Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > STEVE

3.)Jamia's no approval

by FrankieroIscute 1 review

What happens when Jamia dosnt except Frankies new friend Steve what will happen. R&R

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Horror - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-08-10 - Updated: 2011-08-11 - 293 words

"No Frank you can't stay here with your imaginary friend."Jamia said holding the phone ready to call the mental hospital."Well can I hold my daughters before I go."Frank asked."Fine I dont care."Jamia said as she pointed to the room they were in. He walked into the room And picked up cherry and she opened her eyes and looked next to him and saw a bloody man with a shot in the side of his head.

She squealed with fright."FRANK WHAT DID YOU DO!!"Jamia yelled from the kitchen."Nothing I swear."Frank said putting cherry back into her crib.

Frank ran out the house while Steve followed him and ran out the house.

"Shes never any fun dont worry there is one more hope wanna hear it Steve."Frank asked Steve."Sure best pal."Steve told Frankie while looking around."Well we are going to my grandma's."Frank told Steve."Okay let's go."Steve said.

They made it over to Frankies grandma's house.

"Hi grandma I have a friend with me can we come in?"Frank asked his grandma."Why sure anything for you Frankie dear."She said turning away as they entered the house.

Then Frankies grandma turned around and saw Steve. He was bloody and had a hole in the side of his head.

"Um Frankie can you get out of my house your friend kind of scares me."Franks grandma told him not even taking an eye off Steve.

"Fine grandma anything for you bye."Frank said as he left her house.

"So where do we go now."Steve asked."I don't know can we think about this at the park."Frank said as he turned and headed for the park Steve following him.
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