Categories > Books > Harry Potter > The Old Walls Crumble

Just rewards

by cearrae 3 reviews

Justice is blind but so is the Ministry of Magic. Sad moments and unfairness abounds

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Drama - Characters: Bellatrix, Bill Weasley, Dean Thomas, Dobby, Draco, Fred, George, Ginny, Harry, Hermione, Kingsley, Lucius, Luna, Molly Weasley, Neville, Percy, Professor McGonagall, Ron, Snape, Tonks, Other - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2006-06-14 - Updated: 2006-06-14 - 4257 words

This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark
infringement is intended.

We're nearing the end now, perhaps one more chapter and - if you want it - a short epilogue. Then again, I'm a lousy guesser at how much I write. If you would be so kind, as some of you already are, leave a review and make an author really happy!


Percy Weasley waited impatiently for a lift in the corridor off of the Atrium. He'd been trying to get away from the Minister since the conflict had first come to the attention of the Ministry, but Scrimgeour had passed on one trivial job after another to him, tying up his time. Half of the lifts had been turned over to the Aurors and Hit wizards bringing in captured Death Eaters. A special chamber for Apparation had been created for their arrival. It just happened Percy was waiting for the lift, when Snape had been hauled in between two Hit Wizards. A minute later, a woman, dressed as a Muggle, was also delivered. She looked completely confused, as she was dragged along into a lift.

Finally, a free lift opened up admitting Percy and the others waiting. He got off at the second level and went to the Auror's office. He looked around for a familiar face, finally settling on Shacklebolt.

"Auror Shacklebolt, I believe you know my parents, Arthur and Molly Weasley," he stated as an opening.

Kingsley looked at him, "Your name?"

"Percy Weasley. I was just wondering if you were aware of the condition of those who were involved in the conflict." Percy tried to keep this tone haughty, but his worry had slipped through.

"I'm not sure of anyone's condition, besides those who stood with me. Why are you so concerned now? The rest of your family was there," commented Shacklebolt, leaving a question unspoken.

"I couldn't get away and it's not like they told me anything," Percy snapped back.

Kingsley sighed, "I honestly don't know but," he thought for a moment and pulled off the sticking plaster on his wrist, "Take this and go somewhere you can get out by portkey. This'll take you to where they are."

"Thanks." Percy took the plaster and nodded at the dark man before leaving.

Going back to the Atrium, he floo'd to Diagon Alley then touched his wand to the plaster. Moments later, he found himself standing in a garden in which a huge white tent had been erected. As he passed through the flaps, he saw a number of people, some clearly injured. Ginny saw him first and called her father.

Arthur looked up as Ginny called and saw his son standing at the far end of the Marquee. He stood from his seat beside Remus and approached him.

"Percy was there something you wanted?" he asked blandly.

"No, I everyone alright? Where's mother?" asked Percy, looking around.

"She's in the house. Why are you here?" Arthur was suspicious of why Percy had come and didn't want to get Molly's hopes up.

"Honestly Father, I only wanted to find out how everyone was after the conflict. Is everyone else here?"

"Percy!" exclaimed Molly, setting an armload of potions down on a table, "Percy have you heard anything at the ministry? The twins and Charley, they haven't come back."

Percy shook his head, "No Mother, I've not heard anything at all about what happened. Did Harry succeed?" he asked humbly.

"Yes, somehow he did. He's at St. Mungo's," she told him, just as the sound of people arriving by portkey floated through the opening.

Arthur went out to look, followed by Molly and Percy. He saw his other three sons on the ground, Fred holding George in his arms while Charley had his arms around both of them.

"I had to find him Dad," said Fred, sounding more like a miscreant child than the innovative wizard he was. "He took a hex and went down like a stone but we had to get the Dementors there. I went back as soon as I could but I was too late," he sobbed.

Charley looked at his parents, who were in shock, "It was a slicing hex that caught him in the neck; probably got the jugular. It would have been fast."

Ron stepped out, looking at the scene before him. He understood almost immediately what had happened and went to join his brothers on the ground.

"Come on, we should take him inside for now," said Ron, suddenly the mature one.

"No Ron, it's just that horrible Boggart again and here I thought we'd gotten rid of it," said Molly in a strange voice. She pulled her wand and approached the twins on the ground.

"Riddikulus!" she shouted, pointing her wand at George, "Riddikulus, Riddikulus," she continued, now beginning to panic "Riddikulusaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!" she wailed, falling to her knees. "No, it can't be."

Arthur fell to his knees beside his wife and pulled her into his arms. "He's gone, Molly; our son has gone. We can't bring him back, love. He isn't suffering and he died doing something he believed in. He is a hero and he will never be forgotten."

Unseen by the others, Ginny and Hermione had also left the tent. They had seen everything that had transpired. Hermione looked at her friend, expecting tears and sorrow, but saw a look of strong determination on the young girls' face. She pulled Hermione with her as she approached her mother.

"Mum," she said, but saw her mother took no notice, "MUM," she said louder, "We've got to get back to work. We've got injured people who need help. We can't help George but we can make sure everyone else is alright. Come on, I need you to tell me what to do."

Molly looked up at her daughter, confused at the little girl suddenly grown up.

"Mum, we need you now more than ever. Please, come and help us. That's what George would do if he was still able."

Molly looked at her dead child one last time, taking a moment to push the hair from his eyes. She leaned forward and placed a kiss on his smooth brow, then stood up.

"We must get Remus to St. Mungo's. Minerva should be alright. You get down to the kitchen and warm up some of the Muggle tinned soup. People will need feeding," ordered Molly. She took a deep breath and patted her husbands' shoulder before returning to the tent.

Ginny looked at her brothers, her chin now quivering. She never felt her father gather her into his arms as she sobbed. Hermione closed her eyes, suppressing her own tears and left to attend to warming soup in the kitchen. Charley and Percy lifted their brother and carried him into the tent. They gently rested his body on a cot and covered him. Arthur took a seat beside him, taking a watch over his son.

"They've arrested Snape," shared Percy.

"Why?" asked Ron, his tone betraying a sudden anxiety "He's been helping us. We'd never have been able to do what we did without him."

Percy shrugged, "He's on the books as a wanted criminal. It looked as though a Muggle was brought in as well."

Ron frowned, "A Muggle? Was she wearing jeans and a blue jumper? A bit plump with shoulder length, blondish-brown hair?" he asked.

Percy nodded, "Yeah sounds right; why?"

"Dad, Jenny's been arrested. We've got to do something."

"Get Tonks, she can get to them," replied Arthur, "Any other names, Percy?"

"I don't know father, perhaps if I were to be given a list of supporters?" He asked sarcastically.

"Perhaps if you'd been a bit less of a sycophant?" spat Arthur in reply, coming to his feet. He glared at his son one last time. Then, with a sigh, reached out and put his hand on Percy's shoulder. "I'm sorry..." he took a shuddering breath and allowed the tears he had held back to fall.

Percy watched as his father let his grief wash over him. He saw the stress and worry that had aged his father over the past year. Without thinking about it, he pulled Arthur into a hug and held him, realizing he was crying himself.

"I'm sorry, Dad, I should have been there," said Percy. He pulled away and sniffed, fumbling in his pocket for a handkerchief.

"Here," said Ginny from behind him.

She held out a box of tissues. He took one then held out his arms to let Ginny hug him. She let him go after a minute and grabbed his hand.

"Come on, you've got to speak to Tonks," she insisted, pulling him along.


Jenny sat alone on a cot in a locked room. She didn't know what time it was and only knew it was morning when they had brought her breakfast - porridge, toast and tea - awful, inedible stuff. She shivered and pulled up the blanket on the cot to wrap around her shoulders. They'd taken her clothes and given her a cotton shirt and pants, neither of which was very warm.

The door opened and admitted Alastor Moody and another man, who sported a wild mane of hair.

"Well, Miss Doulton," Moody began in a mocking tone, "See what your little love affair has brought you to."

"Bugger off," she retorted, without energy.

The other man stepped forward, "Miss Doulton, I am Rufus Scrimgeour, Minister of Magic."

"That's nice," replied Jenny, "Can you arrange a decent cup of tea then?" She was not easily intimidated by wizards anymore.

Scrimgeour looked once at Moody then back at Jenny. "Miss Doulton, we've come to offer you a proposition to allow you to return to your old life along with your job, home and family; just as if none of this has happened."

Jenny was immediately suspicious. "How?" she asked abruptly.

"Very simple, Jenny. We make all the arrangements back in Manchester and then, with a little rearrangement of your memories, you can go home. See?" Moody explained, his scarred face smiling evilly.

Jenny shook her head, "No! You want to do that Obliviate thing. You want to make me forget everything and everyone. You want me to lose Severus and all the friends I've made. You can't do that. It's not right." She began to feel panic, knowing they could pretty much do anything they wanted to her. No one in the Muggle world knew where she was.

"You don't..." began Moody, only to be cut off as someone else entered the room. He turned and saw Tonks.

"Hello, Alastor, Minister. Nice of you to visit our special guest and offer thanks for her help," she told them with a smile. "All right then, Jenny?"

Jenny, who looked distressed, simply shook her head and pulled her blanket around her more.

"Thought you might like to see this." Tonks pulled out a newspaper. "They put out a special edition of the Quibbler; it's all over Diagon Alley, not a bad picture, really." She held it up for all to see. The front page held a Muggle picture of Jenny standing beside the shield in the church. A picture Severus had taken.

"Muggle helps deliver fatal blow to He Who May Now Be Named - Voldemort Defeated," read Tonks. "You're a bona fide heroine, Jenny."

"Who did this?" demanded Scrimgeour.

"Harry thought everyone should know who helped him. There's a piece on everyone in here, even you Moody." She winked at the older man, "You might get a medal."

"There's still the matter of the charges," he reminded Jenny.

"I think Jenny should come home now, with me. I can take custody, if you want to call it that." She waited for a moment, knowing she'd won. "I'll just get Jenny's clothes for her, shall I?" She turned and exited, leaving a chasm of silence.

Moody looked back at Jenny, "Don't think you've won, Muggle. You'll still be in court soon. So will your lover boy. If I have my say, you'll never be together again." He turned and stomped out of the room.


George's funeral was held at a small churchyard in Ottery St. Catchpole. It was simple and filled with remembrances of the antics George and Fred had cooked up over the years. Fred had become withdrawn, however, and spoke only when spoken to. His parents were worried at his sudden withdrawal.

As the ceremony ended, Fred walked away from the others and stood in a small clearing in the midst of a grove of trees. Harry noticed and went to see him.

"Hey, Fred - All right then?" asked Harry.

Fred looked away into the distance, "I'm selling up and moving, Harry. When everything gets tallied up, I'll get you the galleons you loaned us to start. We always intended to give you the money back."

"No way, Fred; I never wanted the money back. I never wanted the money, in the first place, after what happened. Look, Ron, Hermione and I can run the shop for a while for you. Why don't you take a holiday - go check-out the dragons with Charlie or see if Victor needs someone to polish his broom. I hear he has a bevy of beauty's following him around." Harry halted his speech, searching his mind for the right thing to say.

"I can't, don't you see? It's over, finished. It was always two of us together. I can't do it alone. I won't work. "Fred drew a shuddering breath. "I should have died with him. We did everything together; I don't know how to live without him."

"He hasn't truly died, you know," said a soft female voice from behind them.

Fred turned and looked at Luna, his face contorted in confusion. "What rubbish are you talking about, Looney?"

"I'll ignore that, since you're so upset," she replied, "I mean, you and George were identical twins, right? So, since you both came from the same egg, it means that part of him still lives on in you, as much as part of you has died with him. If you really need to, you can always summon up George in your subconscious. I know I can always find my mother when I need to. You and your brother were part of one special being, so, he'll never really die until you do." She made to walk away, "I'll bet if you concentrated right now, you'd hear him speak to you." Finally, she smiled and left.

Fred shook his head, "That girl is weird."

Harry watched Luna walking back to the others. "Yeah, sometimes she's really freaky, especially when she's right." He turned back to Fred, "Think about what she said and don't make any decisions until you've tried what she suggested. Like I said, we'll look after the shop for you until you're ready."

Harry left Fred standing alone to mull over what he'd been told.


"Put up the Muggle Jennifer Lynn Doulton."

Jenny found herself led into a courtroom, very unlike any she'd ever seen before. She was led to a chair which had shackles and chains attached to it. She began to pant, thinking they would restrain her. Her earlier hearing had been in a very different place.

"I believe we may forgo restraining the accused. She is only a Muggle and cannot exert any power," said an elderly witch, who looked impossibly ancient to Jenny.

"If you wish, Professor Marchbanks. This court will come to order." The judge, as Jenny called him, banged a gavel. It was the man called Scrimgeour.

"Miss Doulton, you are accused of harbouring and giving aid to a known criminal and Death Eater. Accusations have been made that you may have assisted Severus Snape in his activities. Further you have entered a plea of not guilty. This court has reviewed several submissions on your behalf and heard testimony from upstanding members of our society." Scrimgeour paused and sat back. "Unfortunately, ignorance and good intentions do not absolve you of the charges. The very knowledge you carry is a threat to our society. The Ministry, very generously offered you an opportunity..."

"Opportunity!" exclaimed Jenny, "You just wanted to pretend nothing I did happened and that's a bigger crime than anything I could possibly have done. It insults all the people who put their lives on the line to get rid of that monster. Where were you, Minister? Where were you?"

Jenny's outburst caused a stir throughout the room.

Scrimgeour banged his gavel once more, "Order, order," he demanded, quieting the noise.

"As I was about to say, since you chose to face up to your crime, the Wizengamot has reviewed the case, taking into consideration your contribution to our victory. To that end, you have been sentenced to one year's probation and to have a Special concealment charm placed on your person for life. This will ensure you cannot divulge any knowledge of our existence. If you should fall afoul of the Muggle authorities, your record will become public and you may be incarcerated. You are free on your own recognizance, Miss Doulton. I hope you find your stubbornness a suitable substitute for a pay-packet." Scrimgeour banged the gavel once more and left the court.

Jenny felt a hand pull her to her feet and lead her away. She was to be freed. The placing of the charm and her return to Manchester passed in a blur. It took two days to get through the phone messages and letters. In the end, Jenny had lost her job, owed money for gas, electricity, telephone and rates on the house. Worse still, she was alone again. Feeling exhausted, Jenny sat in her kitchen and cried in frustration, not noticing a large white owl tapping at her window.


"It was a horrid way to treat her," said McGonagall. "The woman puts her life in jeopardy and they deem her to be a criminal and a threat to our society. I was disgusted." She looked over at Remus, sitting beside her in Courtroom Ten. "Is there any better news, Remus?"

Lupin smiled, reaching up to touch the dark glasses. "I have another appointment at St. Mungo's next week. Apparently, it's rather problematic, me being a werewolf."

"Have they found out how the blindness was caused?" she asked.

"The healer said the hex caused me to have full cataracts in both eyes. Figures it was designed somewhere in Eastern Europe or Northern Asia."

"Hermione said there was a Muggle Cure," offered Minerva.

Remus nodded, "Yes, that's what I'm to have looked into on my next appointment. It's a squib eye surgeon. He's done work with St. Mungo's before." He sighed, "You know, I'd bet anything that Snape would have been able to find a counter curse or a potion to fix it."

Minerva nodded, noticing the back doors opening. She reached out and touched Lupin's arm.

"Put up Severus Tobias Snape."

"How is he?" whispered Remus.

Minerva bit her lips to stop herself from crying out. The man being led in was deathly pale, gaunt and unkempt in a manner Severus would never have allowed. He walked with a limp, keeping his head down, not looking up at the people in the court. He offered no resistance when he was seated and manacled to the chair.

"Severus Tobias Snape, you are accused of Murder, of using an Unforgivable curse, of being a Death Eater and loyal follower of Voldemort, with all that entails. To all this, you have pled guilty." Scrimgeour looked at Snape and frowned. "I've never sat before anyone who has been accused of greater crimes. Yet, you have allies who have come to your defence." He paused and looked over to where McGonagall and Lupin sat, along with the rest of the Order of the Phoenix.

"This court has heard testimony from the portrait of Albus Dumbledore which was corroborated by his pensieve memories. You made an Unbreakable Vow to end the venerable Headmaster's life, if he should ask you. This was further corroborated by Rubeus Hagrid, who had seen your meeting with Dumbledore in the forest." He looked at Snape again. "Why did you not offer this in your own statement?"

Snape sighed, "I sincerely doubt that anyone would have believed me. Why waste the energy," he replied, dully.

"For someone who is accused of a capitol crime, you are uncommonly indifferent." Scrimgeour observed.

"I am not indifferent to the charges, merely resigned to the outcome. There is nothing I could say that would mitigate my actions. My fate lies in the hands of the jury." As he spoke, Severus kept his eyes on the floor.

"Very well." Scrimgeour looked around at the other members of the Wizengamot. "After considering all of the evidence, the Wizengamot has reached a verdict. On the charge of murder we find you...Not Guilty. On the charge of using an Unforgivable Curse we find you...Guilty. On the charge of being a Death Eater...The charge has been dismissed."

Severus frowned; this was not what he had expected. Finally, he looked up at the court, realizing there was some slim hope. Scrimgeour was still speaking.

"Given all the testimony of your comrades who worked with you in the fight against Voldemort, this court has decided your use of the curse was mitigated by your actions in the Final Battle and before." He looked down at his parchment. "The sentence, to be carried out immediately, is imprisonment in Azkaban, reduced to time already served. Further, it is the decision of this court that you be banished from Wizarding society for a period of not less than one year and one day. During this period, you will neither communicate with nor receive communication from any witch or wizard. You will be banned from any Wizarding institution."

Scrimgeour looked up at Severus, "In short, you will live as a Muggle, among Muggles. Your funds in Gringotts will be frozen. Therefore, you shall find work as a Muggle. Your activities will be monitored during this time. If the Wizengamot then deems it so, you will be re-admitted to our society at the end of this period, as a full and contributing member."

Severus was stunned. He was to live; the mechanics of it were yet to be worked out, but there was to be a tomorrow. Scrimgeour was still speaking; did the man never shut up!

"You have six hours left in our world to make arrangements and say good bye to your friends." He banged the gavel, "This court is no longer in session. All be upstanding."

Severus felt his arms and legs being freed. He looked around to see the others from the order standing beside him.

"Come on Severus, let's get you cleaned up and changed. Then we'll get something to eat," said Arthur Weasley. "We've got six hours before I have to take you out."


Severus looked at himself in the mirror. His Muggle clothes hung on his thin frame; he had no idea how much weight he had lost in Azkaban. The shower and food had helped him, though. He could walk without shaking now, thanks to Molly's soup and sandwiches. He looked at his watch; half an hour. He'd made his farewells to the Order, Harry Potter waiting until last.

"How did you know?" he asked "How did it happen?"

Severus knew Potter would need an explanation. "The night your mother died, Voldemort had determined he would create another Horcrux. He had said the incantation to create the atmosphere required, freeing a soul fragment from his being. Lily had heard him and recognized what he was about to do. He wasn't going to kill you, Harry. He was going to raise you and use you."

He looked into the green eyes Harry had inherited from his mother. "Your mother used the Horcrux curse to create your Horcrux at the moment she caused the Killing curse to rebound back to Voldemort. The soul fragment he had created for himself was what had kept him alive at that moment. He never knew about you. That was the power he knew not."

"That was the same power that killed Quirrell, wasn't it?" Harry asked.

Severus nodded, "We couldn't tell you or Voldemort would have found out. The Horcrux curse he had formed, that created your scar, connected him to you somehow. He was the author of his own demise."


Arthur Weasley and Tonks escorted Severus to the telephone box lift. Tonks reached out and hugged Snape.

"See you next year, Severus. We'll have a party for you. Just like the ones at Hogwarts." She smiled at his frown.

"Spare me," he answered, but there was no bitterness behind it.

"Good luck Severus," said Arthur, handing over a large manila envelope, "A few documents you'll need. The ministry will be in touch before the year's up. Don't worry, it will come by a Muggle means." He stuck out his hand which Snape took.

Severus shook Arthur's hand then stepped into the lift. As the door closed, it began to ascend. It was still daylight when he got to the street level. He opened the telephone box door and stepped out to the Muggle world. Taking a deep breath, he turned around.

"Hello, Severus, ready to go home?"

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