking to himself. A man came up to frank he was his Hight with short natural blond hair and a red streak going down the side."Hi my name is Steve I'm only 28 I die...I mean nothing I'm just so hungry ever since my parents kicked me out."He said looking at Frankie in the eyes."Uhh I'm Frankie,Frankie Iero."Frank said as he noticed he was gone for half an hour."Hey come with me and we can go over to my pals house and eat."Frank told him as he grabbed his Hand and walked all the way back to Gerards house. He ding dong the bell to the door.

Gerard opened it and pulled him in."Guys I hope you don't mind but friend his name is Steve."Frank said looking his dearest to them all."Umm where is he Frankie."Gerard said looking around."He's right here can't you see him."Frank told them.

"Ummm sure Frank we belive you."Bob said playing along just as Steve was there."So Steve what do you want to eat we have almost everything except tofu."Gerard asked Steve still playing along."Frank can you tell them I want noodles if they have any cuz that's my favorite food."Steve said to Frankie."Sure thing pal. Umm Gerard Steve said he wants noodles do you have any."Frank asked Gerard."Umm yeah I think so."Gerard said dashing into the kitchen.

The guys had followed him into the kitchen."Steve you can sit right there at the table."Frank told Steve pointing at the big table."Guys I think Frank has gone crazy. I mean look at him he's actually going to feed his imaginary friend."Gerard said as he thought he new the truth."Yeah do you think we ahold keep him now."Bob had said.
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