Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The black and white roses

Chapter 4

by IanH 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-09-03 - Updated: 2011-09-04 - 270 words

"Yeah,"He replied quietly as a smile spread over his face,"Man, you GOTTA teach me how to do that!"

I was flattered,"I would be glad to,Mikey-san."

Mikey bowed his head,"Thank you,Jasmine-sensei."

I patted his head,"Very welcome, young Grasshpper."

We suddenly burst out laughing when another person happend to walk up. "Hey,"he said sipping a Starbucks frappachino,"Why are we laughing?"

I gasped and embraced him in my arms as we laughed,"I see yah missed me?"

"NO **!" I smiled, releasing Gerard, and stealing his Starbucks, and taking a gulp. 

"Hog."he muttered as I gave it back.

I raised an eyebrow. "coming from the guy that could eat a Navy's worth of food?" I remarked.

He looked hurt and gave me a shove as he picked me up by my stomach and smirked.

We both laughed and laughed as I cried between laughs,"AHAHA!NO GERARD, PUT ME DOOOWN!!!HAHA!!"

He obeyed as he gave me his toothy grin,"Soooorry..Jay Jay, I juss missed you WHOLE BUNCHES MUNCHES!!!"

"Awwwwww."I smiled, seeming flattered."Dumbass."And I hugged him again.I jerked away from the
feeling of someone gving me jumpercables.

I screeched and fell forward right......on top....of...Gerard......

I blushed bright red, staring into his hazal eyes as he turned bright red as well."Uh.....uh...uh-uh...uhm...s-s-sorr-rr-y."I stammered as I picked myself up.

The feeling of embarressment faded as I turned eyes full of anger. There was my brother and his friends. Quinn Allman, Taylor Lamborn, and OF COURSE, the infamous of my best friends.
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