Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > My Bulletproof Heart

Chapter 4

by Xxparamorexx 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Romance,Sci-fi - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-08-28 - Updated: 2011-08-28 - 930 words

Radio Love's P.O.V
My eyes fluttered open. I was laying on a bed in a strange room. I must be at the guy's hideout, I thought as I remembered yesterdays events. I rubbed my face and felt a bandadge. I looked down at my arm which was covered in gauze. Then I realized my shirt was missing, and all I had on was my bra. I cursed under my breath as I examined the stitches on my side. Whoever did it did a pretty good job. Now I was wondering where the hell my Green Dat shirt was. I remember getting it. It was my first concert, and they were one of my favorite bands. Of course that was before BLI. I tried to stand up but my ankle hurt like hell. I supported myself against the wall as I hobbled out of the room. Im seriously pissed at those boys. They didn't even leave me with a shirt!

I walked out into the hallway and followed the voices. It let me to a large room. I could tell it used to be a diner, because of the tables and booths. On table had blood on it. It wasn't hard to figure out whos it was. Then I saw my blood stained tattered Green Day shirt on the ground. I sighed. That was really the only thing I had left of home. I then continued following the voices into the kitchen. They all looked up when I opened the door and Kobra quickly came to my aid. "Thanks" i said as he set me down on a chair.
I looked and realized Ghoul was staring at me, and I had on no shirt. I smackes his shoulder hard. "What the fuck Ghoul stop staring" he grew red "It's not my fault your hot" he said smiling. This time it was me who was blushing. "Can I get a shirt?" I asked and Party walked out. He came back with a red shirt that said 'Homophobia is Gay' on it. I laughed and I slid it over my head. "It's Ghoul's" he said smiling. It wasn't too big, considering we were about the same size.

"How do you feel?" asked Kobra taking a seat. "Fine. My ankle hurts like hell though and so does my head." I said. "You've been unconsious for a whole day." said Jet as he sipped his coffee. "Really" I asked. "Yepp. And since your car is totaled and you can barely walk you're stuck here with us" said Kobra and Fun Ghoul smiled. "Oh yeah!" he said. "Ugh!" I grumbled sliding down in my seat. "Aww c'mon, your such a downer" said Party patting my back. "So, are you rethinking your decision?" asked Ghoul. "Huh?" I asked confused. "Well after that experience do you still not want to join us? After all we practically saved your life!" he said smiling. "I'll think about it" I said truthfully. They had done alot for me. Plus Ghoul was so nice. "Better than a no" he said getting up from his chair smiling.

"Hey, can I have something to eat? Im starved!" I said. Afterall I havent eaten for over a day. "Sure but all we have is that conned BLI crap." he said opening one of the cupboards. "Better than nothing" I said as he opened it and slid it across the table. I eagerly dug in, using my fingers and a spoon, shoveling it into my mouth. See how un lady like I am! I finished and placed the can on the table. "Hungry now are we?" he said throwing it away. "Yeah. Hey were did the others go?" I asked noticing the others had left. "Oh they work on the car all day. So since your the guest what do you want to do?" he asked. "I

don't know what do you guys do around here?" I asked. "Every here or something called COD?"
he asked smiling. "You guys have it!" I asked. I havent played it in years! "Yepp, in the other room. I have to say I've never met a girl how got excited about video games" I just smiled. "C'mon I wanna play now!" I said and he put his arm around my waist and helped me hop over to the main room where there was a small tv, and a xbox. "God I haven't seen one of these in years! Can't believe you guys still have it!" I said as he helped me sit on a sofa.

"I don't know how we would get on without it" he said chuckling. "Especially Jet, he loves this." he handed me a controller and we started the game.

"Ah! I suck at this!" I exclaimed after he won 5 games in a row. "I havent played in years and you play every day! Not fair!" I said crossing my arms. "C'mon one more game!" he pleaded giving me puppy eyes. "Fine okay" I said picking up the controller. I won this time, because he let me. "But I didn't win fair though!" I said. "Nope you just have talent" he replied. I laughed. "So when you stood in front of me without moving while I figured out what button shoots that was all my talent?" I said sarcastically. "Yepl, I don't know how you do it." He laughed. I all of a sudden felt sleepy. "God I'm tired" I said yawning. " But you've pratically sleeped for a day!" He said laughing again. I just yawned slid my head on his shoulder and fell asleep.
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