Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Love Bites

One - I Am A Vampire

by MadderThanAHatter 3 reviews

We all have secrets

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Mikey Way - Published: 2011-09-27 - Updated: 2011-09-27 - 834 words

Every kid has their secrets. God knows, I have mine. I’m pretty weird. I have pretty huge secrets, but you see. Nobody would know. They all act as if I don’t exist. I guess its better than being pushed around. Anyone would think I’d died.

Well. That’s kinda my secret. I’m dead. Not dead as in, dead. But dead as in, reanimated corpse dead.

I’m a vampire.

Just to throw that out there, not a blood-sucking beast, God no. That’s only leeches. And not a sparkly one either, even though I can go out in daytime. Clearly, as I’m sat in a science lesson, wishing I could disappear. No, I have no magical abilities, no freaky story to tell you. Even my family don’t know I’m a vampire.

See, I maybe sold my soul to a vampire. I am always in the shadow of my brother, Gerard. Fantastic singer, amazing artist, genius at school and he can act so well it. Well, it makes people cry. And before you ask, I didn’t sell my soul so he could die, or lose his voice, or stop being so damn pretty. No, I sold it so I could play bass.

No, it wasn’t a spur of the moment thing. I just wanted to be world class, I tried so hard. Two years of lessons, and I played until my fingers bled. But I never got any better, ever. My teachers even joked I made Sid Vicious look competent.

So, one night, when I was walking home from another failed lesson, bass in tow, I’m walking over this bridge. I stop and stare at the water running under it. I think about throwing my bass over it, and accepting my fate, that I’m always gonna be secondary to Gerard. Then I feel this hand on my arm.
Shit myself.

It’s a vampire. He does me this deal; he will give me anything I want, in exchange for my soul. I point to my bass and tell him how I want to be good at something, anything, for once. He nods, and basically bites me.

When a vampire bites you, you’re ill. It’s a bit like flu, except flu probably doesn’t feel like you’re having every pore filled with acid. I started hallucinating from fever. I was ill for a week, Gerard kept me entertained, and by entertained I mean he made me read every comic he had ever written.

Anyways, the flu passed and my first urge was blood. I remember scaling down my house, on the hunt for some plasma. I got it, of course.

But unlike every other vampire in probably the history of vampires, my first kill wasn’t a virgin maiden in a white dress. My first kill was a squirrel. A fucking SQUIRREL. But it had blood, and that’s all I wanted.

That’s not the important bit, when I got home, I picked up my bass. For the first time in my life, I played something half-decent. Beyond that. I was incredible. I was finally able to rival Gerard. Finally able to be something incredible.

And a vampire.

Its not that bad, I’ve been one three months and I actually, I wouldn’t say like, but I don’t mind it. I don’t sleep, and never get tired, but everyone puts that down to coffee. I can still eat, but it doesn’t taste as nice as it used to. I can go out in sunlight, but I burn a lot easier, so I have to use a really high factor otherwise I blister. My senses are better, except my eyesight. I still have to wear these ridiculous glasses everyday. I also have to drink blood.

I don’t drink human blood. It’s not compassion. Vampires, real vampires, don’t drink human blood. The only time we kill a human is if they know our secret, or if we need to turn them into a vampire. It was a pact made long ago, that appears to you in your hallucinations during the change. You do not kill humans, as humans provide our race with a way to survive. Without humans, new vampires cannot be made. It is in our interest to keep them alive.
You can turn back human, somehow. I’m not exactly sure how, but I know it can be done. I hope it can, at least.

Science, we would be doing dissections today wouldn’t we. The teacher has just put a heart on the front desk. Bloodlust rises inside of me, I need it, I crave it, I want it.

I go to run for the heart, not realising my feet are entwined with the handles of my bag; I slip, falling forward fast, hitting my head on the concrete floor. Only me, Mikey Way, can knock myself out as easily as this.

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