Categories > Original > Drama > The Midnight Beast Madness

Chapter One: Madness

by tmbfanfics 0 reviews

The midnight beast go through a variety of adventures in this fan fic!

Category: Drama - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2011-09-25 - Updated: 2011-09-25 - 233 words

RING RING!! Stefan’s alarm rang of, it was 7 o clock. Today, it was hair cut day.

Stefan heard a knock at his door, he didn’t answer it.


Holy shit. The fans have found him, there is no place to hide now. Stefan ran into his wardrobe to hide, while the fans kicked down his door. This is hell.

Stefan jumped out of his wardrobe to grab his phone, and call Ashley. Ashley didn’t pick up his phone. He called Dru, and luckily he picked up.

“DRU, help me the fans kicked down my door and i’m trapped!” screamed Stefan, as he locked his bedroom door and jumped back into his wardrobe.

“Shit, call the police!” said Dru.

Stefan hung up, Dru is no help in these situations.

Stefan just stayed quiet, and hoped they’d think that he is not home..Suddenly, the house fell silent and someone knocked on Stef’s bedroom door.

“Stefan are you okay?” said the voices.

IT WAS ASHLEY AND DRU!! Thank god. Stefan pounced out of his wardrobe to open the door when.. BOOM! Stefan’s wardrobe fell down, Stefan screamed with terror and the wardrobe had fell. There was no noise from Stefan.

“Shit stefan what happend?!” said Dru.

No response.

“STEFAN ARE YOU OKAY?!” screamed Ashley.

Still no response.

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