Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Almost

(23) Best I've Ever Had

by XxPerfectTomorrowxX 1 review

-Kacy stared at the handsome boy standing in front of her and she held out her hand, beckoning for him to come to her. She had tears shining in her eyes. "Am I in love with you?" She asked, tears s...

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Published: 2011-08-28 - Updated: 2011-08-28 - 1046 words - Complete

Brendon had taken a seat on the chair next to Kacy in order to give her a little space so that she could compose herself. He found it hard not to reach out and hug her or try to comfort her in some way but she didn't seem to want to be touched and when he spoke she seemed to get more and more upset so he had given in to silence.

He closed his eyes and tried to ignore the painful sounds of her sobbing as they slowly died down. "I'm sorry." Kacy finally said, wiping the remaining tears away from her face.

Brendon shook his head and looked up at her. "Don't apologize. I understand." He said softly. "Is there anything I can get you?"

"If you could get me some water that would be very appreciated." Kacy said, "They suggested I not walk without assistance just yet." She seemed embarrassed.

Brendon nodded and stood. "I'll be right back. Want me to have everyone else come in?" He asked.

Kacy's eyes widened. "Everyone else?" She asked, sounding horrified at the thought of more people coming in.

Brendon scratched the back of his head awkwardly and nodded again, "Yes, your mother is outside in the hallway along with your best friend and a few of my friends."

"Oh... Um... Okay." Kacy said, looking down at the hospital bed sheets. "Whenever they want to see me works."

Brendon quickly left the room, finding the others waiting out in the hallway looking towards the door curious to see how it had gone. Brendon shook his head. "I don't know." He muttered.

"Well, how is she holding up?" Lisa asked.

"Why don't you go find out for yourself?" Brendon snapped at her.

Silence passed them all as Lisa nodded and headed in to the room with everyone else and Brendon went in search of water for Kacy.


When Brendon returned he was pleasantly surprised to see Kacy smiling at the others, talking even. She was being a little quiet but she was at least responding without tears being involved. "I can't believe I woke up in time to take finals." Kacy said, laughing as Brendon handed her the water. Lisa was sitting on Kacy's hospital bed while Jon and Kacy's mother had the two chairs next to her bed leaving Brendon and Ryan to stand and listen.

Kacy's mother laughed, "That's my girl. Never missed a test in your life." She said, grinning at Kacy but Brendon could see the sadness in her eyes as her only daughter looked back at her and nodded, with the absence of who she was shining in her eyes.

"So..." Kacy started the subject none of them knew how to tackle. "What happened to me?"

Lisa discovered a new interest in her fingernails as she stared down at them and Kacy's mother decided to be the first to speak by pinning it all on Brendon, "I'm not exactly sure but I know it was concerning this young gentleman who hasn't left your bedside." She said, pointing at Brendon with a smile playing on her lips.

Brendon couldn't find the courage to smile back, "Some of my fans attacked you in your school hallway during lunch." Brendon said, staring at the wall behind Kacy's head.

"Fans?" Kacy asked, confused.

"We are in a band." Ryan said, pointing at himself, Brendon, Spencer, and Jon. "Brendon is the lead singer."

"Wow. Why are you here then?" Kacy said, even more confused.

Jon stood, looking very uncomfortable with the question as he wondered the same exact thing. "Guys I think we should leave."

"No, I think you should stay and tell me whats going on. I don't understand and you can't leave me in the dark when it comes to my own life." Kacy said, hardened tone. Brendon couldn't help but smile a bit. That sounded much more like the Kacy he remembered.

"Why are you here... Brendon?" Kacy asked, saying his name awkwardly for the first time that she could remember.

"I'm your boyfriend." It just came out and then it was out and Brendon couldn't take it back.

Everyone in the room looked at Brendon but Kacy was too busy staring at him to catch their wild looks of confusion. "We will be out in the hallway." Jon said, heading for the door with everyone following him as they left Brendon and Kacy alone.

Kacy stared at the handsome boy standing in front of her and she held out her hand, beckoning for him to come to her. She had tears shining in her eyes. "Am I in love with you?" She asked, tears sliding down her cheeks.

Brendon got closer to the bed and then sat down on it facing Kacy. He reached forward and wiped the tears from her cheeks. "I don't know but I'm in love with you." He said, pain clear in his tone.

Kacy reached out and touched Brendon's face softly, "I'm so sorry." She said, closing her eyes and letting more tears pour out.

"What for?" Brendon asked, wanting her to keep touching him but he had betrayed her entire memory by lying to her and everyone in the hallway knew that. Would they tell her the truth and ruin what he wanted so badly?

"I think I probably loved you too but I don't remember and I don't want to hurt you. I don't want to ruin what you had." Kacy said, staring in to Brendon's eyes.

Brendon stared back but the guilt silently killed him. He didn't want his lie to cause her more pain. "You're incapable of ruining my feelings for you." Brendon said as he leaned forward and pressed his soft lips against her dry ones.

Kacy sat in amazement as he pulled away and then she lifted her fingers to her lips and made a horrified facial expression, "Oh jeez. My lips feel terrible. That has got to be the worst kiss you've ever had. Do you have chap stick?" She asked, rambling a little.

Brendon laughed, "I can get you some but it wasn't terrible at all. Actually I think it was the best I've ever had." He said, unable to tear his eyes away from hers. They had their spark back.
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