Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > One today. Another tomorrow.

One today. Another tomorrow.

by Party_PoisonMCR 1 review

This is a Frikey!! I'll update when I can!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2011-09-20 - Updated: 2011-09-20 - 1094 words

Today was the day for me and the band. We are so excited. The feeling inside me deep down was unbearable. I had to let my excitement out some how. So, for a treat I took everyone out to get absolutely shit faced! And yes, Gerard was also shit faced. One or two of us also got laid.. I’m not naming any names. But we-I MEAN-they were lucky. So yeah. We got shit faced to let our excitement out. It worked. A lot.
As I heard that scream, I came running as fast as I could. My heart was pounding, I didn’t know what was happening! But the scream sounded like Mikey.. Oh shit! What’s happened with Mikes?! He might of got electrocuted by the toaster again.. Who knows. I finally got there. It was Mikey who screamed but I don’t see any toaster.. I slowly walked up behind him as he was sniffling. He was holding something or someone in his arms.. I couldn’t make out who it was from the back but Mikes was rocking them back and forth. My palms started to sweat as I started to shake with fear.

I slowly kneeled down just behind Mikey. My heart sank with my face going pale. I couldn’t believe it.. Was this really happening? Hearing Mikey sob for his brother to wake up was painful to listen to. I placed a hand on his shoulder and shuffled forward a bit.
“I-Is he…?”
Mikey shrugged slowly. And he knew what I was talking about. I hope he isn’t.. We grew up together, here in New Jersey. We’re like brothers.. And Mikey.. Mikey is his brother. They’re so close. I’ve never seen brothers so close before. They’re best friends let alone brothers for fuck sake. Mikey’s sobs got louder. Gerard’s face just got paler and a bit blue.
“Mikey.. I-I think he needs the hospital..”
I stuttered that out. Mikey’s face is just to painful to look at.. Seeing his brother near enough dying.. But as soon as I said that I jumped back onto my ass as he screamed at me, saying Gerard’s not going anywhere. I’m trying my very best to hold the tears back but I felt my throat get a lump inside it and my nose starting to tingle.
“Mikey! Just take him to the damn hospital! O-Other wise he’s gonna fucking die!”
Mikey slowly placed Gee’s body on the ground and turned to me. I’m just frozen with all the fear. As soon as I knew it, Mikey had slapped his hand across my cheek as hard as he can and I let out a cry of pain. The anger inside his body just building up was a scary thing to watch.
“Don’t you DARE say that!”
Mikey broke down crying. I felt so bad.. I didn’t know what else to do. So, I hugged him gently and tightly at the same time as he clinged to me, crying onto my shoulder. I saw Gee’s body getting bluer and he needs the hospital.
“O-Okay, Mikes, I-I’m just gonna make a quick phone call, okay?”
I kissed his head, keeping him calm. I walked out and closed the door quietly. Then I suddenly ran to the kitchen, grabbing my cell, dialling 911. I’m just about to break down.. I don’t want to lose my best friend.. My big brother.. I remember in High School if I got picked on, Gee would be the first to be there. Always. I felt a tear roll down my cheek as I thought about my memories. The man answered the phone on the other end of the line. I quickly asked for an Ambulance. I explained everything and they are now on their way. I threw my phone on the table again and sat on the couch, waiting for the Ambulance, with my head in my hands, crying quietly. This honestly can’t be happening! Oh shit.. This is all my fault! If I wouldn’t of got so fucking excited and got everyone shit faced, this wouldn’t of happened! Before I got more worked up, there was a knock on the door. I looked up quickly and walked to the door, opening it slowly. It was the Ambulance. I quickly went to Mikey and told him I rung the Ambulance. He wasn’t happy but it had to be done. I held Mikey tightly as they did what they had to do to Gerard. They asked us to walk outside for a bit. I REALLY hope he isn’t…D-Dead.. I need him.. As do Mikey. I rocked Mikey back and forth slowly, keeping him as calm as possible. Then one of the Ambulance people came out. He didn’t look happy. When I saw his face, my heart started to pound. He slowly kneeled down to us. I could feel Mikey shaking harder. This wasn’t a good sign.
“You’re Gerard’s brother and friend right?”
I nodded slowly without saying a thing. Mikey started to sob again. I can’t stand to see Mikey like this. Its just heart breaking. But we have to prepare ourselves for the worst. But I don’t think that’s gonna happen right now. The Ambulance guy gave us both direct eye contact. I knew it was bad news and held Mikey tighter.
“I’m so sorry..”
At that point, Mikey burst into tears and screamed out for his older brother. I had to hold Mikes back as I started to cry. I didn’t want him to carry on but I knew we had to hear it all. Mikey looked like he was just about to throw up. I held onto Mikey and we let him carry on.
“Gerard has had a bad liver for quite a while. But he has pasted away.. He died from alcohol poisoning. I’m so sorry for your loss..”
Mikey fell into my lap and was screaming for his brother as loud as he can. I couldn’t believe this.. He’s gone.. I cried harder, repeating myself quietly “This is all my fault..”. Mikey was hitting my lap, crying louder and louder. As I looked over to the door, I saw them walking out with Gee’s body. I cried harder, watching him leave and then knowing he’s never gonna come back.

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