Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Stepping Onto The Danger Line


by Vengefulscout 1 review

Interigation with no explanation.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-09-26 - Updated: 2011-09-26 - 1423 words

(Gerard’s P.O.V)
“Mikey, this is a bad idea”. I heard Ray protesting as we slipped silently through the trees, heading for the silver car they had come in. It was a seven seated car, quite old and rather battered after a few car chases which they had been through in the past 3 years. “We could have just let her go, you said it yourself, and she didn’t know anything about it”. I looked at my brother who was at my side and he shook his head “she saw us kill her teacher Ray, the police would have been called and we would be in jail”. Ray nodded but looked unsure “we could just leave her home” he said quietly “Raymond, listen. I know that it’s not good that a child’s involved here, but this is for her and our own good” said Mikey loudly, getting frustrated. Frank and Bob, who were in front of us stopped, looked left and right and turned to us. “We better hurry guys” said Bob quietly “people may come along and find Naylor’s body” We nodded and carried on making our way to the car. The girl’s body was draped over my shoulders and back. She was completely out cold and was on my back despite my protests. She was on me in a piggy back style. “You are strong Gerard” Bob had said” and besides, it was your idea”. I had said “ but Bob, you’re the strongest” He had laughed and said “ i know and i don’t want to break any of her bones”. So, i had been left to carry the kid. She was quite light and I was thankful for that. The old car loomed up in the distant darkness, the lonely street lamp illuminating it. “Ok, Ray you drive, Bob, up front, me and Mikey, middle and Gerard, up the back with the kid”. I sighed heavily, pulled the lifeless girl off my shoulders onto the back seat and i sat next to her. She was still, barely breathing; Mikey had done a good job with the blow to the head. “Everyone set to go?” asked Ray. We all nodded and lay back in our seats, our mission done. “Gerard” said Mikey turning around in his seat so that he could face me “ that girl” he jerked his head at Aria “ you wouldn’t believe some of the stuff in her head and i found something out which may surprise you” I sat up a little “ what is it?” i asked. “She has no parents, they are dead”. My eyes opened wide and i looked at the young child next to me. “She lives alone in that house, all by herself?” “For 1-2 years” said Mikey. We both looked at the girl, the shock of it all washing over them like a wave in the sea. I glanced back at Mikey “how could this fate have become onto this child?”

(Aria’s P.O.V)
My head was buzzing with pain. I felt so dizzy, like when you get of a roundabout when it has been going really fast, and my eyesight was blurred. I raised my head slightly, trying to remember what had happened. The lake, the bridge, the boys, there so-called “supernatural phenomenon” and... Then it hit me, literally. One of the boys had knocked me out cold and brought me...somewhere. The room i was in was dark, very dark., I could vaguely see the bare greying walls, a single black fireplace with chard wood pilled inside, maybe from the night before, and a small table at the back. I looked around the place, wondering where i was and where the 5 boys, killers, were. As soon as the thought crossed my mind, a door opened and a yellowish light flooded the room. I scrunched my eyes up at the sudden brightness as a one of them walked in. The man, Gerard, shut the door and turned to face me. “Comfortable?” he asked, grabbing a chair which i hadn’t seen in the darkness and placed it in front of me. I didn’t answer, i didn’t want to strike up a normal conversation with a murderer, plus, i was downright terrified. I could make out a grin in the blackness; it sent a shiver down my spine. He went to the table, pulled a desk draw open and grabbed a box. He opened it, pulled out a match and struck it. Small as the light was, I was grateful for the little flame. He threw it in the fire place and the wood ignited, crackling merrily in the grate. “Well, Miss Miller, you are probably wondering what you are doing here aren’t you?” I nodded slightly. Gerard sat in the chair and stared straight at her “sorry if that hit on the head hurt, it wasn’t me who did it” I didn’t speak again, the firelight making his face distorted in shadow. He chucked, grabbed a piece of paper and said “I’m just going to ask you some questions, that’s it” He took a pen from his pocket. “Where are we?” I said, curiosity overtaking me again “we are home” he said, waving his hands at the walls “My home or, as you know it, the old owners, Mr and Mrs Redgewell” I looked around the room once more and in the light of the fire, it did seem a little familiar as i had come into the house when the Redgewell’s were here. But, the walls then were light blue; i guessed the killers had taken the wallpaper off the walls. “Anyway, the questions please” said Gerard, head bent, pen on paper “name?” “You know it” i retorted. He looked up, shaking his head “just answer the question please. Name?” I sighed “Aria” He looked up again “full name” I hissed air through my teeth and went along with it.

I’m just going to write it like this so it easier

Name: Aria Jane Miller
Age: 12 years 7 months
Birthday: 6th June 1996
Height: 5’1
Weight: not sure
Hair Colour: Dark Brown
Eye Colour: Green
Nationality: American-Italian
Family: Had a mother and father
Mother’s Name (Before Marriage): Ivanna Moretti
Father’s Name (Before Marriage): Scott Miller
Mother’s nationality: Italian
Father’s nationality: American

Gerard stopped writing, folded the paper up and put it in his jacket pocket. He smiled at me “thank you Miss Miller” he said, he sounded like a teacher at school. That though suddenly jolted my senses “you shot Mr Naylor in the head” I said quietly. His smiled faltered and put a hand on my shoulder. I shrugged it off “don’t touch me!” i cried. He looked surprised “what is the matter with you Aria?” he asked. I stood up, trying to put as much distance from the man with the gun. “you killed him, shot him as though it was nothing” i was practically screaming from fear “ and I’m gonna guess your going to do the same to me!” I stopped and breathed in and out deeply. Gerard, oddly and eerily, started laughing. He was laughing so much, he threw out his arm and clutched onto the fireplace ledge “A...ria!” he choked through his laughter “you... really think... I’m going... to kill you?!” I didn’t smile, i was too scared. Gerard coughed loudly, wiped a tear from his eye and said “come this way, the other’s are upstairs. They want to get to know you better” I stood stock still, not wanting to move “i don’t want to stand in a room full of murderer’s thank you. Gerard took out his gun and i flinched at the sight. He then opened it and shook at the bullets onto the floor, finally throwing the empty gun into a corner of the room “want to come now?” he asked. I had to say, i felt better knowing that a bullet wouldn’t go into my head. So, i nodded and walked slowly away from the corner and followed Gerard. “Gonna do the same to me” he whispered to himself, coping my words from moments ago. I scowled and went up a flight of stairs towards who knows where.

Hey awesome people! Ok, i managed to get this up but i cant really update much with school and shudders GCSE work. I will try to update as best as i can :)
Emily :D
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