Categories > Original > Humor > A summmer nights Dream

Anna;in real life!

by TMBAREEPIC 0 reviews


Category: Humor - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor - Published: 2011-09-25 - Updated: 2011-09-25 - 237 words

Stefan and Ashley set off to the cinemas,yet again on the bus,They arrive as they are waiting a Girl is stood Stefan turns around a shoves ash,and ash says what was that for?Stefan says that girl over there she is the exact girl that was in my dream last night...Stefans thing went up like a rocket,Ashley laughed stefan was yet again a tomato shouting shit,So stefan calmed down and went over to the girl. CONVERSATION; Stefan; stefan,and you are? Girl;Hey,Im Anna,i Like your Afro.Stefan;Nice name,nice dress,nice eyes.Anna;Aw thanks,what movie are you going to watch?Stefan;Horrid henry because i'm cool like that,you?Anna;Aha Same,Wanna sit with me and my friend?Stefan;Yeah sure,My friends here too maybe we can set them up?Anna;Yeah sure,your so nice!Stefan;So are you,you want to come over to my Flat tonight to have a few drink and a take away and watch a film?Anna;Yeah that would be nice,I'll need to get ready properly first though,Ah heres My friend!Stefan;Mines taking forever I'll Shout Him ASSSHHHHLLEEEYYYY!Ashley;I'm here lets go.Stefan;Come on anna and what ever your friends called. Stefan whispers;I really like you!Anna;I like you to hehe!They go and watch the film.
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