Categories > Books > Harry Potter > The Old Walls Crumble

The Eighth Horcrux

by cearrae 2 reviews

The final confrontation.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Drama, Romance - Characters: Arthur Weasley, Bellatrix, Draco, Dumbledore, Fleur, Ginny, Harry, Hermione, Luna, Molly Weasley, Moody, Neville, Peter, Petunia Dursley, Professor McGonagall, Ron, Seamus Finnigan, Snape, Tonks, Voldemort, Other - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2006-06-09 - Updated: 2006-06-09 - 7273 words

This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.

This is extra long - enjoy and PLEASE! Review:)

May 8th was the 61st anniversary of VE Day- the day Europe was liberated ending WWII in 1945. I dedicate this chapter to my father and all the other Vets who made that liberation possible. We have the freedom we do today because of their sacrifice and the continued sacrifice of our military regardless of what country we live in - USA, Canada, UK or Australia. Freedom doesn't come cheap - every life is precious.


Remus, Minerva and Snape were in the library meeting with Dumbledore's portrait. Both Remus and Minerva had viewed the Headmaster's memories in their entirety and understood why many of the events of previous years had turned out the way they had.

"You must understand," said Albus, "the knowledge had to be protected at all costs. If Tom had gotten an inkling...well, he didn't so let's not tread down that path."

"But you did test your theory, Albus; you're absolutely positive?" asked Minerva, still coming to terms with this new knowledge.

"I checked it on many occasions, none of which Harry will remember." The portrait Albus smiled at his friends. "Now that you and Remus know, as well as Severus, I'm sure we have safeguarded the prophecy even more."

Severus found it difficult to speak to the headmaster this way; his grief was still raw within him. When Albus spoke to him, his insides knotted and the vision of the old man falling from the tower flashed through his mind.

"Severus, my boy, you look uncommonly sad. Annoyed, conceited and arrogant I'm used to seeing in you, but never such a cheerless demeanour." Albus looked at him over the top of his glasses, in his usual way of teasing.

"What have I to be happy about, sitting talking to your portrait instead of you, old man? You could have waited and given me a chance," said Severus, bitterly. He looked down at the floor, unable to look at the blue eyes any more.

Dumbledore shook his head, "You know that is not true, Severus. You had put a stopper in death for almost a year. The Draught of Delusion, in the vessel containing the necklace, was my undoing. It was only a matter of hours, perhaps less, until Toms curse would have taken me."

Severus stood to leave, but stopped and turned back. "I'm sure that knowledge will give me great comfort when they grant me an endless sojourn in Azkaban. Thank you, Professor Dumbledore, my guilt has been assuaged." He turned and left, not trusting his chaotic emotions to remain at bay any longer.


Harry lay on his bed staring at the ceiling. Ginny and Hermione sat on Ron's bed, while he'd taken up a place on the floor, leaning back on his mattress.

"It's not like you could have done anything, mate," said Ron. "We only knew about the curse on the shield 'cause Snape and Jenny discovered it."

"Yeah, that much I know, but it's like," Harry paused and sat up, swinging his legs over the side of the bed, "it's like anyone who tries to help me ends up snuffing it. My mum and dad, Sirius, Dumbledore and now..."

"Stop thinking like that, Harry," Hermione scolded. "You can't afford to let your emotions rule you now; a clear head and mental focus; that's the key."

"Well said, Miss Granger," offered a silky voice from the open door. "Potter, Lupin has requested I put in some time drilling you in defensive spells." The door opened wide to reveal Victor as well. "Mr. Krum has offered his assistance. Perhaps you can drag yourself and your groupies away from your maudlin musings to join us in the garden." Snape raised his eyebrow in an unspoken question.

"Yes, professor," Harry replied, "we'll be right there." He jerked his head at the others.

"One other thing, and do contain yourself, Arthur Weasley brought a few doting admirers home; rather like stray puppies," said Snape, in his deprecating voice. "They're supposed to be some kind of, what did they call themselves, ah yes - Army."

Ginny grabbed Hermione's arm, "It's the DA, they managed to get together," she exclaimed excitedly.

Severus rolled his eyes and Victor grinned as the girls jumped off the bed and Ron sprung up from the floor. They pushed past Snape and tumbled down stairs followed by Krum. Harry stood more slowly and stopped in front of Severus.

"Sir, my aunt; do you think he'll hurt her...much?" asked Harry.

"Do you care?" asked Snape, knowing the circumstances of Harry's childhood.

Harry shot a venomous look at his protector. Snape shrugged in return.

Severus thought for a moment before answering. "The Dark Lord needs her to get what he believes to be his Horcrux. She has to be mobile enough to do that and to carry it to its final resting place." He looked at the boy he'd protected for six of seven years and saw the strain telling in the shadows under Harry's eyes. "Potter...Harry, Vol..." Snape took a deep breath, "Voldemort may cast the Cruciatis with some regularity, however, he rarely sullies himself with the more pedestrian of dark curses nor, for that matter, does he indulge in physical acts of debauchery. He leaves the dirty work to his minions."

"You mean they might abuse her that way?" Harry looked at him for reassurance. It didn't come.

"Potter, I don't know. I can only tell you what has happened in the past. This is a different situation. He may isolate her entirely," Snape told him sharply.

"My uncle, he was so lost without her. It was as if he'd lost part of himself. I actually felt sorry for him," said Harry.

Snape sighed, "When you love another person and they are taken from you, it must feel as if you've lost a limb, I think." He looked thoughtful for a moment and then shook himself. "Shake a leg, Potter, I don't have all day," he said in his normal snide tone, cuffing Harry gently as he passed, "just most of it," he added softly as an afterthought.


"What the bloody hell is he doing here?" demanded Seamus, when the DA members were joined by Draco.

As Lucius stepped out into the garden, he found himself held at wand point by a half a dozen youth. He held his hands up, showing he had no weapon, and waited for someone to intervene. Snape joined him, offering his best scowl to the witches and wizards holding them at bay, and watched as Harry approached his Army.

"Put your wands down, they're on our side," he told them in a commanding voice.

Most of the DA lowered their wands, but Neville and Luna kept theirs pointed at the wizards.

"How do you know for sure, Harry? He was at the Ministry," said Neville pointing his wand at Lucius.

"He killed the Headmaster," said Luna, her voice uncommonly sharp as she centred on Snape.

Harry nodded, "Yeah, I know, but a lot has happened and there are things we didn't know before, that I do now. I believe we can trust them, so, please, if you trust me..." He looked at his friends and waited. Slowly, their wands dropped to their sides, even if looks of suspicion were still being cast at the Malfoy's.

McGonagall and Lupin stepped into the garden and saw the standoff. Remus walked to stand beside Harry as he addressed the group.

"Welcome, ladies and gentleman. It's good to see you. Harry has told us about your fifth year adventures and I'm quite impressed by your dedication." Remus paused and looked at each of them. "I also know that your parents must be incredibly worried; but, as you are of age, enough said."

"I'm sure you know the implications of your being here and on behalf of the senior members of our group, I must insist that you follow two very important rules." He held up one finger. "First, you must obey when you are instructed to do something. There will be no time to explain, so you must follow our orders without question." He held up a second finger. "Secondly, and most importantly, you must understand that these men," he pointed to Snape, Lucius and Draco, "have an important role to play. Under no circumstances are you to give away their complicity with us. Draco will be among your number. I expect you to watch his back as you would one of your own." Remus smiled, "Now, I expect Professor Snape has a few exercises for you."

Lupin turned and passed the three Slytherins their wands. Snape smiled at him and approached his former students with a sinister grin.

"Now, where were we when we were so rudely interrupted a year or so ago; ah yes, non-verbal spells. Shall we review?" He offered them his usual sneer, causing more than one to cringe. "Lucius, will you help coach?"


Tonks was sitting in the kitchen reading a newspaper and sipping tea when Jenny walked in. At first, Jenny thought there was another newcomer to the house, but as the figure lowered the paper, she saw it was the young Auror, sporting a spiked hairstyle, tinted in rosy pink.

"Good grief, Tonks, what have you done to your hair? I didn't think you were the type to do weird hair-do's," exclaimed Jenny. "When did you dye it?"

Tonks giggled, "I didn't, watch." Contorting her face, Tonks concentrated and her hair became shaggy with peacock blue tips. "See, it's my gift."

Jenny sat open mouthed, "God lord, woman, you had me gob-smacked there. Have you always been able you know, that," she pointed at Tonks head.

"Pretty much," she said, "except, recently I've been a bit down and overwhelmed. I didn't have the energy." She smiled conspiratorially at Jenny. "At least, not until last night."

"Last night?" wondered Jenny.

"Me and Remy, I think I've finally convinced him." Tonks took a sip of tea.

"I'd heard you were soft for him," responded Jenny. "So last night was the big one was it."

"Yeah, but please, just keep it between us. He's a very shy man." Tonks looked at Jenny for her agreement, which Jenny gave with a nod.


In addition to Seamus, Neville and Luna, Dean Thomas, Cho Chang and Lee Jordan had found their way to Grimmauld Place, after talking to the twins at their shop. A marquee had been erected in the back garden to house the youth. The Golden Trio, and other assorted Weasley's, had voted to join them. It seemed fitting after all the years they'd spent in dorms at school. Even Draco was grudgingly admitted; his loss making him a partisan of their cause.

Within the old house, the older couples were retiring. Minerva decided to bed down in the library so that she might converse with her dearest friend. Victor and Lucius decided unlimited wizards chess was the best way to kill time.

Jenny and Severus lay in the darkness together, all too aware of the coming dawn.

"I'm going to carry the shield to where ever it needs to go tomorrow," Jenny told him.

"Jenny, they can find away to..." Severus began.

"Don't you understand, you stupidly, brilliant man!" she exclaimed, "I want to be there. I might not have a magic wand to wave around but, damn it, I helped you find the shield and I brought the other thing here and...and..." she faltered in her tirade.

Severus pushed her hair from her face and kissed her. "I don't want you to be hurt Jenny. No one can predict what's going to happen."

"I can't sit and wait, Severus. I need to be a part of it," said Jenny with conviction. "That doesn't mean I'm not frightened, but not knowing would be a hundred times worse."

Severus brushed her eyelashes gently, "No more tears?" he asked.

Jenny smiled, "I'm all cried out. I'll save the rest for the victory celebration and cry for joy."

With an urgent impulse, Jenny reached up and pulled Severus into a deep embrace. With a need neither knew existed, they made love; touching, tasting, expressing their desire as never before. For the first time, Severus marked her skin, needing to show his dominant side for once. Jenny only hissed her pleasure, holding his head as he left a love bite on her breast. As their lust abated, they fell asleep, entwined in an embrace of immeasurable love.


The quiet of the night was sundered by two agonized yells. Jenny was wrenched from her slumber, as Severus suddenly sat up, holding his arm to his chest.

"Severus, what is it?' asked Jenny, breathless in her shock of being awakened so suddenly.

"It's time for me to go," Severus hissed, as he got out of bed.

Jenny shook her head, "What do do you know?" she asked in confusion.

Severus began to dress in his normal garb, forcing himself to be precise. Before he pulled on his shirt, he showed Jenny the mark on his arm. "The tattoo you saw; it is a mark of dark magic that links us to our Master."

Jenny watched as the mark, now black, seemed to writhe beneath his skin. "It causes you pain."

Severus snorted, "He likes to get your attention and make a point."

Jenny got up and pulled on her jeans, "Do you have to go immediately?" she asked.

"I'm already late." He stopped and looked at her. "You don't have to see me off, say goodbye here."

She shook her head, "I want every second I can get with you."

With a sigh, he finished dressing and pulled open the door. Lucius was on his way down the stairs before him. They met in the kitchen where, Minerva, Remus and Moody were waiting along with Molly and Arthur.

"How will you get a message to us, Severus?" asked Minerva.

Reaching into his pocket, Severus pulled out his cell phone. "Jenny has a phone as well. I'll send a message that Jenny can pick up anytime."

"I can start checking as soon as you need," said Jenny.

"We must go," said Malfoy, urging Severus out.

Severus turned one last time and pulled Jenny to him, then released her to follow his friend. The two wizards made their way out of the front door, past the wards of Grimmauld place. Remus followed them out, as did the others. Without speaking, he pulled out his wand and apparated. Tonks knew he'd gone to join the Werewolves.

Severus went to the car and opened the boot, pulling out two boxes. He passed one to Malfoy. They pulled their wands and passed them over their bodies. A black shadow appeared to pass over them revealing the garb of the Death Eater when it dissipated.

Jenny gasped at the sinister costume, feeling evil seep into the air like a foul odour. She watched as they touched their wands to the mark on their arms, and disappeared. Minerva put her hand on the Muggle's shoulder and indicated they should return to the house.


It was still early, when Molly and Ginny took breakfast out to the garden for the DA. There would never have been enough room in the kitchen for everyone. Molly saw Draco sitting alone on his cot, his eyes staring into the distance, unseeing. She prepared a mug of tea and took it to him.

Passing the tea, Molly said, "Here you go, love. Get that into you," as if she was speaking to one of her own.

He looked up at her in surprise and took the mug from her, "Thank you Mrs. Weasley." He took a sip and stood up. "What time were they called?" he asked quietly.

Molly was surprised at the question, as they'd not told the others Severus and Lucius were gone. "How did you guess?" she asked, just as quietly.

Draco showed his left arm where a dark mark was imprinted on his skin. "I took the mark but it was never activated because I never took a life. It changes colour but I don't get the pain nor can I use it to apparate."

Molly shared a pained look with him, "Draco, your mother was a proud woman. I know she would approve of what you're doing today. Your father...well, his beliefs are his own but I know he loves you. He wants only the best for you. Whatever the outcome today, just remember those things." She reached out and patted his arm. "There's nothing more important than your family and love."


Lucius and Severus arrived outside Riddle Manor where a mass of Voldemort's followers were milling about, waiting for direction. They made their way into the house where they knew He'd be waiting for them. Making a side trip, Lucius placed the cup he'd transfigured back into the spot the Horcrux had occupied. With so much commotion, there was little need for circumspection.

The leaders were assembled in the main drawing room, which was now a war room, with maps strewn upon tables around which they had all congregated. It was clear the others had been privy to information prior to their arrival, leaving Snape and Malfoy distinctly uncomfortable.

"Severus, Lucius, welcome my loyal ones," announced Voldemort in a loud voice.

"My lord," began Lucius, "I cannot believe we were so late as to have missed your preliminary briefing."

His declaration was interrupted by Bellatrix entering the room. She looked around and drew the same conclusions as had her brother-in-law.

'My lord, pray forgive my tardiness," said Bella, barely catching her breath as she dropped to her knees.

"My dearest children, you have not been unpunctual," said Voldemort in a jovial tone, ending in a laugh shared by his attendants. "Severus, Lucius and yourself, have significant roles to play today, Bella. I was merely going over minor tactics prior to your arrival. Now, we may get to the meat of the matter."

Malfoy bowed his acquiescence and stepped back in line with Severus, as did Bella.

"Carrows, bring our little helper in. We must introduce her," instructed Voldemort. "It is so gratifying when one has the chance to tie up loose ends, especially when the one tying the knots was partly to blame for them fraying in the first place."

Carrows returned, pulling a complaining Petunia Dursley behind him. "Let go of me you beastly man. How dare you man-handle me so," she complained, using her free hand to beat him on the shoulders. It was obvious she'd not met her true captor as yet. The introduction was made when she was thrown at the feet of Voldemort.

Momentarily stunned, Petunia took a moment to catch her breath as she stared at the booted feet in front of her. Slowly, she raised her eyes to look at the face of the figure before her. A look of horror passed over her face, as the realization of what had befallen her set in.

"You," she wailed, her panic finally reaching her brain. "What do you want with me?"

"Now, now, Petunia; you were saddled with that pathetic excuse for a wizard to raise all this time. Don't you want to get some satisfaction in shall I put it...his come-uppance?"

"Harry, you want me to hurt Harry," she realized in horror.

"No, no, Petunia. You are but a Muggle. No, Petunia; I just need you to get an item for me. Now, go with my servants and do as they say." Voldemort watched as she was dragged to her feet by Carrows once more. "Bella, take the portkey and go with them," he ordered. "When you return, it will be time to move."


Severus was becoming nervous. After ensuring he was carrying the Horcrux, Voldemort had ignored him as he had Lucius. No one was talking about their destination. Peter Pettigrew finally entered, his arms laden with Muggle newspapers.

"We are ready, Master. Bellatrix has returned." Peter began handing out the papers to the assembled witches and wizards in the room. When he came to Snape, he handed him the paper and told him, "This is for you alone, brother."

"Thank you, Peter," said Voldemort, his gaze fixed on Severus, "Now, Severus, as I've told you, you will be the bait to lure in those who oppose us. We shall give you a head start and follow you in five minutes. It shouldn't take longer than that for someone to recognize you."

Severus bowed and headed outside, followed by the others. As he stepped out, he realized the dawn had broken and daylight was claiming the darkness. Well, he thought, I am supposed to be bait. Daylight should make me an easier target. The crowd parted to allow Voldemort to approach Snape.

"It is time," he announced, touching Snape's newspaper without warning.

Severus felt his body pulled by the portkey. He knew the landing would be rough, as he'd not been prepared. Letting go of the portkey, he tried to steady himself, but as he touched the ground he fell. The portkey landed beside him but instead of becoming a harmless piece of rubbish, it burst into flames with a loud bang, ensuring someone would hear it.

Severus got to his feet quickly and looked around. He had only minutes at most to contact the order. As he got his bearings, he realized exactly where he was. This was the Wizarding enclave in Godric's Hollow. He heard a dog barking and saw a man walking towards him with a large canine straining on a leash. The man looked at him and backed away, jogging back to his house. Severus jogged off in the opposite direction, getting out from under the magic wards over this part of town.

When he felt the wards weaken, Severus pulled out the mobile phone. As he did, he heard the unmistakable sound of people arriving by portkey. He dialled a message and sent quickly, then returned to meet the others.


Jenny and Minerva went out for the next attempt at getting a message. Jenny dialled and waited. There was one entry, which she quickly retrieved.

"It says 'HOLLOW'," she told Minerva. "What ever does that mean?" she asked.

"Damn him," muttered the older woman, as she rushed back into the house.

Jenny and Minerva went out to the marquee where everyone had gathered. McGonagall walked over to Moody and grabbed his arm.

"Godric's Hollow, that's where they've gone," she told him.

Moody nodded and went back into the house followed by Shacklebolt and Tonks. The elder Weasley's followed, taking Jenny with them. The latter group returned a few minutes later with the horcruxes. Minutes after that, found Moody and Tonks arriving with various pieces of Muggle detritus.

"These are portkey's," announced Moody. "The Ministry was advised by someone who saw Snape this morning in Godric's Hollow. The Aurory has assembled but they don't know it's the big event." He moved off to the back of the marquee and stepped out to the garden.

Minerva approached Luna and Ginny, "Miss Weasley, Miss Lovegood, we have decided to have you both remain here. I have contacted Madam Pomfrey and she will join you shortly." She raised her hands to silence their protests, "This will become a place for the casualties to come. Professor Moody, even now, is setting up an arrival point for portkeys."

Molly was walking around with sticking plasters, putting one on everyone's wrist. "If you should become injured or if you find someone who's hurt," she told them, "just touch your wand to the plaster and you'll be sent here."

"Dobby," called McGonagall. The small elf appeared with four others. "Dobby, you will assist these young ladies. If need be, I expect you to protect them."

Dobby bowed, "It would be an honour for Dobby and all elves to help the friends of the great Harry Potter." He slid a look to his old master. "Dobby will even help the master who gave him clothes - if he has to."

"Very good," said Minerva, turning to see Moody step back into the tent. "Alright, if we are all prepared..."

Bill Weasley and Fleur were to look after Jenny. The led her out and shared a portkey with her. They were second last to leave. Harry, with the necklace, Ron, with the goblet and Hermione, with the sceptre were the final party to leave the house.


Severus had been joined by Malfoy and Bellatrix who had Petunia with her. Within minutes, Aurors began to appear, their wands pointed at the three Death Eaters and their hostage standing in the middle of the road.

A broad-chested Auror stepped forward. "In the name of the Ministry of Magic, acting on behalf of Her Royal Majesty, the Queen, I call for your surrender. Full quarter will be given if you surrender your wands and allow a disarming charm to be placed on your persons to harness your powers. Your cooperation will taken into account when your case is deliberated."

Severus heard Bella start to laugh. Even he was amused by the ridiculous declaration and offered his best sneer. Their cooperation would get them to Azkaban sooner rather than later, of that there was no doubt.

"Take your full quarter and stick it up your arse, you bloody idiot. Do you think us fools?" Yelled Snape back at him, hoping the rest of the Death Eaters were about to arrive. His hope was answered when a series of flashes hit the Aurors from behind. Using the distraction, the threesome plus hostage sought cover in the closest house. Thankfully, it was empty; the occupants having left through the back door at the first sign of trouble.


Harry, Ron and Hermione arrived and were immediately surrounded by the Order. Using strategy worked out with Shacklebolt and Moody, the threesome made their way to the centre of the corps of Aurors. They saw Fleur with Jenny, standing beside a large tree using the trunk as cover.

Deatheaters were arriving in small groups. Their points of arrival immediately spread them over a wide area. Almost unnoticed, the sky began to grow darker and the air cooled. Jenny felt a shiver pass through her. She looked up at the once blue sky and saw a murky haze blocking the suns rays. Fleur followed her gaze.

"Zat ees de sign of zee Dementors. Zay are gazzering overhead," Fleur told her. "He must be coming soon now, I think." Fleur had her wand out and kept a lookout around them.

The darkness continued to grow; so much so, that the streetlights in the closest Muggle streets were now glowing. The atmosphere was charged with an anticipation which was reaching critical mass. Aurors and Deatheaters were duelling, neither side making much progress. The flashes of curses flared up around the wooded area and shouts of success and failure followed shortly after.

Voldemort's followers had created an area of calm in the centre of the street. A dark cloud of apparition flowed into this small quarter; Voldemort had arrived. There seemed to be a lull in the fighting as the eminence grise of the Death Eater movement strode forth openly, brazenly, to confront his rival. Snape, Malfoy and Bella watched as he approached the house they'd taken cover in. As he passed, they all stepped out to join him, pulling Petunia along. If he noticed them, Voldemort did not make any indication of it. He merely continued his purposeful stride down the centre of the street, ignoring the fighting going on around the area.

Harry had grunted in pain and grabbed his forehead when Voldemort first appeared.

"He's here," he announced before anyone on their side knew the true enemy arrived.

"Harry, try to relax and close your thoughts to him," said Hermione. "Take deep breaths."

"Hang in there mate," said Ron, "We'll get through this together, just like we always do."

Though words of encouragement came from his mouth, Ron was looking around agitatedly. He wiped nervous sweat from his upper lip and held his wand at the ready.

"Yeah, you three have a reputation to keep," said Draco from behind them. They turned and looked at him. Draco wore the same look of determination that Harry did. "Do you think you could use a fourth? I've got a bone to pick with the same bastard you do, Potter."

Harry smiled at him, "Yeah, another wand couldn't hurt." He beckoned to his old enemy to stand beside them and turned back to where Voldemort was approaching.


Voldemort halted his approach. All around him witches and wizards duelled. Some fell injured; some fell never to rise again. He gazed at the people gathered before him recognizing many but not seeing the one face he'd come to confront.

"Harry Potter," called Voldemort. He'd cast no charm on himself yet his voice had been amplified to be heard over the pitched battles. "Harry Potter, where are you? I would have thought you would be here waiting for me with all your vaunted Gryffindor courage bolstering your little boy bravado." He walked off to one side, pulling his wand out and waving it about.

"Tell me Harry, have you learned your place yet? Are you going to bow down and admit who is your true better and master? Don't be afraid, Harry. I shan't hurt you much. Let's just end this charade quickly, so that I can achieve my proper place sooner, rather than later." The dark wizard looked over at the gather crowd in front of him.

"I must admit, I'm disappointed, Harry. Hiding behind your fans was hardly what I expected of you. But then, there are no grave stones here, are there Harry?" He began to laugh. Behind him, Voldemort's followers close by, joined in the laughter.

Harry listened to Voldemort's taunts, using all his control to hold back from simply rushing forward and cursing the man-thing. Hermione's hand on his shoulder along with Ron's whispered assurances kept his temper in check by a hairs-breadth. But it was time. The three- now four- companions stepped forward to confront their final foe.

Lupin, Tonks, McGonagall and Bill Weasley stood immediately behind the youth's. Fleur had brought Jenny forward and stood on the third rank with her. Looking around, Jenny saw the breath from everyone's mouth puffing out as steam in the chilled air. She noticed a mist in the air that promised to turn into fog.

"Well, well, Potter, I see you brought your little friends out to play. How jolly, what say you Severus?" he asked his follower.

"Indeed, my lord, quite entertaining," said Snape, offering his customary sneer.

"And look, Lucius, your feeble failure of a child. Pity he didn't abort like the rest of your get. Look at the humiliation he has caused you."

The mock pity in Voldemort's voice sickened Lucius. He merely shrugged and looked away.

"You're done, Voldemort - or should I call you Tom," taunted Harry.

"You would do well to call me master boy, for you have no hope of survival of this day. I have secured my immortality. I shall prevail." Voldemort smiled malevolently and called his bearers forward. "Look, boy, look at my surety." Snape, Malfoy and the shaking Petunia came forward and displayed the artefacts they carried.

As if sensing the soul fragments, Dementors floated closer to the ground and floated over the heads of the protagonists.

"You're so sure, are you, Tom; so sure of your hidden in plain sight policy?" Harry asked.

"Be silent, boy. Your disrespect is tiresome," hissed Voldemort.

"Your existence is tiresome, Tom, you should have died along time ago," snapped Harry. "NOW!" Harry shouted.

Jenny stepped forward and threw down a sack containing the shield. Three other sacks joined it on the ground.

With a wave of his wand, Lupin, who'd appeared suddenly, vanished the sacks, leaving the horcruxes behind. From all around him, Harry heard the Order and DA summon their Patronis charms. Silvery streams of light coalesced into the various forms from each of the wands. The intent of the charms quickly became evident, as the Dementors were herded into the centre of the lights.

Choosing a Horcrux, Hermione, Harry, Ron and Draco pointed their wands and chanted, "Laxos Animas Fragmen." The soul fragments glowed and flowed out from their receptacles. As they floated upwards, they caught the attention of the circling Dementors.

"What trickery is this?" demanded Voldemort, as he observed their actions. He watched in horror as pieces of his soul rose higher into the air where the Dementors circled, waiting to feed.

Severus looked at Lucius and pulled out the duplicate of the sceptre and laid it on the ground. Malfoy followed suit. Bella looked at them wide eyed then grabbed the copied shield from Petunia, who was now petrified with fright.

"Put it down and get out of here Bella," hissed Lucius.

Bella dropped the shield as if it burned her hands and pulled out her wand. " betrayed him," she whispered. "You betrayed our LORD."

"He betrayed us years ago, when he set himself above us. Did you think he'd share immortality with you?" said Lucius through clenched teeth. "He killed your sister - my wife. He'll use you up and spit you out, Bella."


Jenny watched in astonishment. Whatever she'd expected, this was not it. In the distance, she saw flashes of light in the sky. It didn't look like lightening nor did it originate from the ground. The source's of light grew closer and resolved into people astride something; Holy Mary, Mother of God, they're riding broomsticks, thought Jenny to herself.

She watched as the flying folk pointed their wands and cast a spell before them, creating a magical wake which seemed to push the thickening mist forwards, driving whatever Dementors were before them, towards the Horcruxes. The air became frigid and a sense of despair settled into the living souls gathered below.

"Now!" shouted Harry, ending his Patronis charm as did the others by his side.

The witches and wizards watched the sky where the glowing soul fragments hovered. Jenny could see the eerie green lights released from the four horcruxes. She knew some kind of being would devour them but she couldn't see them above her. Suddenly, one of the lights winked out.

"YES!" exclaimed Harry, punching the air in jubilation.

"NO!" came a bellowing voice from across the way.

Voldemort looked on the ground where the things he thought were his key to survival had been tossed. He passed his wand over them and saw - nothing. He looked around for his point guard who'd carried these counterfeit Horcruxes for him. Only Bella remained near with Petunia still close by.

"Where are they?" he demanded, "WHERE?"

Bella shook her head, terror etched on her face. She fell to the ground as the Crucio hit her. Petunia stirred at this and, heedless of any impending danger, turned and ran as fast as she could.

When Voldemort released the Cruciatis curse on Bella, she had slumped into unconsciousness. He turned back and looked up at the Dementors fighting over the free meal. All around him, his Death Eaters were duelling with Aurors, Hit wizards and the Order. Directly before him stood the boy who lived. He smiled then began to laugh.

"Well Harry, I suppose you think you've been very clever - and truth be told you have. I wouldn't have it any other way. I would never have it said that Lord Voldemort took advantage of a feeble-minded child. What sport would that be?"

Several of the Deatheaters not engaged in duels now stood behind their master, their wands drawn ready to protect him. He began to walk towards Harry and his gathered supporters. "You all suppose I created only seven segments of my soul - some archaic notion that seven is the limit. Well, you are...WRONG. You see Harry, the night I had the pleasure of killing your parents, I used the power to create the Eighth Horcrux. Sweet Lily knew my intention as soon as I began the incantation and, bless her pathetic Muggle heart, tried to interfere."

Voldemort smiled again, "It didn't work, and the Horcrux was made - in your skin." Glancing quickly to the side, he saw Snape. "Severus," he yelled, "Attend me!"

Holding out his wand as protection against the followers of the Light, Severus approached his Dark Lord.

"My Lord," said Severus, dropping to his knee. He felt his face roughly grabbed and pulled up. He'd been prepared for Voldemort to search his mind and had removed the memory of making the duplicate sceptre. Even so, Voldemort's intrusion was painful but he'd managed to avoid betraying himself.

"Get up," said Voldemort quietly, "You remember?" he asked.

"Yes, my Lord," Severus replied in a reverent tone. With a final smile at his Potions Master, Voldemort swung and sent a curse wordlessly at Harry.

Several protective shields sprung up immediately around the Boy Who Lived. This was it, Harry realized; the final battle. He focussed on Tom Riddle, letting the others contend with the Death Eaters. Curse after curse was hurled back and forth, neither wizard gaining an edge as they parried and deflected. To either side, witches and wizards fought and fell but they went unnoticed by the two at the centre.

Severus watched, occasionally sending off a harmless curse. But his main duty was to protect Harry from another interfering with his destiny. He only vaguely saw Jenny pull Petunia into cover behind a tree and wondered why she'd not used her portkey. Suddenly, he saw Yaxley approaching from Harry's blind side after downing Proudfoot with a slicing hex. Clearly, he meant to get to Harry and injure or disarm him. He was going to have to act.

Pulling his wand, Severus sent a wordless Stupefy towards Yaxley but it missed when the wizard tripped and flew over his head. Turning to the source, Yaxley saw Snape.

"You," he spat, then began sending hexes back at Severus. A slicing hex hit Snape, driving him to his knees but a Stupefy from Neville Longbottom hit Yaxley on the back, sending him crashing face first to the ground. Neville nodded at Snape and turned back to Harry.

Voldemort had stumbled suddenly as an Impedimenta caught him on the heel. From his kneeling position he finally cast "Avada Kedavra!"

Simultaneously, Harry cast, "Avada Kedavra!" Two streaks of green light passed each other and to everyone's shock, hit their targets.

Voldemort fell with a look of surprise still etched on his face. Harry fell backwards and landed at the feet of his two best friends, who looked down at his peaceful face in shock. The fighting around them ceased, everyone overwhelmed at what had happened.

"Harry!" shrieked Hermione finally, "Harry, you won." She fell to her knees beside him, "Harry, look, you did it," she insisted, shaking his body. "Harry, wake up and see...Harry," she sobbed as the reality set in. "Harry, you won. He's dead..." Ron knelt beside her and pulled her gently away, as Neville and Luna approached, tears streaming down their cheeks.

Jenny saw Severus on the ground struggling to stand. She stepped out of her cover and ran to him.

"Jenny," he hissed through his pain, "I must get to Harry."

Jenny pulled his arm over her shoulder and helped him stand. Malfoy was suddenly at his other side. Between them, they guided Severus to Harry's side.

"Move away," ordered Lucius, pointing his wand at the youths around Harry's body, "Now!" he insisted. Draco had moved up behind them, his wand pointing at them as well.

Ron looked up and saw other Death Eaters targeting them. He pulled Hermione up and backed away, as Snape fell to the ground and gathered Harry into his arms. Malfoy then set a protective shield around them; impervious to attack. Petunia had left her cover and stood beside Jenny. She looked down at her nephew, her face a confusion of emotion.

"Oh Harry, I didn't want this to happen," whispered Petunia. She shook her head and closed her eyes, tears betraying her silent weeping.

Severus knew Voldemort's followers were expecting his resurrection when the Horcrux was released. He watched them carry the body closer and wait in anticipation.

"Alright Potter, let's pull this miracle off." Severus held his wand over Harry's head. "Laxos Fragmen Anima," he intoned, releasing the Horcrux from the scar on Harry's head. He watched as it floated upwards, brilliantly white as the brightest star and beautiful to behold. Those who could see were held entranced at the vision.

"Iugo Animas Bodhaigàsùr Astaigh Siud." Severus circled the floating soul fragment once with his wand and stroked down towards Harry's mouth. The glowing orb descended and re-entered its body. With a sudden gasping inhalation, Harry's eyes snapped open. He panted and licked his lips looking up at the person in whose arms he was being held.

"P-P-Professor?" he whispered.

Severus closed his eyes, suddenly exhausted. "I did it old man, I kept my vow. For you Lily, for you."

Safe within the shield, the odd couple were unaware of the fighting outside. It was short-lived and the Auror's had moved in and begun picking up Voldemort's followers as soon as they'd realized their leader had died. Lucius finally lifted the shield, letting Hermione and Ron with the rest of their friends swoop down on their hero. Jenny knelt behind Severus and pulled him to lean on her.

"Is it over?" she asked, stroking the hair from his face.

"Yes," he whispered, letting tears flow unabashedly down his face. "It's over."

Healers arrived and took Harry away for examination. Several order members had been injured. Neither Lupin nor Minerva was still standing, but no one knew of their condition.

Severus was too tired to move and sat where he had been for a while. Jenny stayed with him. They became aware of three figures standing before them.

"Severus Snape?" asked one of the men.

"Yes," he replied.

"Severus Snape, you are under arrest on the charge of murder and of using an Unforgivable curse in the commission of the crime. Further, you are in breech of a peace order guarantor'd by one, Albus Dumbledore, by consorting with known criminals. Will you surrender peacefully?"

"You can't take him like this, he's injured," cried Jenny.

"He'll be seen to," said another, as he bent down to pull Snape to his feet. They suddenly disappeared, leaving two men still in front of Jenny.

"Are you the Muggle, Jennifer Lynn Doulton?" asked the same wizard who'd queried Severus.

"Yes," she replied.

"Miss Doulton, you are under arrest on the charge of harbouring a known criminal and aiding and abetting said criminal in the commission of his crimes."

"What?" asked Jenny, confused at what was happening. "I didn't do anything of the sort. Severus isn't guilty of anything."

"You may make your statement at the ministry," he told her, grasping her arm and apparating.

Lucius watched the events transpire even as his own son was arrested. For some reason, they left him alone. He wasn't sure whether that was not a greater punishment.
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