Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > These Dreams That Haunt Me

Chapter 3

by Cut-Up-Angel 0 reviews

I considered jumping off the bridge. But this was my mess and I needed to face it.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2011-08-23 - Updated: 2011-08-24 - 1127 words

The shaking, oh no, the shaking. Uncontrollable, quick shaking. This was the start of the end. Heavy breathing came not long after. Was I sweating? I had no idea what my subconscious mind was imagining, I could only feel what was happening to my body.

Celia came home not long after the nightmare began. I couldn’t see anything, the world was pitch black; I could only hear. This wasn’t like any of the other nightmares I’d had before; they were just like my dreams. But, this time, I was subconscious.

“Gerard, they didn’t have it, so I picked up The Lion King, is that okay?” she said, as the door shut. I could imagine her hanging her coat on the hook and untying her converses, before entering the room. Without sight, I had to enhance my hearing.

Listening out for Celia’s floorboards creaking, to determine where she was, wasn’t easy. Especially when Anna kept barking, so someone would play with her. I felt her sit down on the sofa, she began to play with my hair and she kissed my forehead.

“He’s so cute when he’s sleeping, isn’t he?” she asked, obviously to Anna. “I wonder what he’s dreaming about…” she added, as she positioned me into a way that I’d be cuddling her.

My eyes opened, great I could see again. But I couldn’t control what I was doing, which really wasn’t so good. I pushed Celia off of me, in a really violent way. It wasn’t really me who was doing anything, more so my body.

“Gerard, are you okay?” her eyes narrowed, in a curious manner. Of course, I wasn’t okay, but my head nodded. “Well, that’s good then,” she smiled. “I’ll put the movie on,”

I wanted to yell out to Celia to get out, or drag my body outside; I tried my hardest, but nothing happened.

Suddenly, my world went black. I opened my eyes and finally I was in control again. Getting up, off my hands and knees, I noticed that I wasn’t in the real world anymore. I was in hell. Fire shot up from the ground, almost hitting me in the face and taking my eyebrows off.

When the fire had returned to the rocks, a shadow walked towards me. I couldn’t make out a shape, it was literally a black smudge on the wall.

“Gerard Way?” came a deep, evil voice. I coughed, to clear my throat.

“Y-yes,” I stuttered. “What do you want?” it cackled, like a witch. A pistol appeared in front of me, I grabbed it.

“You know what I want. You haven’t been dreaming like that for the past month for no reason. They’ve been messages, signs, if you will. I’ve been planning this night for a long time, obviously my ways of communicating haven’t been that… how do you say… detailed in enough, in my instructions. Kill Celia, and you’ll walk free from my dreams. Fail to do so, and I’ll take your body, letting you only see what I’m doing,” it explained, finishing with a sadistic giggle.

“You’re sick! I would never hurt Celia!” I screamed, at the top of my lungs.

“Well, it’s a choice of one person, or hundreds, maybe thousands…”

I thought about what the demon creature had said. Of course, I’d have to live with the guilt of murder, but at least thousands wouldn’t be hurt, by ‘me’. Fiddling with the idea of shooting myself, I decided to do nothing about it.

“Neither. I pick neither,” I was stubborn, and this probably wasn’t a good time to show how stubborn I could be.

“Would you like me to do it for you?” the voice laughed. My eyes widened, it would still be me, even if I wasn’t controlling my body. But at least I wouldn’t have the constant reminder that I’d done it.

“Yes,” I croaked, regretting my decision.

There was a mighty roar and a grey mist forced itself inside my chest, at such speed I didn’t even see what exactly it was. My hand picked up the gun, I wasn’t in control anymore.

I was back in Celia’s house. She was crying, holding me.

“Gerard, please wake up,” she wept. My eyes blinked a couple of times.

“What happened?” My mouth mumbled.

“You fell and hit your head, it’ll be okay, I’ve cleaned up the bleeding, you’ll be fine,” she smiled. In my head, I was mirroring her facial expression.

I stood up, cocked the gun in my pocket and smirked.

“It’s not going to be okay, Celia,” that cold, deep voice laughed, insanely. Celia’s eyes widened, massively, I’d never seen her so scared. “Oh, hello, you didn’t expect it to be me, did you?”

“Travis, get away from me. How did you-? Why are you in Gerard’s body? You promised we’d never meet again, you promised!” she shouted, falling to her knees, crying harder. “Please, don’t do this…” her face was hidden in her hands, and her sobs were muted.

What was she on about? I’d never heard of Travis before, what was going on?

“I’m sorry, Celia. This is how things are, I didn’t promise anything. I just left you alone, while I thought of ways to get you back, and this, this is it,” Travis said, controlling my body and pulling the gun out.

He aimed for the centre of her head and pulled the trigger. There was an almighty bang, and I found myself back.

Wishing it was just a dream; I grabbed Celia and hugged her.

“It’s okay, baby, I love you…” I mumbled, into her hair, getting blood all over my face.

“Gee…” she said, weakly. I put my hands on her face and pulled it upwards, so we were looking into each other’s eyes.

“Yes?” I asked, panicking. “Celia, please, no…” I began crying and rocking slowly. “She’s dead, Gee. And it’s your fault, you fucking idiot!” I kissed her forehead one last time, before grabbing my stuff.

As I left, I kicked the door in, to make it look like a burglary. At least, that way, I wouldn’t be arrested. I took the gun with me, and dumped it in the river, on my way home.

It was quiet and long trip home, and I considered jumping off the bridge. But this was my mess and I needed to face it.

At least, the dreams were over. Only, I had bigger problems now.
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